Serato DJ Pro General Discussion
Rane 72 Silent Cue XML code
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Rane 72 Silent Cue XML code

7:30 PM - 24 January, 2020
Please look at picture first:
Found a way to add silent cue to my rane 72 but you need to edit the Xml file of your device. This is my configuration on my custom 1 cue page.
Here's the code:
<control channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="6">
<userio event="click">
<mute deck_set="Default" deck_id="0" slot_id="0">
<translation action_on="press" behaviour="explicit"/>
<userio event="output">
<mute deck_set="Default" deck_id="0" slot_id="0">
<translation action_on="any">
<alias name="on" value="127"/>
<alias name="off" value="0"/>
<control channel="14" event_type="Note On" control="6">
<userio event="click">
<mute deck_set="Default" deck_id="1" slot_id="0">
<translation action_on="press" behaviour="explicit"/>
<userio event="output">
<mute deck_set="Default" deck_id="1" slot_id="0">
<translation action_on="any">
<alias name="on" value="127"/>
<alias name="off" value="0"/>
Channel and control parameters are based on which button you'd like to use. I'd suggest an app like Midi monitor to detect the signal of the button you'd like to program.
Found a way to add silent cue to my rane 72 but you need to edit the Xml file of your device. This is my configuration on my custom 1 cue page.
Here's the code:
<control channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="6">
<userio event="click">
<mute deck_set="Default" deck_id="0" slot_id="0">
<translation action_on="press" behaviour="explicit"/>
<userio event="output">
<mute deck_set="Default" deck_id="0" slot_id="0">
<translation action_on="any">
<alias name="on" value="127"/>
<alias name="off" value="0"/>
<control channel="14" event_type="Note On" control="6">
<userio event="click">
<mute deck_set="Default" deck_id="1" slot_id="0">
<translation action_on="press" behaviour="explicit"/>
<userio event="output">
<mute deck_set="Default" deck_id="1" slot_id="0">
<translation action_on="any">
<alias name="on" value="127"/>
<alias name="off" value="0"/>
Channel and control parameters are based on which button you'd like to use. I'd suggest an app like Midi monitor to detect the signal of the button you'd like to program.

7:55 PM - 24 January, 2020
Great work!
On my side I thought this was going to take forever to figure out, then tried the <mute> tag and it just worked.
On my side I thought this was going to take forever to figure out, then tried the <mute> tag and it just worked.

9:15 PM - 24 January, 2020
Can you dump that in anywhere in the xml or does it have to be put in a specific place?

9:16 PM - 24 January, 2020
Can you dump that in anywhere in the xml or does it have to be put in a specific place?Anywhere

9:17 PM - 24 January, 2020
But you do have to change the channel and control number to the specific button parameter.
Can you dump that in anywhere in the xml or does it have to be put in a specific place?But you do have to change the channel and control number to the specific button parameter.

9:30 PM - 24 January, 2020
so edit these lines to whatever you want?
<control channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="6">
<control channel="14" event_type="Note On" control="6">
<control channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="6">
<control channel="14" event_type="Note On" control="6">

9:34 PM - 24 January, 2020
<control channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="6">
<control channel="14" event_type="Note On" control="6">
Use the midi monitor app. Hook up your mixer and turn on serato. While the program is running tap the button you'd like to get the midi info and it should tell you those numbers.
so edit these lines to whatever you want?<control channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="6">
<control channel="14" event_type="Note On" control="6">
Use the midi monitor app. Hook up your mixer and turn on serato. While the program is running tap the button you'd like to get the midi info and it should tell you those numbers.

9:40 PM - 24 January, 2020
complete noob here, but the midi monitor I'm using is showing notes in Data - should I be changing it to read Decimal number or hexadecimal number?

10:04 PM - 24 January, 2020
got it working!
For those that want to map it to the Sync button on the screen.
Change it to:
<control channel="1" event_type="Note On" control="2">
<control channel="2" event_type="Note On" control="2">
For those that want to map it to the Sync button on the screen.
Change it to:
<control channel="1" event_type="Note On" control="2">
<control channel="2" event_type="Note On" control="2">

10:17 PM - 24 January, 2020
Is there any sort of guide out there you used to decyphering midi code or did you guys just figure it out via trial and error?

10:41 PM - 24 January, 2020
It's how Serato works with mapping midi devices. It saves an XML file and it can be edited.
Is there any sort of guide out there you used to decyphering midi code or did you guys just figure it out via trial and error?It's how Serato works with mapping midi devices. It saves an XML file and it can be edited.

11:11 PM - 24 January, 2020
I’m just talking about how you figure out the code itself.
Couple things I’d love to remap on my 72 that doesn’t really work using the software mapping.
Couple things I’d love to remap on my 72 that doesn’t really work using the software mapping.

12:40 AM - 25 January, 2020
Couple things I’d love to remap on my 72 that doesn’t really work using the software mapping.
The best way I've found to start understanding it is to open an XML in an editor like BBEdit on Mac or Notepad++ on Windows. These let you fold pieces of code by levels. In Notepad++ you can go to View > Collapse Level.
Start by going to View > Fold All, then unfold the top <midi> tag, this will give you only <control> tags where you can edit the incoming MIDI channel and note/CC from your mixer.
By unfolding each <control> tag you'll find <userio> tags, which give you the action that will be performed and the feedback that will be sent to the mixer.
I’m just talking about how you figure out the code itself.Couple things I’d love to remap on my 72 that doesn’t really work using the software mapping.
The best way I've found to start understanding it is to open an XML in an editor like BBEdit on Mac or Notepad++ on Windows. These let you fold pieces of code by levels. In Notepad++ you can go to View > Collapse Level.
Start by going to View > Fold All, then unfold the top <midi> tag, this will give you only <control> tags where you can edit the incoming MIDI channel and note/CC from your mixer.
By unfolding each <control> tag you'll find <userio> tags, which give you the action that will be performed and the feedback that will be sent to the mixer.

12:59 AM - 25 January, 2020
So would you recommend mapping the functions I want to change to the custom user pads, search out the functions via the userio tag and then edit the midi controls to try to move them to the controls I want?

1:06 AM - 25 January, 2020
Yeah, you can, for example, map a Hot Cue in Serato, Save the mapping, then open the XML, find the code block for that cue, and edit the incoming MIDI message, and also the userio output code to change how your mixer will give you visual feedback. That's how you can place that control where you want it on the mixer.
So would you recommend mapping the functions I want to change to the custom user pads, search out the functions via the userio tag and then edit the midi controls to try to move them to the controls I want?Yeah, you can, for example, map a Hot Cue in Serato, Save the mapping, then open the XML, find the code block for that cue, and edit the incoming MIDI message, and also the userio output code to change how your mixer will give you visual feedback. That's how you can place that control where you want it on the mixer.

1:33 AM - 25 January, 2020
is it possible to use this method to remap default mapping? I'm wanting to try to remap certain controls for specific pages - since user mapping overwrites all the pages.
Looking at the midi monitor, a lot of these pages seem to use the same midi control and somehow the page buttons act as modifiers the change what actions those keys perform instead of changing up the entire channel or control.
Looking at the midi monitor, a lot of these pages seem to use the same midi control and somehow the page buttons act as modifiers the change what actions those keys perform instead of changing up the entire channel or control.

2:16 AM - 25 January, 2020
Looking at the midi monitor, a lot of these pages seem to use the same midi control and somehow the page buttons act as modifiers the change what actions those keys perform instead of changing up the entire channel or control.
There are modifiers you can use, but I've found they can be fiddly if the mixer makes some use for them too. I've found the S9 does and that limits their usefulness.
If you'd like to try them, this article is fantastic to get started doing more complex stuff, including modifiers:
is it possible to use this method to remap default mapping? I'm wanting to try to remap certain controls for specific pages - since user mapping overwrites all the pages.Looking at the midi monitor, a lot of these pages seem to use the same midi control and somehow the page buttons act as modifiers the change what actions those keys perform instead of changing up the entire channel or control.
There are modifiers you can use, but I've found they can be fiddly if the mixer makes some use for them too. I've found the S9 does and that limits their usefulness.
If you'd like to try them, this article is fantastic to get started doing more complex stuff, including modifiers:

8:13 PM - 26 January, 2020
I gotta say, having never really used the silent cue technique in the past, trying it at my last couple gigs, it almost makes quick cuts too easy.

8:53 PM - 27 January, 2020
I've been using it to instant start acapella intros. Loving it.
I gotta say, having never really used the silent cue technique in the past, trying it at my last couple gigs, it almost makes quick cuts too easy.I've been using it to instant start acapella intros. Loving it.

9:05 PM - 27 January, 2020
I've been using it to instant start acapella intros. Loving it.
Been using it ay my gigs and love using it. It added another arsenal to my mixing skills.
I gotta say, having never really used the silent cue technique in the past, trying it at my last couple gigs, it almost makes quick cuts too easy.I've been using it to instant start acapella intros. Loving it.
Been using it ay my gigs and love using it. It added another arsenal to my mixing skills.

The Return of Dj Sparky
9:16 PM - 27 January, 2020
Can someone upload a vid of it being used just trying to figure out how it can be useful over a regular cue with fader down

9:21 PM - 27 January, 2020
Can someone upload a vid of it being used just trying to figure out how it can be useful over a regular cue with fader

3:50 AM - 28 January, 2020
The upside is you don’t have to have the fader down. So instead of having to use 2 hands - one on the cue and one on the fader, you just keep the fader up and when you hit cue, it starts. Find it most useful for cuts where the incoming track has an upbeat and you’re trying to echo out the outgoing track.
Can someone upload a vid of it being used just trying to figure out how it can be useful over a regular cue with fader downThe upside is you don’t have to have the fader down. So instead of having to use 2 hands - one on the cue and one on the fader, you just keep the fader up and when you hit cue, it starts. Find it most useful for cuts where the incoming track has an upbeat and you’re trying to echo out the outgoing track.

10:04 PM - 29 January, 2020
Will Shift + headphone Cue deck 1 for left silent cue and/or Shift + heaphone Cue 2 for right silent Cue work?
Shift Headphone cue wouldn't be best?Will Shift + headphone Cue deck 1 for left silent cue and/or Shift + heaphone Cue 2 for right silent Cue work?

1:04 AM - 30 January, 2020
I can check when i get home, but I'm not sure if the headphone cue is actually a midi control Mapping shift-functions is also a little more complicated on the 72 than a straight button map.

9:31 AM - 17 April, 2020
somebody can help me to add this function on my DJM-S9 ? I would like to map them on the buttons "Sampler FX ON" and "AUX FX ON", because i don't use them
somebody can help me to add this function on my DJM-S9 ? I would like to map them on the buttons "Sampler FX ON" and "AUX FX ON", because i don't use them

6:15 PM - 17 April, 2020
Should just be a matter of using a midi monitor to determine what midi controls those buttons are assigned to and editing the code above with those controls.

6:54 PM - 17 April, 2020
ok. i checked the midi map channel list and it should be channel "7" - control "96" for the one i need
so, I should only copy the midi code text above in the .xml file and adding these numbers ?
Should just be a matter of using a midi monitor to determine what midi controls those buttons are assigned to and editing the code above with those controls.ok. i checked the midi map channel list and it should be channel "7" - control "96" for the one i need
so, I should only copy the midi code text above in the .xml file and adding these numbers ?

8:17 PM - 17 April, 2020
Yea, replace the channel and control numbers in the code and paste it into an xml.
Make sure you save a new version in the software to edit first just in case.
First line is to control the left deck, 2nd to control the right deck.
Make sure you save a new version in the software to edit first just in case.
First line is to control the left deck, 2nd to control the right deck.

8:04 PM - 18 April, 2020
what do you mean for "two buttons" ?
i tried to map the "Sampler FX ON" button, but it doesn't work.
This is an ON\OFF button, do you think is a problem ?
Remember, you need two buttons to map for silent cuewhat do you mean for "two buttons" ?
i tried to map the "Sampler FX ON" button, but it doesn't work.
This is an ON\OFF button, do you think is a problem ?

9:08 AM - 21 May, 2020
what do you mean for "two buttons" ?
i tried to map the "Sampler FX ON" button, but it doesn't work.
This is an ON\OFF button, do you think is a problem ?
could somebody help me to midi map these buttons for silent cue with djm s9?
normally Serato doesn't not allow to map them in the normal way, but I know the midi code and the channel of them.
is there a way to enable the silent cue for these buttons ?
Remember, you need two buttons to map for silent cuewhat do you mean for "two buttons" ?
i tried to map the "Sampler FX ON" button, but it doesn't work.
This is an ON\OFF button, do you think is a problem ?
could somebody help me to midi map these buttons for silent cue with djm s9?
normally Serato doesn't not allow to map them in the normal way, but I know the midi code and the channel of them.
is there a way to enable the silent cue for these buttons ?

5:20 PM - 21 May, 2020
Just replace the control buttons in the code with the buttons that appear in the midi monitor when you hit those buttons.
The reason you need 2 buttons is you need a different button for each side.
The reason you need 2 buttons is you need a different button for each side.

7:16 PM - 21 May, 2020
yes, i've tried, but nothing happens.
As I said before, that buttons are not allowed for the normal midi map in Serato, but they send the midi signal if I open a midi monitor. So I don't understand why they are not working
As I said before, that buttons are not allowed for the normal midi map in Serato, but they send the midi signal if I open a midi monitor. So I don't understand why they are not working

5:14 AM - 23 May, 2020
As I said before, that buttons are not allowed for the normal midi map in Serato, but they send the midi signal if I open a midi monitor. So I don't understand why they are not working
Unfortunately Sampler FX ON and Aux FX ON can't be used for MIDI Mapping. In my mapping I put Silent Cue on Shift + 1/2x Loops and it works really good.
yes, i've tried, but nothing happens.As I said before, that buttons are not allowed for the normal midi map in Serato, but they send the midi signal if I open a midi monitor. So I don't understand why they are not working
Unfortunately Sampler FX ON and Aux FX ON can't be used for MIDI Mapping. In my mapping I put Silent Cue on Shift + 1/2x Loops and it works really good.

8:00 AM - 23 May, 2020
As I said before, that buttons are not allowed for the normal midi map in Serato, but they send the midi signal if I open a midi monitor. So I don't understand why they are not working
Unfortunately Sampler FX ON and Aux FX ON can't be used for MIDI Mapping. In my mapping I put Silent Cue on Shift + 1/2x Loops and it works really good.
soo bad... thanks for your answer!
yes, i've tried, but nothing happens.As I said before, that buttons are not allowed for the normal midi map in Serato, but they send the midi signal if I open a midi monitor. So I don't understand why they are not working
Unfortunately Sampler FX ON and Aux FX ON can't be used for MIDI Mapping. In my mapping I put Silent Cue on Shift + 1/2x Loops and it works really good.
soo bad... thanks for your answer!
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