DJing Discussion
I prefer my Technics and Vinyl
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I prefer my Technics and Vinyl

12:00 PM - 2 January, 2015
Let me start by saying that im a 52yr old ex-club and radio mix Dj.I started Djing at 13yrs of age n continued until i was 40..So ive seen da Evolution of the club dj n radio..My 1st exposure to Serato was in '02.I had an interview with an Urban Contemp format station(hip-hop rnb 2day) in Detroit for an on-air slot as well a jazz station..anyway i went to a club dat nite(Berts on da Mktplace) n da Dj had a laptop n 2 tt(Technics)but no vinyl n no crates..i asked him wtf is dat.As i explained who i was(he told me way back then dat Serato was the future of Djing.)Which is a gd thing n a bad thing..Tru it makes it easier to transport ur equipment.(no lugging 10 2 15 crates of records err gig.oh my n ur catalog of music is infinite..but 4 you young cats dat r djing 2day..if u never dug thru da crates n felt dat cold vinyl n dropped dat bananna needle stylus on da black gold n scratched it up.U dont no wat ur missing..Oh Btw.i sold my equipment bout 10yrs ago but i still have all my wax..Bout 5thousand pieces of vinyl in my basement..Im solucky to have lived thru da beginning of rap/Disco/House/ Techno thru hip hop n djing thru da golden era of blk music.R.I.P real music/Partying/ and Djing.1983-2005 Cincinnati bka DaNaTi..

1:17 PM - 2 January, 2015
Thanks for your post , and as a 42 year old club DJ from the UK I totally agree with you.
I work overseas , have done for the past 6 years , and the changes that have occured in our industry in that time has been incredible. Especially to someone who only gets home a couple times a year. I experienced a similar event at a club I went to and the same thing happened. The DJ had his laptop and I couldn't help thinking about my arsenal of crates (later bag/trolleys) of vinyl I used to hump around. But those vinyl tracks became the tools of my trade and , I swear this is true, I had an order to all those and if you hit me up for a track I knew I had then I could dig in the crate and pull it up but as well as that I'd probably find another winner whilst I was chugging through crate/box/bag #2 or #3. It simply CANNOT be the same simply scrolling through files on a laptop...the feel..and mos definatley NOT the sound. I noticed that because most vinyl tracks were mastered in a studio they all came out vitually the same volume and with a bit of added tweak of the low and hi's the mix was smooth..smoooth...yet with digital it isn't the same...IT IS NOT THE SAME sounds harsher in the clubs...and I should yourself I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in clubs perfeecting my art (age 14 and 8 hours solid trying to copy Jazzy Jeff's transformer from live at Union Square) so I know what I'm talking about. I have approached a few Dj's back in the UK about putting on a vinyl only night and the response has been amazing so when I do get back for good I'll hit you back and let you know how it went. Serato is an amazing piece of equipment and a fantastic tool but that's all it is..and old dinosaur's like me and you will still rock the joint even when new technology keeps coming school like the OLD school...Big Love and respect sir from your UK Club Cousins.
I work overseas , have done for the past 6 years , and the changes that have occured in our industry in that time has been incredible. Especially to someone who only gets home a couple times a year. I experienced a similar event at a club I went to and the same thing happened. The DJ had his laptop and I couldn't help thinking about my arsenal of crates (later bag/trolleys) of vinyl I used to hump around. But those vinyl tracks became the tools of my trade and , I swear this is true, I had an order to all those and if you hit me up for a track I knew I had then I could dig in the crate and pull it up but as well as that I'd probably find another winner whilst I was chugging through crate/box/bag #2 or #3. It simply CANNOT be the same simply scrolling through files on a laptop...the feel..and mos definatley NOT the sound. I noticed that because most vinyl tracks were mastered in a studio they all came out vitually the same volume and with a bit of added tweak of the low and hi's the mix was smooth..smoooth...yet with digital it isn't the same...IT IS NOT THE SAME sounds harsher in the clubs...and I should yourself I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in clubs perfeecting my art (age 14 and 8 hours solid trying to copy Jazzy Jeff's transformer from live at Union Square) so I know what I'm talking about. I have approached a few Dj's back in the UK about putting on a vinyl only night and the response has been amazing so when I do get back for good I'll hit you back and let you know how it went. Serato is an amazing piece of equipment and a fantastic tool but that's all it is..and old dinosaur's like me and you will still rock the joint even when new technology keeps coming school like the OLD school...Big Love and respect sir from your UK Club Cousins.

3:03 PM - 2 January, 2015
I prefer an iphone and a galaxy s3..much much lighter than a laptop. Mobility is key

3:10 PM - 2 January, 2015
This forum is definitely not the place to be all up in your feelings. Lol!
blah blah blah blah blahblah blaaahThis forum is definitely not the place to be all up in your feelings. Lol!

5:22 PM - 2 January, 2015
Thanks 4 da respect sure i will get sum backlash from the newbies n da jus saying im blessed to have been a pt.a da real music n real djing generation.using an iphone n a galaxy 3..bwaah haah ha!! Ur not a dj using ur phone.Do any of u yung turks no anything about record pools..breaking new music in the club..Having record reps come to your record pool mtg.n drop new music off to pool djs b4 it hits radio n retail.. dey wanna gauge club reaction so dey no how to promote which not against serato jus sayin u havent really djd until u hav dug in da crates..

5:28 PM - 2 January, 2015
Oh n 5k stash of vinyl is alot more valuable than any amount of mb,gig,of downloaded music files..So dont hate

DJ Art Pumpin Payne
5:34 PM - 2 January, 2015
Hmmm I wonder who that was that was rocking Serato (or was it Final Scratch) back in 2002
I'm from Detroit and trying to think who made the jump that early?
I'm from Detroit and trying to think who made the jump that early?

5:44 PM - 2 January, 2015
Well, being that Scratch Live was introduced in 2004 I don't anyone was using it in 2002. Probably was Final Scratch.

5:57 PM - 2 January, 2015
Truss me my Dj was Serato..I cant remeber the djs name but he had a laptop n da serato discs no was at dat moment i knew being old skool dat my djing days were coming to a close lol

5:59 PM - 2 January, 2015
Shoulda spent less time with record pool execs and more time with an English teacher and a pencil lol.
Thanks 4 da respect sure i will get sum backlash from the newbies n da jus saying im blessed to have been a pt.a da real music n real djing generation.using an iphone n a galaxy 3..bwaah haah ha!! Ur not a dj using ur phone.Do any of u yung turks no anything about record pools..breaking new music in the club..Having record reps come to your record pool mtg.n drop new music off to pool djs b4 it hits radio n retail.. dey wanna gauge club reaction so dey no how to promote which not against serato jus sayin u havent really djd until u hav dug in da crates..Shoulda spent less time with record pool execs and more time with an English teacher and a pencil lol.

5:59 PM - 2 January, 2015
Truss me my Dj was Serato..I cant remeber the djs name but he had a laptop n da serato discs no was at dat moment i knew being old skool dat my djing days were coming to a close lolbuuulllllllshiiiitttttt

6:01 PM - 2 January, 2015
Now dat i think more it might have been final scratch..i assumed it was serato when da program became popular..

6:10 PM - 2 January, 2015
Dude i have b.s. in speech comm.and a minor in mass comm.Fyi..I use to be a newswriter/reporter/On-air talent/Mix -Dj..I've mastered the king's English.. Hell,my job was to speak and teach it!! So come correct or stfu!!

6:15 PM - 2 January, 2015
Truss me my Dj was Serato..I cant remeber the djs name but he had a laptop n da serato discs no was at dat moment i knew being old skool dat my djing days were coming to a close lolQuote:
Dude i have b.s. in speech comm.and a minor in mass comm.Fyi..I use to be a newswriter/reporter/On-air talent/Mix -Dj..I've mastered the king's English.. Hell,my job was to speak and teach it!! So come correct or stfu!!really?

6:17 PM - 2 January, 2015
Spend less time digging in the crates and more time hitting the books. You write like a little girl.
Thanks 4 da respect sure i will get sum backlash from the newbies n da jus saying im blessed to have been a pt.a da real music n real djing generation.using an iphone n a galaxy 3..bwaah haah ha!! Ur not a dj using ur phone.Do any of u yung turks no anything about record pools..breaking new music in the club..Having record reps come to your record pool mtg.n drop new music off to pool djs b4 it hits radio n retail.. dey wanna gauge club reaction so dey no how to promote which not against serato jus sayin u havent really djd until u hav dug in da crates..Spend less time digging in the crates and more time hitting the books. You write like a little girl.

6:17 PM - 2 January, 2015
5K is nothing. Try 10K+
Oh n 5k stash of vinyl is alot more valuable than any amount of mb,gig,of downloaded music files..So dont hate appreciate..lol5K is nothing. Try 10K+

6:18 PM - 2 January, 2015
Shoulda spent less time with record pool execs and more time with an English teacher and a pencil lol.
Damn it. Beat me to it. lol
Thanks 4 da respect sure i will get sum backlash from the newbies n da jus saying im blessed to have been a pt.a da real music n real djing generation.using an iphone n a galaxy 3..bwaah haah ha!! Ur not a dj using ur phone.Do any of u yung turks no anything about record pools..breaking new music in the club..Having record reps come to your record pool mtg.n drop new music off to pool djs b4 it hits radio n retail.. dey wanna gauge club reaction so dey no how to promote which not against serato jus sayin u havent really djd until u hav dug in da crates..Shoulda spent less time with record pool execs and more time with an English teacher and a pencil lol.
Damn it. Beat me to it. lol

6:23 PM - 2 January, 2015
It's all fun and games until someone's twinkly fillers gets hurt. :-P
this forums has jokes for the new yearIt's all fun and games until someone's twinkly fillers gets hurt. :-P

6:23 PM - 2 January, 2015
Dj Payne . I was in Detroit for an interview at 'JLB..One of my former co-worker (DaNaTi) Jason Alexander gave me da insight so i tried and didnt get it..but like i just wrote probably was final scratch.

6:28 PM - 2 January, 2015
You guys don't bother me..lmao..It's funny how truth brings out jealousy....Rlmfao!!

6:29 PM - 2 January, 2015
It was definitely final scratch. Btw, the first time I saw final scratch and tried it, I didn't like it. Serato was more responsive a couple years later.

6:30 PM - 2 January, 2015
I imagine that goin something this
Dj Payne . I was in Detroit for an interview at JLB.I imagine that goin something this

6:30 PM - 2 January, 2015
Jealousy of what? lmao
Get over yourself buddy. We are laughing at you cause you came across like the get-off-my-lawn old dude who never gets tired of reminiscing.
You guys don't bother me..lmao..It's funny how truth brings out jealousy....Rlmfao!!Jealousy of what? lmao
Get over yourself buddy. We are laughing at you cause you came across like the get-off-my-lawn old dude who never gets tired of reminiscing.

6:31 PM - 2 January, 2015
You jealous of our ability to compose coherent sentences?
You guys don't bother me..lmao..It's funny how truth brings out jealousy....Rlmfao!!You jealous of our ability to compose coherent sentences?

6:32 PM - 2 January, 2015
You jealous of our ability to compose coherent sentences?
You guys don't bother me..lmao..It's funny how truth brings out jealousy....Rlmfao!!You jealous of our ability to compose coherent sentences?

6:41 PM - 2 January, 2015
I agree dude cannot type its hard to understand what he's saying.
Sum b4 dat wy iz nobode reedin my wordz ......huh
Sum b4 dat wy iz nobode reedin my wordz ......huh

6:42 PM - 2 January, 2015
You guys(if you are really guys or females).I don't want to be portrayed as Gender biased!! Let's see..Hmmm that is grammatically coherent!! I mean correct!!! Rlmao!!

6:45 PM - 2 January, 2015
Its not about grammer bro you are talking lazy on purpose and we dont really do that here. We have people world wide on the forum not everyone understands slang and lazy pronunciation like some of us do.

6:50 PM - 2 January, 2015
this guy stinks of faking the funk
no 52 year old man that is educated would write like a mentally challenged teenager from the 1990s.
and what are we to be jealous of?
your 5k collection of records that took you 27 years to amass?
lets do the math
average cost of record = 12
5000/12 = 416
416 records
416/27 years = 0.3 records a week
I spend more on sushi
no 52 year old man that is educated would write like a mentally challenged teenager from the 1990s.
and what are we to be jealous of?
your 5k collection of records that took you 27 years to amass?
lets do the math
average cost of record = 12
5000/12 = 416
416 records
416/27 years = 0.3 records a week
I spend more on sushi

7:07 PM - 2 January, 2015
Look my Dj.afficianados..I see that this forum is for those Dj's who talk,think,act the same..I think those kind of people are commonly referred to as Robots.God forbid you enter the Almighty Serato forum with a differing viewpoint. Bitter old man,faking the funk,,learn how to write really??? You people are pathetic!!Smdh

Scully DJ Services
7:08 PM - 2 January, 2015
@Sumo If you're finding the total cost of the records, you would multiply not divide. His record collection is worth 60k. Looks like both of yall need to hit the books lol

7:11 PM - 2 January, 2015
Correctly? Shit bro, we all can't be makin up shit on the fly like you.
Dudes so fake his words aint even real
Look my Dj.afficianados..I see that this forum is for those Dj's who talk,think,act the same.Correctly? Shit bro, we all can't be makin up shit on the fly like you.
Dudes so fake his words aint even real

7:13 PM - 2 January, 2015
Actually where he messed up was comming up with a cost but labeling it as a total #
@Sumo If you're finding the total cost of the records, you would multiply not divide. His record collection is worth 60k. Looks like both of yall need to hit the books lolActually where he messed up was comming up with a cost but labeling it as a total #

7:14 PM - 2 January, 2015
Dj Sumo it's not the amount of wax it's the type...I own so much rap n hip-hop that is out of print..So your formula does not compute!!!!

7:16 PM - 2 January, 2015
It should be:
5000 records at $12 a pop = $60,000
27 years at 12 months a year = 324 months
$60,000 in records over the course of 324 months = $185 a month...
He probably still spends more on sushi lol
5000 records at $12 a pop = $60,000
27 years at 12 months a year = 324 months
$60,000 in records over the course of 324 months = $185 a month...
He probably still spends more on sushi lol

7:18 PM - 2 January, 2015
Bet you I can download the shit out of your rare vinyla and copy and past the shit out of em. Whats your rarest track? Ill google that shit, put it in all 6 sample decks, finger drum that shit, then erase it just for shits and giggles
Dj Sumo it's not the amount of wax it's the type...I own so much rap n hip-hop that is out of print..So your formula does not compute!!!!Bet you I can download the shit out of your rare vinyla and copy and past the shit out of em. Whats your rarest track? Ill google that shit, put it in all 6 sample decks, finger drum that shit, then erase it just for shits and giggles

7:21 PM - 2 January, 2015
Omg!!! At least there are sum real people in this forum...Bots be

7:31 PM - 2 January, 2015
Omg!!! At least there are sum real people in this forum...Bots be*some

7:32 PM - 2 January, 2015
haha my bad I thought he said he had 5k worth of records.
I have a law degree (not a lawyer though) not a mathematics.
I have a law degree (not a lawyer though) not a mathematics.

7:33 PM - 2 January, 2015
LMFAO @ sushi " Welcome to the china club.. A cha cha chang chang"

7:43 PM - 2 January, 2015
Doctor of jurisprudence..Lawyer really??? 5k pieces of vinyl..Because i worked in Radio;alot of my collection was gratis..

7:45 PM - 2 January, 2015
This dude makes me laugh. He titled this thread, "I prefer my Technics and vinyl" and then he wrote this, "Oh Btw.i sold my equipment bout 10yrs ago but i still have all my wax..Bout 5thousand pieces of vinyl in my basement"
Dude. You ain't loving your technics if you sold them.
Btw, radio DJ, he didnt buy most of that collection. It's called promo copies and a lot of that shit is useless and worthless. I threw away most of the stuff I ever got while doing radio mixshows. Of course, I kept all the good stuff, but now, most of it is available digitally.
Dude. You ain't loving your technics if you sold them.
Btw, radio DJ, he didnt buy most of that collection. It's called promo copies and a lot of that shit is useless and worthless. I threw away most of the stuff I ever got while doing radio mixshows. Of course, I kept all the good stuff, but now, most of it is available digitally.

7:47 PM - 2 January, 2015
Hey Embezzler n Sumo the 2big words so you can comprehend my paragraph.. lol

7:56 PM - 2 January, 2015
Dude they are not all promos..I bought alot.receieved alot from my record pool director.I must admit you all are special group of Djs..

7:57 PM - 2 January, 2015
Hey Spinach, Google writing with spaces between words so people can understand you better.

7:57 PM - 2 January, 2015
Point me where I said they were all promos.
Reading comprehension.
Dude they are not all promos..I bought alot.receieved alot from my record pool director.I must admit you all are special group of Djs..Point me where I said they were all promos.
Reading comprehension.

8:18 PM - 2 January, 2015
Dude. You ain't loving your technics if you sold them.
It aint nuttin ta cut dat bitch offffg
Dude. You ain't loving your technics if you sold them.
It aint nuttin ta cut dat bitch offffg

8:21 PM - 2 January, 2015
Which words in that post do you consider big? I'm assuming your referring to "jurisprudence" as one, but which other "big" word are you referring to.....collection or because?
Hey Embezzler n Sumo the 2big words so you can comprehend my paragraph.. lolWhich words in that post do you consider big? I'm assuming your referring to "jurisprudence" as one, but which other "big" word are you referring to.....collection or because?

8:22 PM - 2 January, 2015
Just most of em?
Dude they are not all promos..I bought alot.receieved alot from my record pool director.I must admit you all are special group of Djs..Just most of em?

8:33 PM - 2 January, 2015
is it sad that this was the most entertaining thing i've read all day lol. i need some popcorn. carry on fellas

DJ Val-BKNY11203
8:55 PM - 2 January, 2015
Please....just stop.
Dude they are not all promos..I bought alot.receieved alot from my record pool director.I must admit you all are special group of Djs..Please....just stop.

9:04 PM - 2 January, 2015
is it sad that this was the most entertaining thing i've read all day lol. i need some popcorn. carry on fellashahaha

10:02 PM - 2 January, 2015
Once I hit the radio waves I got all records free .. I still spent money on records because I wanted the imports, new stuff, or for collection. keep eating that sushi bro.

10:37 PM - 2 January, 2015
Who brags about having 5,000 records after 27 years...I guess you, it's okay though. I have been on Serato since 2004, about year or a little less after it came out. I have turntables and enough records to make your head spin, I don't down what people use, but I do down what they sound like if they don't come correct. You don't have to carry crates and crates of records to pay dues. But you should put time and effort into practicing so that when you're deejaying a party, you are not sounding/looking like doo doo on a stick...Pause!

10:47 PM - 2 January, 2015
DjSpinnati, apparently you're new here so let me get you up to speed.....
1. There are alot of "oldschool" dj's here on the forum like you and I, so much so that its nothing special here.
2. 5k is not alot of wax for oldschool djs.
3. Always know your fact and history before stepping up on the soap box because there are a lot of knowledgeable users here, (ig. Serato was released in 2004) but its good you admitted your mistake.
4. Selling your 1200's is a complete contradiction of this post you started and would be considered blasphemy to most oldschool djs. Many of us here are from the "till death do us part" mentality.
Hope that helps , carry on Sir....
1. There are alot of "oldschool" dj's here on the forum like you and I, so much so that its nothing special here.
2. 5k is not alot of wax for oldschool djs.
3. Always know your fact and history before stepping up on the soap box because there are a lot of knowledgeable users here, (ig. Serato was released in 2004) but its good you admitted your mistake.
4. Selling your 1200's is a complete contradiction of this post you started and would be considered blasphemy to most oldschool djs. Many of us here are from the "till death do us part" mentality.
Hope that helps , carry on Sir....

12:36 AM - 3 January, 2015
I think he means that the real rap , with a message and new styles are made till max 2005, I would say say 2003, and one thing which off course is true is the sound quality of dvs , which
Especially these days just suck. don't think that your two thousand euro mixer is made of hifi
Stuff, it's far from that. the main potentiometer in a de store for a nexus is only 10 euro, meaning in the electro store 5 euro, a normal pot. But I also like dvs, since it's easier to do and why not use the technology. with the samples and cue-points and stuff. I use a de on x1600 for dvs , with some better inputs outputs and a couples of better potentiometers in the signal path. But I don't use it with normal vinyl, the phono stage is much to clean , just vestax mixers, the analogue ones, only replaced a lot, but it gives a warmer sound , especially with the new old prints. I have the wu-tang brand new, 250gr(which they are all ), and the same from 1994. Well the 1994 was already shitty, but compared to the new one, which it's great, it was a rip off.
new vinyl really is good, besides the price tag and you may download all the tracks for free
But dvs is cheaper looking at the digital files vs vinyl, only too many young guys buy a all in one from unmarked or pioneer and have no idea how the digital stuff works or. A whole nexus set and then asking if he needs special speakers...... Pffff
Especially these days just suck. don't think that your two thousand euro mixer is made of hifi
Stuff, it's far from that. the main potentiometer in a de store for a nexus is only 10 euro, meaning in the electro store 5 euro, a normal pot. But I also like dvs, since it's easier to do and why not use the technology. with the samples and cue-points and stuff. I use a de on x1600 for dvs , with some better inputs outputs and a couples of better potentiometers in the signal path. But I don't use it with normal vinyl, the phono stage is much to clean , just vestax mixers, the analogue ones, only replaced a lot, but it gives a warmer sound , especially with the new old prints. I have the wu-tang brand new, 250gr(which they are all ), and the same from 1994. Well the 1994 was already shitty, but compared to the new one, which it's great, it was a rip off.
new vinyl really is good, besides the price tag and you may download all the tracks for free
But dvs is cheaper looking at the digital files vs vinyl, only too many young guys buy a all in one from unmarked or pioneer and have no idea how the digital stuff works or. A whole nexus set and then asking if he needs special speakers...... Pffff

4:09 AM - 3 January, 2015
I only came across this page purely by accident last night and I have logged in this morning to see the responses and to be honest this is the last time I will posting.
Having been involved in the "Industry" for many many years (professionally since the age of 17) I know that it can be "Bitchy" between fellow DJ's at times but from what I have read this morning it seems that there's a few too many angry jocks out there on this forum.
Maybe you are not getting the gigs or the acknowledgement you think you deserve or maybe you are just plain pissed at the world. Whatever the reason..I guarantee you this..
There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence and if you carry your arrogance into a gig then it shows in your set and also to the promoter/bar owner paying your bills.
You have to be confident to do what we do , granted , but there is always ..ALWAYS..someout there quicker , faster , smoother on the cut and faster on the slice and that guy might be the key to the next gig/paycheque/step up the ladder/addition.
Next time any of you guys hit the shores of the UK , after August, look me up.. seriously.
You can crash at my studio ,work on some tracks, hang out with us at the club and drop some tunes and kick back....but not with that attitude...
DJSpinnati...I'll hit you up in a couple of months and we'll sort something out.
Peace. OUT.
I only came across this page purely by accident last night and I have logged in this morning to see the responses and to be honest this is the last time I will posting.
Having been involved in the "Industry" for many many years (professionally since the age of 17) I know that it can be "Bitchy" between fellow DJ's at times but from what I have read this morning it seems that there's a few too many angry jocks out there on this forum.
Maybe you are not getting the gigs or the acknowledgement you think you deserve or maybe you are just plain pissed at the world. Whatever the reason..I guarantee you this..
There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence and if you carry your arrogance into a gig then it shows in your set and also to the promoter/bar owner paying your bills.
You have to be confident to do what we do , granted , but there is always ..ALWAYS..someout there quicker , faster , smoother on the cut and faster on the slice and that guy might be the key to the next gig/paycheque/step up the ladder/addition.
Next time any of you guys hit the shores of the UK , after August, look me up.. seriously.
You can crash at my studio ,work on some tracks, hang out with us at the club and drop some tunes and kick back....but not with that attitude...
DJSpinnati...I'll hit you up in a couple of months and we'll sort something out.
Peace. OUT.

DJ Art Pumpin Payne
6:05 AM - 3 January, 2015
Yep, I remember Alexander - figured he was the PD - he was there many years, What job - on air talent or was it mixshow jock?
Which pool were U in back then? Just curious, I knew most of the pools back in the day, belonged and help run a few too.
Also don't let these dudes drive you away from the forum - they bust a lot of chops here for entertainment value and you caught them (or they caught YOU) on a good day.
pdiddy pretty much summed up this whole thing a few posts above. Weekend is here and a lot of them/us will be spinning so the flame job on dat ass will fizzle out until next week...
Welcome to the forum - lol
Dj Payne . I was in Detroit for an interview at 'JLB..One of my former co-worker (DaNaTi) Jason Alexander gave me da insight so i tried and didnt get it..but like i just wrote probably was final scratch.Yep, I remember Alexander - figured he was the PD - he was there many years, What job - on air talent or was it mixshow jock?
Dude they are not all promos..I bought alot.receieved alot from my record pool director.I must admit you all are special group of Djs..Which pool were U in back then? Just curious, I knew most of the pools back in the day, belonged and help run a few too.
Also don't let these dudes drive you away from the forum - they bust a lot of chops here for entertainment value and you caught them (or they caught YOU) on a good day.
pdiddy pretty much summed up this whole thing a few posts above. Weekend is here and a lot of them/us will be spinning so the flame job on dat ass will fizzle out until next week...
Welcome to the forum - lol

6:14 AM - 3 January, 2015
I only came across this page purely by accident last night and I have logged in this morning to see the responses and to be honest this is the last time I will posting."
I only came across this page purely by accident last night and I have logged in this morning to see the responses and to be honest this is the last time I will posting."

6:42 AM - 3 January, 2015
I do not have a b.s. in speech comm or a minor in mass comm but I think you meant to write that you USED to be a newswriter/reporter. NOT that you USE to be. Just saying, but maybe I don't understand about all dat.
Dude i have b.s. in speech comm.and a minor in mass comm.Fyi..I use to be a newswriter/reporter/On-air talent/Mix -Dj..I've mastered the king's English.. Hell,my job was to speak and teach it!! So come correct or stfu!!I do not have a b.s. in speech comm or a minor in mass comm but I think you meant to write that you USED to be a newswriter/reporter. NOT that you USE to be. Just saying, but maybe I don't understand about all dat.

12:07 PM - 3 January, 2015
I too stumbled upon this forum by accident.It's all good though...Stay in touch.

12:12 PM - 3 January, 2015
It was 3rd.finger record pool.G-fresh was the Dir.Mr.Dibbs and Dj.Boom Bip were Co-Directors. I interviewed for an On-air slot...Jason was my boy..The blackest white guy i ever

12:41 PM - 3 January, 2015
Just because i sold my 12's does not mean i didn't love them..I did it out of frustration due to the whack club owners in my metro area.(Ohio,Indiana,Kentucky)and their unwillingness to pay a Dj what he deserved.Then you had fellow Djs undercut your price by 50-100$(which is already low).So i bit my nose to spite my face.. I was only getting $250 a night on thurs.and $350 on Fri.and Sat.(Back then we dubbed the week end Friday night Live/Saturday night old skool) Anyway i was approached by one of my kids to do a 90's/Y2k party..So i'm going to spark it up on da 1"s and 2"s mayb 1 last time..It's been 13yrs so i gotta work on my chops.and buy a pair of 12's..This time im going to keep

12:50 PM - 3 January, 2015
Dj vu i'm going to take you up on that offer for Aug.Dont know if we can send private messages but if it is possible i'll hit you up.

12:56 PM - 3 January, 2015
Dj Payne are you still in the club..My wife is from Detroit and we lived there from 02-03..Her fam is from East. Gratiot n west Southfield. We lived near Palmer Park and 6mile when it was still kinda nice.We visit Da D all the time so if ur still doing yo thing i'd like to come n check u out..

2:16 PM - 3 January, 2015
This post is so ironic....
Truth be told, if YOUR spelling and grammar was on point, you'd be dangerous (to some :-) ), because you've come a long way....
But today isn't that day....
And tomorrow doesn't look good neeva....
Shoulda spent less time with record pool execs and more time with an English teacher and a pencil lol.This post is so ironic....
Truth be told, if YOUR spelling and grammar was on point, you'd be dangerous (to some :-) ), because you've come a long way....
But today isn't that day....
And tomorrow doesn't look good neeva....

2:18 PM - 3 January, 2015
You jealous of our ability to compose coherent sentences?
That auto-correct has come a LONG way....
You guys don't bother me..lmao..It's funny how truth brings out jealousy....Rlmfao!!You jealous of our ability to compose coherent sentences?
That auto-correct has come a LONG way....

2:22 PM - 3 January, 2015
Uh, oh...
Dude. You ain't loving your technics if you sold them.Uh, oh...

3:03 PM - 3 January, 2015
You jealous?? It's you are jealous Mr.Chief of Grammar Police..GAFL!!!!

3:09 PM - 3 January, 2015
Why you callin' me out??
You jealous?? It's you are jealous Mr.Chief of Grammar Police..GAFL!!!!Why you callin' me out??

3:15 PM - 3 January, 2015
I thought this forum was full of Djs and Serato was the host name.With the amount of Knuckleheads on here the whole forum name should be changed..Djs without a life or Wanna b's who need to learn their abc's.No disrespect,im just sayin.Gtfu!!!

3:22 PM - 3 January, 2015
Chief of Grammar Police: Dj Johnny Rocket
mbezzler ..New recruit Dj sumo wrestler
.Caveat Emptor: they are issuing citations for incomplete sentences,improper punctuation..Jail time for misspellings,antonyms,synonims and the like.10yrs for using slang
.You've been warned!!
mbezzler ..New recruit Dj sumo wrestler
.Caveat Emptor: they are issuing citations for incomplete sentences,improper punctuation..Jail time for misspellings,antonyms,synonims and the like.10yrs for using slang
.You've been warned!!

3:34 PM - 3 January, 2015
GAFL is an Acronym.. It stands for get a freaking life..Stay away from using these in your post on this forum.Grammar Police says this infraction is punishable by up to 25 to life!!!

DJ Art Pumpin Payne
3:39 PM - 3 January, 2015
And tomorrow doesn't look good neeva....
lol - you gotta respect DJ Johnny M aka Ashy Larry aka
- he is another old head here on the forum took him 10 years to buy Serato but was on the forum foe-eva
They caught you on a good weekend dude.
- No residency right now - (similar to you, I lost my Saturday to a Promoter who also DJs and a club owner who did the math and figured it was cheaper to give the promoter a slice of the door than to pay me what - or less than- I was worth)
I still do one off club gigs and guest spots - still looking for a good fit on another residency, Spinning at Northern Lights lounge in Midtown tonight.
But today isn't that day....And tomorrow doesn't look good neeva....
lol - you gotta respect DJ Johnny M aka Ashy Larry aka
Chief of Grammar Police: Dj Johnny RocketThey caught you on a good weekend dude.
Dj Payne are you still in the club..I still do one off club gigs and guest spots - still looking for a good fit on another residency, Spinning at Northern Lights lounge in Midtown tonight.

3:42 PM - 3 January, 2015
They don't wanna mess with me for real..I was a headline writer as well..But ok northern lites..Is that on Jefferson?

The Return of Dj Sparky
4:43 PM - 3 January, 2015
Throwing your rattle out of your pram because you don't get the answers and responses you want,
and seeing as your not that smart that is calling you a baby,
and I hope your journalistic career was fabricated because with your level of english and grammar is appalling, that means it's really bad, again pointing it out because you strike me as a simple jack type,
that's also a tip never go full retard
and seeing as your not that smart that is calling you a baby,
and I hope your journalistic career was fabricated because with your level of english and grammar is appalling, that means it's really bad, again pointing it out because you strike me as a simple jack type,
that's also a tip never go full retard

5:13 PM - 3 January, 2015
Ok so Sergeant Dj Stop Spark and Frisk is on duty!! Please Mr.Sparkmeister!! Don't take me to jail..i'll act right officer sir!!

The Return of Dj Sparky
5:22 PM - 3 January, 2015
there will be no taking to jail or frisking unless your a chick, i'll just shoot you,
seems to be the american thing to do these days,
and i'll probably get a medal for doing so too or a noble peace prize they just give them to anyone these days
seems to be the american thing to do these days,
and i'll probably get a medal for doing so too or a noble peace prize they just give them to anyone these days

5:33 PM - 3 January, 2015
Awww!! I detect anger..What is the matter with Officer Sparky?? Mommy didn't love you like she should have..Or did Daddy tell you that you would grow up to be a nobody wishing you could be somebody???

The Return of Dj Sparky
5:35 PM - 3 January, 2015
Please enlighten me to all my issues,
that ironically are your issues
that ironically are your issues

5:43 PM - 3 January, 2015
Quit while your ahead Sparkomatic!! I use the english lanuage like luke skywalker uses a light sabre..I'll dissect you like a cricket without threats or ephitets..

5:56 PM - 3 January, 2015
Officer Sparky do you copy? Come in Officer Sparky..Do you copy??

The Return of Dj Sparky
6:14 PM - 3 January, 2015
While you try to assimilate the English language I'll sit back and enjoy the show, I suggest you start reading the dictionary and start with the letter L as it seems to be your downfall
and referencing me as a cop, haven't had that in years please contuine while I go polish my baton
and referencing me as a cop, haven't had that in years please contuine while I go polish my baton

6:21 PM - 3 January, 2015
haha this is still going on?
I wasnt the only one that thought he meant 5000 records
your use of the English language is to blame.
whn u typz lik dis, iz hard to take u cereal.
anyhow, you are 52 years old and are trying to flex on a message board
I hope your grand kids dont visit you often
I wasnt the only one that thought he meant 5000 records
your use of the English language is to blame.
whn u typz lik dis, iz hard to take u cereal.
anyhow, you are 52 years old and are trying to flex on a message board
I hope your grand kids dont visit you often

7:32 PM - 3 January, 2015
Dude im the coolest gp in the land...Quit while you ahead Sumo wrestler..I use language like luke skywalker uses a light sabre and i'll dissect you like a cricket with no regrets ,threats or ephitets.

The Return of Dj Sparky
7:38 PM - 3 January, 2015
But he's learning and fixing his spelling mistakes, also if your going to use obscure words at least learn how to spell them

The Return of Dj Sparky
7:42 PM - 3 January, 2015
Any links to your journalistic work I could do with a laugh

9:04 PM - 3 January, 2015
no one dissects a cricket you idiot.
I use language like, a duck quacks
cut your fingers off, because you are wack
I use language like, a duck quacks
cut your fingers off, because you are wack

12:59 AM - 4 January, 2015
You jealous?? It's you are jealous Mr.Chief of Grammar Police..GAFL!!!!
Looks like Reading and Comprehension aren't your strong points...
If you paid attention, you'd see I was addressing a specific member of the board who's known for being Mr. Speak-N-Spell (Not)...
Regardless, looks like you've already been served up...
Please continue...
Looks like Reading and Comprehension aren't your strong points...
If you paid attention, you'd see I was addressing a specific member of the board who's known for being Mr. Speak-N-Spell (Not)...
Regardless, looks like you've already been served up...
Please continue...

4:34 AM - 4 January, 2015
OHHHHH Shit. My Grandmaster Jay imposter alert system is going off again......
Look my Dj.afficianados..I see that this forum is for those Dj's who talk,think,act the same..I think those kind of people are commonly referred to as Robots.God forbid you enter the Almighty Serato forum with a differing viewpoint. Bitter old man,faking the funk,,learn how to write really??? You people are pathetic!!SmdhOHHHHH Shit. My Grandmaster Jay imposter alert system is going off again......

4:45 AM - 4 January, 2015
WTF did I just read?
Why can't people use full words when using the internet? I understand it when you are texting or where shorthand is needed, but somewhere, something else dies culturally when crap like that gets posted.
Glad you saw the dawn of time and stuff. I am sure there are dudes from the disco era that have even better stories. -toot toot your horn-
Why can't people use full words when using the internet? I understand it when you are texting or where shorthand is needed, but somewhere, something else dies culturally when crap like that gets posted.
Glad you saw the dawn of time and stuff. I am sure there are dudes from the disco era that have even better stories. -toot toot your horn-

4:07 PM - 4 January, 2015
no 52 year old man that is educated would write like a mentally challenged teenager from the 1990s.
and what are we to be jealous of?
your 5k collection of records that took you 27 years to amass?
lets do the math
average cost of record = 12
5000/12 = 416
416 records
416/27 years = 0.3 records a week
I spend more on sushi
I like this ^. Also have to agree w/pdidy's comments a few posts further. Saying "I prefer my technics and vinyl" and selling them is like saying..."I prefer my wife and kids"...and then leaving them for a dirty whore. I don't really get the logic. As a "Serato" dj, you can still use your vinyl if you wish. No one is forcing you to quit using what you are comfortable with...I bet when the car was invented you may have been one of the chumps who said "I prefer to walk and run...driving gets to where I need to be too fast and efficiently.."haha. No hard feelings though. To each their own.
And who cares how many records you have over 27 years. I've been spinning less than that and have close to 40k records...who cares? I sport Serato 24/7.
You aren't a dinosaur. You may be a brain-dead zombie at this point if you haven't seen the benefits of using a DVS. The internet/digital age makes finding records/music that much easier now, but it also makes it that much harder, think about it.
this guy stinks of faking the funkno 52 year old man that is educated would write like a mentally challenged teenager from the 1990s.
and what are we to be jealous of?
your 5k collection of records that took you 27 years to amass?
lets do the math
average cost of record = 12
5000/12 = 416
416 records
416/27 years = 0.3 records a week
I spend more on sushi
I like this ^. Also have to agree w/pdidy's comments a few posts further. Saying "I prefer my technics and vinyl" and selling them is like saying..."I prefer my wife and kids"...and then leaving them for a dirty whore. I don't really get the logic. As a "Serato" dj, you can still use your vinyl if you wish. No one is forcing you to quit using what you are comfortable with...I bet when the car was invented you may have been one of the chumps who said "I prefer to walk and run...driving gets to where I need to be too fast and efficiently.."haha. No hard feelings though. To each their own.
And who cares how many records you have over 27 years. I've been spinning less than that and have close to 40k records...who cares? I sport Serato 24/7.
You aren't a dinosaur. You may be a brain-dead zombie at this point if you haven't seen the benefits of using a DVS. The internet/digital age makes finding records/music that much easier now, but it also makes it that much harder, think about it.

4:31 PM - 4 January, 2015
Crate-digging was way less digging than the digital excavation you have to do now (assuming you venture off of the various charts).

9:30 PM - 4 January, 2015
One is from England and one does not understand a word that this gentleman is saying. Please refrain from all this slang talk and kindly use the queens English.
Only joking we don't talk like that.
Only joking we don't talk like that.

The Return of Dj Sparky
11:12 PM - 4 January, 2015
She's all 6's and 7's that bird, best get on the dog and bone get a ruby murry in and crawl up the apple pairs after a good few tiddley winks,
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