Serato DJ Pro General Discussion

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Playback delay problems--anyone else experience this?

Yesyesyall77 4:43 PM - 21 November, 2017
So I'm having this issue, and not sure how to troubleshoot it, or what causes it. From time to time, when using Serato DJ, it seems like the signal out is "delayed." What I mean, is if I do, let's say, a foward scratch I don't hear the scratch immediately it's like a .5 sec after, etc. It goes away after I restart. But that's problematic when playing out.
rogdon 11:51 AM - 19 August, 2018
I actually experienced this yesterday at a gig. I ended up switching everything off and then on again, it worked for a couple songs then it did it again and i gave up. I am in the dark on what caused it