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this is cool...

CHERRY 8:11 PM - 13 April, 2010
Apology gifts add that 'extra touch' to your apologies. Keep in mind that they absolutely aren't necessary for an apology to be effective. What makes them so special (and something to consider when thinking about ways to say sorry) is that they are NOT necessary or expected. Just make sure when giving a gift that it is given WITH an apology and is not THE apology itself.

We've come across some really interesting options for apology gifts that show the recipient that you went out of your way to find something special.

This one adds that extra wow factor. Adopt a Star through the Star Registry (yes, a real star... and name it after them). Give them the star along with your apology and tell them how brightly they shine in your heart. It tops our list of great and personalized ways to say sorry. Read about Dave's experience with this unique gift.

Another really interesting and unique apology gift comes from EtchingExpressions. They make Personalized Etched and Labeled Wine for All Occasions. What better way to say sorry than to share a glass of wine or champagne that comes from a personally etched or labeled bottle with your heartfelt sentiment? We really like this one, because it is personalized by you and tells the recipient that you took the time to create something special—all you do is choose what you want to say in 3 or 4 lines of text and they do the rest.