Serato DJ Pro General Discussion

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Pitch issue with Reloop terminal mix 8 controller

SirForce 10:43 PM - 14 June, 2015
When starting Serato DJ 1.7.5 and a Reloop TM8 controller is connected the pitch range is +/- 8% for all four decks.

Toggling the RANGE setting using the controller key combination causes the following to happen:

The range toggles between 6%, 12%, 25%, 100%

Why 6% and 12% instead of the more standard 8% and 16%?

When starting Serato DJ 1.7.5 with the pitch faders in a position on the TM8 other than 0% on the controller causes the 0% location to be at the position of the fader - basically it's offset and the overall +/- range is now relative to the position the pitch fader was in when the serato dj program started.

Please help. Thanks
Serato, Forum Moderator
Jason.S 11:09 PM - 14 June, 2015
Hey SirForce!

Thanks for letting us know, the issue has been reported by a few other users as well so it is logged and we will take a look into it as soon as we can, look out for a fix in a future release man!


SirForce 1:05 PM - 10 August, 2015
Did this fix make it into 1.7.7?
SirForce 12:07 AM - 9 September, 2015
Any updates?
Serato, Forum Moderator
Jason.S 12:43 AM - 9 September, 2015
Hi SirForce,

No update on this issue as of yet sorry man!
SirForce 2:27 AM - 15 October, 2015
Still hoping for a fix to the pitch range and pitch fader bug on the TM8.
SirForce 8:11 PM - 26 October, 2015
bump :)
Serato, Forum Moderator
Jason.S 10:34 PM - 26 October, 2015
I have bumped the ticket SirForce but this isn't urgent compared to other issues we are working on and not new to 1.8 so will not be addressed this release sorry man.

SirForce 12:31 AM - 29 October, 2015
OK thanks for the update.
SirForce 10:25 PM - 14 November, 2015
These fixes would be great to have...... bump bump bump :)
SiRocket 2:06 AM - 19 November, 2015
SiRocket 2:07 AM - 19 November, 2015
Fixing the dicers quitting during peoples sets isn't important either Brent.... unfortunately these "small" items might not ever be fixed... Nice when it's "professional" software. Sigh.

Sorry the thread jack :)
SirForce 11:55 PM - 16 December, 2015
bump... the longer this goes unanswered the less I think of this company and it's software. Gotta get that pulse serato 1.9 update out i suppose. I would pay to fix this problem but i guess that's not an option either. It has been six months. tis the season to be merry
Serato, Forum Moderator
Jason.S 1:55 AM - 18 December, 2015
Hey SirForce,

We don't actively monitor the general discussion area man sorry its been a minute to get back to you! The issue is logged dude but look at it this way - the issue is device specific, its not widely reported as an issue by other Reloop TM8 users and so compared to other bugs that get bumped consistently and have a wider reaching impact its unlikely to take priority over those problems but that doesn't mean it won't ever be fixed, its just a matter of scheduling the fixes in the best we can sorry dude.

Ricky what is the ticket number for the Dicer issue you have?
Serato, Forum Moderator
Jason.S 2:11 AM - 18 December, 2015
I see two tickets for you in the system and neither mention a dicer problem - sorry didn't show up at first because the ticket was under another name.

Fixing the dicers quitting during peoples sets isn't important either Brent

The last correspondence you had with Lucas on your dicer ticket was that you had sorted the issue and were happy with them so that is probably why you haven't seen any change regarding that. Unless you had another ticket open for the same issue?
Serato, Forum Moderator
Jason.S 2:22 AM - 18 December, 2015
I suggest if the issue is still occurring for you Ricky you re-open your ticket and we can log it and investigate, the number is #104694.
SirForce 2:31 AM - 4 February, 2016
SirForce 2:34 AM - 4 February, 2016
I also mentioned this to a gentleman from Serato who was hanging out at the Mixars booth at NAMM 2016. Last/Surname was Dyson, my apologies I cannot recall his first name. #fixsereatodj He should remember me... I asked him to chat with you guys in development. I'll let him share with you some additional details.

Serato, Forum Moderator
Jason.S 3:08 AM - 4 February, 2016
hi SirForce, that would be our Chris from our web team, any info would have been added to the ticket but please bear in mind the message above about priority of bug fixing :)
SirForce 3:24 PM - 7 February, 2016
It was nice to be able to make a face to face connection with someone from Serato - i heard AJ was there too but didn't see him in person. Thanks.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Jason.S 9:12 PM - 8 February, 2016
No worries! Yes AJ was around but of course a pretty full on schedule of meetings for a lot of those guys, NAMM is a great chance for us to face to face with our partners seeing as we are so far away usually :)
SirForce 5:59 PM - 2 March, 2016
March 2016 Bump....
Kofi246 9:41 PM - 11 March, 2016
i find this also happens to me...wouldn't really call it an "issue" but it is weird
SirForce 2:57 AM - 14 April, 2016
Lord C. Lecter 5:27 AM - 11 June, 2016
Same here,

SirForce - I was already wondering if I was the only one with this issue.
So YES, Jason S., this is a real issue/bug in Serato, occurring with an Official Serato Accessory.
I expected this to be taken care of long ago...
SirForce 5:58 AM - 11 June, 2016
SirForce 3:02 PM - 29 July, 2016
...yawn... i'm still here
Lord C. Lecter 3:47 PM - 29 July, 2016
Meee toooo
SiRocket 10:45 PM - 29 July, 2016
eeeeek still going on? lol.

SiRocket 10:45 PM - 29 July, 2016
"just send another help ticket out, so that it gets lost in the abyss" lol
SirForce 10:40 AM - 15 August, 2016
SirForce 7:00 PM - 12 September, 2016

According to the logic in this post the longer this goes unanswered the less change of it ever being fixed.

Can I get a pitch fix, really this is probably a set of constant values that were keyed incorrectly in the code for this controller. Who checked in the offending code? Call them out make than put a $1 in the bug jar.

Just think if all the programmers put a $1 for every bug they caused in a jar you could throw one heck of a party.
NUdisc0 3:06 AM - 3 October, 2017
What a terrible customer support from Reloop. I was looking into their controllers. It seems at the end of the day that Pioneer is still ahead of the game.