DJing Discussion

This area is for discussion about DJing in general. Please remember the community rules when posting and try to be polite and inclusive. review is up

nik39 11:13 PM - 11 December, 2004
Hi, finally made it, the comparions between SSL/FS2/CDX is up and can be reviewed here . Thanks to

Results are:
DJ1 (nicknack): FS2 8 SSL 8 CDX 7
DJ2 (manila): FS2 7 SSL 9 CDX 7.5
DJ3 (saultee): FS2 8 SSL 9 CDX 7
DJ4 (xman): FS2 7.5 SSL 8.5 CDX 8.5

Which makes...
1. SSL 34.5
2. FS2 30.5
3. CDX 30
Detroitbootybass 11:30 PM - 11 December, 2004
FS-Sucks 12:43 AM - 12 December, 2004
What a RUBBISH review!

Conclusions aside, there is too much speculation, mythology, error, and a total absence of an evaluation framework.

Example: One author (nickack?) found a potentially serious problem with FS2's sound processing, and didn't bother to investigate!

Example: They didn't look at installation at all. This is the biggest source of user problems with FS2, particularly with firewire compatability issues.

Example: They didn't test the same product on different computers, particularly with respect to performance and CPU utilisation. This is an area where I suspect SSL would suffer in comparison.

This "review" is a good traffic generator for their web site, but totally useless as a point of comparison between the products.
nik39 1:14 AM - 12 December, 2004
Nah, I disagree. Its not a thorough test in terms of technical details, its more like a rough quick overview with a practical approach. Its just one indicator but shouldnt be the only ressource for deciding which product to pick.
BadCompany 1:33 AM - 12 December, 2004
I think that testing the two systems on different computers is a pretty crappy comparison...
nik39 1:39 AM - 12 December, 2004
I agree to some extent, but again both systems had enough juice for each system so... whats the problem? I mean, they didnt measure any latency or similar or some other benchmarks which would have been influenced by a bigger and better system.
FS-Sucks 1:50 AM - 12 December, 2004
nik39, they didn't measure ANYTHING other than their own likes and preferences. I agree with your comment "rough quick overview".

There is no feature comparison, no performance comparison, no usability comparison - nothing which you would normally expect in a competent evaluation.

That is fine as a blog entry or similar, but it shouldn't pretend to be a "review".
nik39 1:55 AM - 12 December, 2004
Okay, agreed. If you consider the hype which has been made its a bit... stiffy. But to be honest I didnt expect anything in to depth as it has been said before that it wont be a technical review.
depakote 2:48 AM - 12 December, 2004
SSL wins and I'm not suprised!
BassChamber 3:50 AM - 12 December, 2004
exactly, it is just a "rough quick overview".

anyways, because this "review" a lot of people now know how SSL, FS2 and CDX can perform, and thats good! for example myself. i didnt see FS2 in action before, you know...

thanks to gizmo and the other guys, they have made a big effort, though we are still waiting an objetive and technical real review...

BTW, SSL won hehe and that doesnt surprise me ;)
nik39 6:59 AM - 12 December, 2004
Which makes...
1. SSL 34.5
2. FS2 30.5
3. CDX 30

Shame on me... these are the correct numbers:

SSL-- 43
CDX-- 38.5
FS2-- 37.5
Revolutionary 7:29 AM - 12 December, 2004
CDX? Why didn't they get any of the other programs like Ms. Pinky or PCDJ instead? Hmmm...
nik39 2:27 PM - 12 December, 2004
Shame on me... these are the correct numbers:
SSL-- 43
CDX-- 38.5
FS2-- 37.5

Damned. Two wrongs dont make it right I guess. The original numbers were correct(sorry was 7 in the morning after a long night):
Which makes
1. SSL 34.5
2. FS2 30.5
3. CDX 30
m0rph! 10:50 PM - 12 December, 2004
Damned. Two wrongs dont make it right I guess.
But three lefts do! Heh-heh-heh... :-P
OB1 1:15 AM - 15 December, 2004
After extensive research on both sites(a month or so), for me, Serto Scratch Live customers as a whole, seem a lot more content then FS users. That alone says a lot to me. . Aside from the head to head crash course reviews it seems like you guys are pretty content over here. And those that aren't are at least having there questions answered(free up dates!). Keep up the good work guys. Being honest and nice is cool!
Rane, Support
Shaun W 5:59 PM - 15 December, 2004
Thanks OB1 and welcome to the forum :)
Revolutionary 6:06 PM - 15 December, 2004
Where's R2-D2?
OB1 12:58 AM - 16 December, 2004
I live in Barcelona and there's actually a DJ 2d2 here. I think we either have to join forces soon or battle.. : )

For the record i don't have SL yet. I think i should have it by the new year. I can't wait to see how she runs! I have FS 1.5 at the moment, had it since it was released, and i look forward to switching..Too unstable, amongst lots of other issues..

I hope my computer and SL gets along. Wish me luck!

Powerbook G4 12"
1.3ghz 512 RAM
OSx 10.3.3
DJ Revenge! 3:01 AM - 16 December, 2004
your PB should be fine, that's I'm running the same but with only 256 RAM... But yeah 512 should be good.
Revolutionary 5:37 AM - 16 December, 2004
Good luck, man...
BassChamber 9:05 AM - 16 December, 2004
OB1, do you live in Barcelona? i live in Badajoz, maybe we could join forces hehe :)

por cierto, escribeme a, te puedo ayudar a conseguir un SSL a muy buen precio (250 euros menos de lo que cuesta aqui en espaƱa!)

un saludo.
Gizmo 2:23 PM - 16 December, 2004
I guess I'd better respond to a few comments that have been made here.

I'm extremely grateful to NickNack and co for taking time out of their busy schedules to produce this body of work for me. They didn't have to nor did they get paid to do so. I'm in the privileged position of being able to get this stuff sent to me for review purposes, whereas the guys reviewed their own gear.

As for the quality of the review, I feel many people got a lot out of it, but it seems a small handful weren't happy with the depth of the findings. It was only ever meant to be a comparison - a collation of the guys impressions and findings - and that's how it comes across. And yes, I'm guilty of hyping it up for sure. I'm trying to make skratchworx the premier site for turntablist technology so of course I'm going to big it up. But I wouldn't even have featured it if I didn't think it was worthwhile.

In our normal reviews, we get to play with equipment for at least 4 weeks before making any kind of review hence the depth of information we give back. These guys put together their findings in one day. Human nature dictates that first impressions count and it's usually your gut reaction of a product that defines how you feel about it in general. So I'm happy that the opinions of the guys are in fact valid and worth publishing. In reality, I feel there's many people who have already made up their minds regardless of any review and would ram their opinions down the throat of anyone who thought otherwise.

As for reviewing other products at the same time - well in the real world, it's a nightmare trying to get the products for review in the first and trying to get them all together at the same time and to do them all justice isn't something that comes together easily. We do our best with what we have.

Here's the bottom line - we do this for free. When I say free, I mean it doesn't cost you anything. However, it takes a lot of personal time and cash to put skratchworx together and I get a tad annoyed when people feel necessary to dump hate on people who do this stuff for no good reason other than to make the scene a better and more informed place.

In the meantime, ProfessorBX has taken delivery of FS2 and I'm sorting our SSL for Deft to pull apart. Hopefully that'll make you all happy.

Oh and for those of you who praised - big thanks. The positivity spurs us on to do bigger and better things.
Zion-Prayz 2:24 AM - 17 December, 2004
People wanted a review right now and you gave them one. Looking forward to more in depth ones as you guys have the time. I'd compare your review to taking them for a test drive in the store and then you take home the one you like best.
LifeAt45RPMS 9:46 AM - 18 December, 2004
This note to SSL employees/moderators....what the final tie breaker for me to buy ssl instead of FS was you guys actually seem to have good support. you listen carefully, offer help, take suggestions seriously, and remain active in improving your product. i had used FS hands on, but never SSL. I am getting SSL because of free updates and a geniune commitment to your customers. keep up the good work. pass the word along that all your time and effort does pay off to build a larger customer base.
Revolutionary 2:10 PM - 18 December, 2004
They probably already know that.
nik39 2:39 PM - 18 December, 2004
Rev, so what? Whats wrong with giving props for good work? Nothing.
bartaug 3:09 PM - 18 December, 2004
I am getting SSL because of free updates and a geniune commitment to your customers.

You won't regret it! SSL rocks :-)
Revolutionary 4:08 PM - 18 December, 2004
Hey, nik. It depends on the way you read it. That's one thing you should learn. Read it again and figure.
feniks 5:12 PM - 18 December, 2004
easy fellas.
earwolf 1:37 PM - 20 December, 2004
to nik39 and LifeAt - absolutely. reading this forum convinced me that ssl was the way to go.

revolutionary - i can't work you out - you seem so quick to fly off the handle and then argue the toss ad nauseam. maybe your posts are an acquired taste...
Revolutionary 1:56 PM - 20 December, 2004
They might be. They might not.

Anyway, did you get my point, nik?
earwolf 2:14 PM - 20 December, 2004
ok so i was being overly generous, you are clearly a total dickhead
Revolutionary 3:08 PM - 20 December, 2004
Huh? Where did that come from, earwolf?
Josh 9:32 PM - 20 December, 2004
OK everyone chill the hell out, I know you're new Earwolf, but we don't suffer flames lightly here.

Rev stop baiting everyone, and if there's room for interpretation you, as the poster, are responsible for making your intended meaning clear.
Revolutionary 5:15 AM - 21 December, 2004
I'm not baiting anyone, Josh. I didn't start it in this thread, you know...
feniks 3:49 PM - 21 December, 2004
c'mon rev...admit're a master baiter. :)
echey 4:27 PM - 21 December, 2004
Revolutionary 4:42 PM - 21 December, 2004
That's just so stupid that I ain't going to comment on that, feniks.

And this whole discussion is stupid! Just because people read certain sentences in various ways, you know, you don't have to make some smartass comment on that just because you or our German friend here in this case didn't read it in the way I intended. People should think of that before they post. You know what I'm saying? Gees...
nik39 4:51 PM - 21 December, 2004
Rev, I think you are the one who cant read:
and if there's room for interpretation you, as the poster, are responsible for making your intended meaning clear.

Its unbelievable how well you can get on someones nerves. Now go back to your desk and do your homeworks for school. :-)
Revolutionary 5:21 PM - 21 December, 2004
School is over, my friend. Not going back for two weeks :)

Anyway, I read that, but I personally feel that in this case, it's up to reader, you know. As I've already stated several times, it depends on how you read it. Thus, it's up to yourself. But let's leave it there. This is just stupid and a total waste of time. Have a nice evening!
feniks 5:22 PM - 21 December, 2004
That's just so stupid that I ain't going to comment on that, feniks.

i thought it was funny. relax man...why do always come across as so angry. we're all friends on the board...right?
Revolutionary 5:26 PM - 21 December, 2004
No, we are bitter enemies. Nah. We're friends, man!
nik39 5:28 PM - 21 December, 2004
I aint Revs friend!! No way! But I aint his enemy either ;-) Its all good.
Revolutionary 5:28 PM - 21 December, 2004
Feature suggestion: A better way to express sarcasm!
DJ 3pm 5:42 PM - 21 December, 2004
Feature suggestion: A better way to express sarcasm!

try ending your posts with... oh wait, you already do that...
Revolutionary 5:50 PM - 21 December, 2004
Yeah, I know... :)
Isn't there a sarcastic smiley out there?
Revolutionary 5:50 PM - 21 December, 2004
Well, in this case, I wasn't using sarcasm.
feniks 7:13 PM - 21 December, 2004
all love lost at all. us SSL peeps gotta stick together in order to rid the world of the evil FS/NI conglomerate that poisons the minds of all unknowing DJs and producers.
Revolutionary 7:33 PM - 21 December, 2004
Exactly, my man.
Szalony Wariat 11:56 PM - 21 December, 2004
Feniks - let us follow You, master. :)
SpinThis! 4:31 PM - 22 December, 2004
Isn't there a sarcastic smiley out there?

usually the winking smilie is used for sarcasm (which is also used for making bad jokes)... ;-)
Revolutionary 4:39 PM - 22 December, 2004
I think there is one in MSN. It looks pretty cool...