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Laptop computer technical specs compatible to SL1

Scratch Live
Rane SL1
DJ EYEz 8:02 PM - 12 March, 2010
Product: scratchlive
Version: 1.8.0
Hardware: scratchlive-sl1
Computer: pc
OS Version: win7

just wondering if Serato SL1 is compatible with Windows 7 and what the main technical requirments are
Im buying a new laptop and I want to be sure I will get a compatible one.
DeeJay Fingers 8:16 PM - 12 March, 2010
Hello Dj Eyez,

You'll find the min. specs. here

djdannyd 8:27 PM - 12 March, 2010
FYI: Windows 7 isn't officially supported by Serato yet.

Stay away from AMD Turion or Athlon processors as they are know to be some what problematic with SSL, Intel processors are recommended.

The link DeeJay fingers provided only provided the minimum requirements to run SSL, if you want to get into VSL in the future you should also consider these minimum recommended specs:

Tip: If you can afford it, buy a laptop with higher specifications.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 9:17 PM - 12 March, 2010
Excellent responses here. I would say the same but add, buy a MAC ;) new ones cost only $1000, same ballpark as high end PCs
djdannyd 9:19 PM - 12 March, 2010
FYI: Windows 7 isn't officially supported by Serato yet.

Stay away from AMD Turion or Athlon processors as they are know to be some what problematic with SSL, Intel processors are recommended.

The link DeeJay fingers provided only provides the minimum requirements to run SSL, if you want to get into VSL in the future you should also consider these minimum recommended specs:

Tip: If you can afford it, buy a MAC

10:31 PM, 4 May 2011
This help request has been closed due to inactivity.