DJing Discussion

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Waveform color crossover frequencies?

Corlian 5:45 AM - 19 November, 2009
Hey, does anyone know the specific frequencies that the colors of the waveform in scratch live represent?

djchase 1:06 AM - 23 November, 2009
kick snare base and all the other stuff that make up a track
Nicky Blunt 1:12 AM - 23 November, 2009
kick snare base and all the other stuff that make up a track

hahaha I was gonna say that!
DJ Michael Basic 1:50 AM - 23 November, 2009
Good question...I'm sorta curious about that too.
Mike_P 4:03 AM - 23 November, 2009
i've noticed that deep bass is red and highs are either green or blue. sorry that's all i got. haha.
elsupermang 4:23 AM - 23 November, 2009
Bass is usually hot yellow/red/purple
Mids/Vocals are usually different shades of green
Highs are bright blue
DJ Michael Basic 4:26 AM - 23 November, 2009
You guys are clearly not understanding the question. It's no secret what colors mean what. He's asking about actual frequencies that the colors cross over at.
djchope 6:20 AM - 23 November, 2009
its measuring the velocity of the hit isnt it? 1-127 (green i believe been 1 and127 being red)
Corlian 7:08 PM - 15 December, 2009
I finally did a test with a frequency sweep.

Blue switches over to green around 1.5khz

Green switches over to red around 200hz
O.B.1 4:18 AM - 16 December, 2009
good work!

inquiring minds want to know :)
Geometry 4:49 PM - 14 August, 2010
Great question. I'm a little surprised that I can't find a more definitive answer to this anywhere online. It sounds a little arbitrary but obviously very useful. At the risk of making myself a target for haters, I gotta say: C'MON PEOPLE!!! We are all DJs here to one degree or another. We love MUSIC and mix MUSIC. I'm starting to get a little jaded at what seems to be a the growing DJ community's shrinking desire to understand the MUSIC we play. Having a DVS like ScratchLive gives you, the DJ, amazing mixing abilities, and is also a pretty good indication that you have a computer and access to the WWW. USE IT! I'm sure most of us are already killing it in clubs every week without any actual knowledge of music theory or the frequency spectrum; but how about we progress the artform? Understanding frequency and how we harness it to make people get down will only improve your sets! I PROMISE YOU THIS!...
But, yeah, I'm going to do a few tests of my own and see if I can't add to the answers here.
Ian Clay 7:31 PM - 4 March, 2015
Somebody, anybody, Please Explain this to me!! i understand the question and whats being answered, but can someone "Barney Style" this for me anymore?