Serato DJ Pro General Discussion

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Cue 5-8 not working Rane 64

SirForce 1:34 AM - 28 May, 2016
Running Serato DJ 1.9.1, Rane 64, El Capitan 10.11.4 with latest Rane 64 drivers 2.0.0b3.

Cue points 5-8 do not work via Rane 64. I tried all four decks and toggled the Deck 3/1 and Deck 2/4 control. Control light for channel on Rane 64 was illuminated for the deck being tested.

See video -

I tried to manually MIDI assigning them - no luck.

I tried Apple Midi monitor and I am sure the Rane 64 is sending midi notes when these buttons are pressed.

What is the fix for using CUE 5-8 on the Rane 64 mixer?

SirForce 3:03 PM - 29 July, 2016
Terrence Stokes 8:53 PM - 29 July, 2016
It looks like your in bank one slots 1-4 are for cue points and slots 4-8 are for loops, once you create them. You have to go to bank 3 where all 8 slots are for cue points, or you can program them for other functions.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Michael R 6:01 AM - 1 August, 2016
Hey SirForce,

To expand on what Terrence Stokes said, use Shift + Cue 3 to switch to layer 3. This layer allows you to switch between cues 1-4 and cues 1-5 using the Bank button. The other layers are:

Layer 1: Cues 1-4/Saved Loops 1-4
Layer 2: SP-6 controls
Layer 4: Saved Loops 1-4/Saved Loops 5-8

SirForce 11:30 AM - 1 August, 2016
Thanks this might be user error on my part. Terrance and Michael thanks for the reply! I'll buy you each beers at NAMM 2017!
Serato, Forum Moderator
Michael R 9:55 PM - 1 August, 2016
No worries! I'll always take free beer :D