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System freezes up
System freezes up
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System freezes up
Numark NS7

10:02 PM - 2 April, 2010
Product: itch
Version: 1.5
Hardware: numark-ns7
Computer: mac
OS Version: 10.6.2
While playing tracks from one of the crates, if i should select and load a track from my itunes folder (for example) the program would freeze up. This is remedied by going into "setup" changing the latency in either direction and hitting apply. Then everything goes back to normal. The problem with this is that I never know which tracks will freeze up the program. I haven't taken the system on the road yet, but this is making me a bit nervous... Any ideas? I'm using a Mac mini 2.53 ghz with plenty of memory on board.
Version: 1.5
Hardware: numark-ns7
Computer: mac
OS Version: 10.6.2
While playing tracks from one of the crates, if i should select and load a track from my itunes folder (for example) the program would freeze up. This is remedied by going into "setup" changing the latency in either direction and hitting apply. Then everything goes back to normal. The problem with this is that I never know which tracks will freeze up the program. I haven't taken the system on the road yet, but this is making me a bit nervous... Any ideas? I'm using a Mac mini 2.53 ghz with plenty of memory on board.

11:25 PM - 4 April, 2010
What latency setting do you have set?
The Mac mini does not feature as fast a USB bus as the other macs, but in my testing this has not been a problem did you try another port. Which version of the driver are you using?
What latency setting do you have set?
The Mac mini does not feature as fast a USB bus as the other macs, but in my testing this has not been a problem did you try another port. Which version of the driver are you using?

12:35 AM - 5 April, 2010
It didn't matter what the latency setting was, I just changed it up or down hit apply and it would startup again.That was then now, I think that I may have resolved the problem. The system appeared not to like multiple Drives (or at least that's what I thought) My external drive is a Lacie firewire. But when I consolidated and organized my itunes folder every seems to be working fine. I been doing extensive testing before I bring this system out on the road. At this point I'm using two external drives and I've experienced two minor hiccups. The Driver is 1.5.0 (15047)

1:21 AM - 30 April, 2010
Now I'm upset, last Sunday I did a gig and the system freezed up while I was trying to load tracks, I was humiliated. I ran the just the software and i did not use any external drives or accessories just to be safe. The night before I disconnected the hardware and analyzed all the tracks I was going to use to no avail. i'm not taking this set=up out again until I get some answers!!! what's going on!!!

6:53 PM - 3 May, 2010
Hello, I think your overloading your computers USB BUS or north bridge the mac mini is designed to be a multimedia (TV/Video player) computer not for professional use.

1:04 AM - 12 May, 2010
I have the latest Mac Mini, I spoke to Numark Support recently and when i informed of the specs they fell well into the range if not better then some of the basic requirements needed to run the software. Consequently BVideo applications can be far more memory intensive then the MiDi audio files I'm most likely to use. in addition to this apparently other DJs are experiencing this same problem on other platforms. To that end i'm going try a Mac laptop to see is if can duplicate the problem. I've been a tech for well over 30 years and from my experience this looks like a software glitch please try to investigate... thank you

10:15 PM - 12 May, 2010
Unfortunately the mac mini mother board I have found not to be as responsive as the other mac products, they are designed to be TV systems not for professional music/video usage. It should work but you may need to disable some services to reduce load on the motherboard. Speed of the motherboard is also very important.
I will do more testing for you here.
I will do more testing for you here.

11:09 PM - 8 June, 2010
I was wondering if you came up with any solutions to this freezing up problem. I find that the problems happens when i try to choose tracks from different crates. As long as I keep my tracks in one crate and preflight them, it seems to freeze up less. While it may be possible I really don't think that the problem lies in the motherboard speed.

8:37 PM - 3 August, 2010
Beta 1.7 is now available however I am not convinced unfortunately that the Macmini has the power required for live performance.