Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?

More choices to sort smart crates

Nazzid 11:41 AM - 4 September, 2017
I would like more choices to sort my smart crates. One option I wan would be: any song already in this specific playlist should be added based on the rest of the rules, or by key (and not by us typing in 1A, because that would include 11A, but rather you giving us the choice to filter in each key that we want, including being able to realize songs that contain multiple key types, like sometimes a song say 11A/7B or what ever, each specific one of those). And really any way that we can tag our songs should be able to be affected by smart crate roll downs.
Nazzid 11:41 AM - 4 September, 2017
i may add to this if i think of more.
Nazzid 11:58 AM - 4 September, 2017
Oh, and being able to copy smart playlists and regular playlists. These features really hold me back.