DJing Discussion

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Crediting Rane and Serato

spinjin 2:26 AM - 31 January, 2005
Greetings Rane and Serato personnel as well as forum members,

Before I decided to purchase SSL, I did countless research on the product to determine for myself if it is indeed a tool that I can depend and rely on. I wanted to find out if SSL was (1) capable enough to make the job of a DJ less intensive (as far as traveling with it and hauling around other equipment is concerned), (2) stable enough so that I can feel confident while using it, (3) offered opportunities for me to get creative with the way I play and mix music, and most importantly and at the least, heavily supported by its manufacturer/developer.

I just recently ordered the entire kit because of the relatively positive feedback I managed to obtain and peruse through prior to my purchase, many of them being reviews, video demonstrations, and users' opinions. I have never used SSL or even seen it in action live. However, in addition to the positive reviews and comments on the product, I decided to make the purchase because I have grown very tired of dealing with scratched or warped records and lugging around several but heavy crates of records and CDs.

I am hoping that SSL will not just alleviate some of the problems a DJ like me frequently encounters, but at the same time, allow me to take advantage of the many services and offerings that this digital age provides, the most obvious example of course is downloadable music.

As mentioned earlier, I have chosen SSL over Final Scratch not just because of its stability and reliable functionality, but also because you all fully back up the product and reckon your users as a part of your "development team," so to speak. You listen very carefully to your users and ensure that SSL is constantly updated based on their complaints, feedback, and suggestions.

In ending this piece, I would like to thank you for developing such a technology that highly supports DJs and DJing in general. I also hope that you all continue to support the product and maintain the integrity of your belief and confidence that SSL is an evolution in DJing (because I think of it as being so). So from me to you all, thank you for developing such a fine product.


SpinThis! 2:34 AM - 31 January, 2005
amen brother.
Revolutionary 5:14 AM - 31 January, 2005
I second that, SpinThis! ;)
KMXE 7:41 AM - 31 January, 2005
SSl will probably go down as a defining moment in the history of mankind..... u can just imagine a Planet Of The Apes type of setting

"...and then Serato & Rane developed SSL, and the dawn of a new era was born...."

if not for mankinds history, then of course it will go down in DJ history.... :)
God is a DJ 3:33 PM - 31 January, 2005
Yeah...the customer support is fantastic, not enough companies do what the rane/serato guys do here. The level of support really is unparalleled. It was a major reason for me buying SSL as well.

Keep it up guys, we really appriciate it.

Top marks.
Revolutionary 3:37 PM - 31 January, 2005
A+ definitely ;)
Dj KaGeN 5:12 PM - 31 January, 2005
quick thought:

I was working at CES and happened by the HP booth. A DJ was taking a break, but I noticed alot of RCA's for 2 decks and a lHP aptop, a closer look revealed black duct tape over the logo on a RANE box, so HP was using SSL in an attempt to make themselves look good?
Revolutionary 5:31 PM - 31 January, 2005
LOL :D Nice...
Detroitbootybass 7:34 PM - 31 January, 2005
nik39 8:34 PM - 31 January, 2005
"...and then Serato & Rane developed SSL, and the dawn of a new era was born...."

Lol :-) Youre killing us, KMXE :)
KMXE 11:28 PM - 31 January, 2005
nik39 - i didnt know what else to say!!!
s42000 8:26 PM - 25 February, 2005
SSl will probably go down as a defining moment in the history of mankind ...

"...and then Serato & Rane developed SSL, and the dawn of a new era was born...."


where are the emoticons
DJ Reflex 5:39 AM - 2 March, 2005
I just bought SSL last weekend and redesigned my entire DJ set-up for it. I must say, within a week, I have completely eliminated crates of records and CD's. The first "Field Test" was a smash and my DJ life has become that much easier and productive. Thanks SSL.