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Are today's young DJ's just bas spellers?

Johnny Falvelo 9:26 AM - 6 October, 2009
More so than ever I see DJ's mispelling the word SEGUE. I see guys all the time spell it as "Segway". I understand it sounds like that but c'mon, is the young set bad spellers or just lazy?


Segue -> a segue is a seamless transition between one song and another. The effect is often achieved through beatmatching, especially on dance and disco recordings

Segway -> Self balancing personal transporters

Let the flaming begin. I know, I must be getting old when I'm complaining about the young whipper snappers and their spelling lol
Johnny Falvelo 9:27 AM - 6 October, 2009
LOL....I should have used spell checker on my post hahaha
Strom Carlson 9:51 AM - 6 October, 2009
Please. There are functionally illiterate people all over this message board (although I do have to commend the higher-than-average literacy rate for this kind of forum), and it's even worse out in real life. It's been a pet peeve of mine for years on end.

If you have terrible spelling and grammar, you are illiterate. Simple as that. Exception applies, of course, for people who don't speak English as a primary language, but if you can't spell words and compose sentences in the one language you're actually supposed to know, then something's terribly terribly wrong.

Want proof? Ask any terrible speller what the last three books he read were. Go ahead, try it.

And the best is when said terrible speller tries to defend his terrible spelling instead of just saying "yeah, I know it's terrible, and I need to work on it." I've heard the whole litany of excuses: it was a typo, it doesn't matter because people understand me, etc etc etc.

OK, I'm done ranting now. :)
DJ GaFFle 10:13 AM - 6 October, 2009
This is the era of texting... who needs to know how to spell correctly when all you need is OMG, LoL, brb & BFF. :-|
Strom Carlson 10:49 AM - 6 October, 2009
This is the era of texting... who needs to know how to spell correctly when all you need is OMG, LoL, brb & BFF. :-|

OMG LOL U R SO RITE !!!!!!!!!1111

But seriously, it's downright embarrassing. I've seen so many fliers for shows where some graphic designer has clearly put HOURS AND HOURS of work into designing the art, laying out the text, making sure everything looks really really good, but then no one apparently thought to spend ten minutes running the actual copy past a literate editor. Thus, you wind up with a really well-designed flier that says stupid shit like "$10 Advanced Tickets" (as opposed to the correct "Advance Tickets" because you buy them, you know, IN ADVANCE of the event), "Early Arrival Highly Suggested" (as opposed to the more correct "Early Arrival Strongly suggested"), misspellings of basic words, or (and this is the funny one) having the name of one of the performers misspelled.

Ah, aspirations of mediocrity. You can't beat 'em.
dave 11:51 AM - 6 October, 2009
More so than ever I see DJ's mispelling the word SEGUE.

That should be DJs, haha. Not to mention your misspelling of misspelling.

Vynil and vynal do it for me.

The moral of this thread is - the name Segway was a stoke of marketing genius. Shame about the product.
Caramac 12:02 PM - 6 October, 2009
Typo errors don't bother me too much. The way I type on this forum is of a slightly lower standard to when I'm writing for work etc.

As for the original post. I don't think I've ever used Segue in a sentance or even come across it to even notice it'd been spelt wrong.

As for kids today. I have to use all my restraint to not go around correcting people's status updates on facebook lol. I see some shocking spelling to the point I wonder if any of them actually ever went to school.
Caramac 12:04 PM - 6 October, 2009

I've seen so many fliers for shows where some graphic designer has clearly put HOURS AND HOURS of work into designing the art, laying out the text, making sure everything looks really really good, but then no one apparently thought to spend ten minutes running the actual copy past a literate editor.

Lol. Promoter Fail.
SeriousCyrus 12:59 PM - 6 October, 2009
This thread is a pedant's paradise, I think every post has a typo. We need an edit button.
Thundercat 1:31 PM - 6 October, 2009
Littersea is overating.
sixxx 1:43 PM - 6 October, 2009
lol @ the irony of this thread.
DeezNotes 1:43 PM - 6 October, 2009
he shure is rite!
Anu 1:54 PM - 6 October, 2009
At work this is a problem ...but on the forums if i know what your talking about fu@k it.... misspell away...
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:08 PM - 6 October, 2009
It's the Internet whatever you post is relevant for about 10 minutes then it's filed away forever so fuck it as long as the point gets across
Caramac 2:20 PM - 6 October, 2009
I disagree Bezzle. if you have a good command of the english language then a few spelling/grammatical errors here and there are kind of minor. But if you have a below basic to the point of a primary school understanding of the english language then you're going to have trouble getting your point across and like some people on here and other forums you'll have problems understanding what has actually been said.

As most of us, I would guess, have grown up in systems where education is for the most part free there really is no excuse for the standard of some people's literacy.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:14 PM - 6 October, 2009
Want proof? Ask any terrible speller what the last three books he read were. Go ahead, try it.

Books? Who needs or reads books any more, Podcasts, Wikipedia, and the Internet itself has made paper books obsolete.

: )
AMF 4:26 PM - 6 October, 2009
Am I reading this correct.... did Johnny F misspell the word "bad" and the word "misspelling"? And this was in his first 2 sentences?

I love this forum!
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:37 PM - 6 October, 2009
DJ Michael Basic 5:46 PM - 6 October, 2009
Well you know what I hate? I hate when people use the word hate. Do you really hate it, or do you just dislike it. If you're going to use the word hate to say that you hate something, you should really hate it.

kue 5:53 PM - 6 October, 2009
lol wut
sixxx 6:22 PM - 6 October, 2009
Well you know what I hate? I hate when people use the word hate. Do you really hate it, or do you just dislike it. If you're going to use the word hate to say that you hate something, you should really hate it.


DJWALDO 7:47 PM - 6 October, 2009
Cna yuo raed tihs? if yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulatcly uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Azanmig hhu? Yaeh, and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Dj Shamann 7:49 PM - 6 October, 2009
, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

I actually read the same study.
Chrisjin 8:00 PM - 6 October, 2009
Grammar police is funny when 2 people argue on a board especially youtube. If one is losing the pointless argument he will resort in scanning every word the opposer types and fires back, freind is spelt friend and what the hell is "teh"? Its THE. hahaha
dave 8:10 PM - 6 October, 2009
Youtube comments are ridiculous.

the name Segway was a stoke of marketing genius

Haha, FAIL.
djcrap 8:26 PM - 6 October, 2009
Grammar police is funny when 2 people argue on a board especially this one. If one is losing the pointless argument he will resort in scanning every word the opposer types and fires back, freind is spelt friend and what the hell is "teh"? Its THE. hahaha

i won't mention names
[ sneezes: uhh-uhh-uhh-nikkk]
Mazinkaiser 12:01 AM - 23 February, 2017
Call me a spelling Nazi if you want but I despise lazy spellers! What are they teaching in school these days?! Obviously not proper spell or gramar! I'll probably sound like an old fuddy duddy but when I was going to school back in the late 70's we were taught the importance of proper spelling,puntuation, and sentence structure. Nowadays people just bang on their computer keyboards like demented chimpanzees hoping that the stuff that appears on the screen forms some semblence of a word or sentence. Have we really become that lazy?
DJ Unique 12:59 AM - 23 February, 2017
Call me a spelling Nazi if you want, however I despise lazy spellers. What are they teaching in school these days? Obviously not proper spelling or gramar! I will probably sound like an old fuddy duddy, however when I was going to school back in the late 70's, we were taught the importance of proper spelling, puntuation and sentence structure. Nowadays, people just bang on their computer keyboards as if they are demented chimpanzees hoping that the stuff which appears on the screen, forms some resemblance of a word or sentence. Have we really become that lazy?

LOL = HaHaHa
By the way, this post was started in 2009.