DJing Discussion

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Traktor Duo

n:deuce 4:39 PM - 25 March, 2009
well, i cant believe no one is hollering about this yet...

might be good, i wont be the first to try it though.
DJ_Gadabout 7:08 PM - 25 March, 2009
i personally have never looked into the pros and cons of sl vs traktor .. but can anyone give me an unbiased Brief run through on what makes each better then the other?
Dnt get me wrong guys, im a die hard sl owner and user. but im bound to run into some1 whos gna talk shit, nd i got nothing.
[sorry for hijacking ur thread n2d]
DJMark 7:54 PM - 25 March, 2009
I could fill up many paragraphs based on experience, as could many others here, about why people should avoid Traktor and all other Native instruments' software like the plague.

All it's really necessary to point out is: NI's software subjects the user to a truly obnoxious on-line "registration"/"authorization" scheme that is known to sometimes malfunction for no apparent reason, leaving the user without the ability to use the software until resolved.

For anyone playing DJ gigs, that in itself should be considered a deal-killer...though there's plenty else that could be said.
DJ Bouj 8:40 PM - 25 March, 2009
Turn Table Tennis 8:45 PM - 25 March, 2009
screen clutter was a deal breaker. sl screen is nice and simple. with traktor has so much crap on the screen. you almost cant help but focus on it all night.
DJMark 8:47 PM - 25 March, 2009

That is easily the stupidest skateboarding-related thing I've ever seen.

The super-shitty Nirvana remake makes it even more worthy of ridicule.
Turn Table Tennis 8:49 PM - 25 March, 2009

how many dj's skate on their sl1 boxes.... plus, if you aren't nice to your hardware, you don't deserve to keep it. be nice to your sound cards guys.
Turn Table Tennis 8:53 PM - 25 March, 2009
oh and i just realized that guy said "who knows if it's water proof"... wouldn't that be the first thing you check if you're putting a piece of hardware through a stress test? that would be any piece of dj equipment's worst enemy with all the damn drunks in the club. if some one can get a skate board in the club he deserves to break something.
airdrawn 10:46 PM - 25 March, 2009
its all gimmicks & marketting people, something NI are very good at. its just a shame that they're so rubbish at making software that works, because I could really do with some of the features of TS. oh well, just have to wait for SSL 2.0.
Laz219 11:52 PM - 25 March, 2009
They barely even touched the box much, in that.

Somebody, please link the photo of an SL1 under the pickup i've seen around somewhere. Serato wins.
Turn Table Tennis 11:59 PM - 25 March, 2009
They barely even touched the box much, in that.

Somebody, please link the photo of an SL1 under the pickup i've seen around somewhere. Serato wins.

if some one want's to loan me their SL1, i'll stick it under my k5 blazer and take a picture....
Konix 12:12 AM - 26 March, 2009

Somebody, please link the photo of an SL1 under the pickup i've seen around somewhere. Serato wins.
Laz219 12:19 AM - 26 March, 2009
enough said.
Thanks konix.
n:deuce 12:38 AM - 26 March, 2009
thats funny.
Dj BuddyLove 6:03 AM - 26 March, 2009
I could fill up many paragraphs based on experience, as could many others here, about why people should avoid Traktor and all other Native instruments' software like the plague.

All it's really necessary to point out is: NI's software subjects the user to a truly obnoxious on-line "registration"/"authorization" scheme that is known to sometimes malfunction for no apparent reason, leaving the user without the ability to use the software until resolved.

For anyone playing DJ gigs, that in itself should be considered a deal-killer...though there's plenty else that could be said.
Dj BuddyLove 6:08 AM - 26 March, 2009
Dj BuddyLove 6:09 AM - 26 March, 2009
^^ffw to 1:15
DJ_Gadabout 3:55 PM - 26 March, 2009
Nuff said huh. haha.
C. William 4:01 PM - 26 March, 2009
Good god.. I've used Traktor in the past and still use it for mix cds, etc...but that shit is ridiculous.
Kenny Q 4:57 PM - 26 March, 2009
All the Traktor DJs that I've met are Techno junkies.
All the Hip Hop DJs that I know are into Serato.

Traktor has many great features but I'm not about to shell out extra $$$ when I already own and love SSL.

Traktor doesn’t do video yet.
mastermind 7:01 PM - 26 March, 2009
crap crap and more crap. i love dance music and i will not touch that software to safe my life.
Dj BuddyLove 11:11 PM - 26 March, 2009
All the Traktor DJs that I've met are Techno junkies.
All the Hip Hop DJs that I know are into Serato.

Traktor has many great features but I'm not about to shell out extra $$$ when I already own and love SSL.

Traktor doesn’t do video yet.

im a EDM DJ But do play everything if needed and i use ScratchLive only.
if i need bells & whistles, echos, delays, flangers ect id rather use a EFX,MPC, MIXER ECT..
monkeybiz 11:26 PM - 26 March, 2009
I used Traktor from version 2.0 through 2.6, then just stuck with SSL and regular vinyl for about three years. I decided to try Traktor PRO out and even after the recent update, I'm still not about to take it to any gigs. Clunky, bloated, and buggy. Setup is a drag, and NI plays a shell game by adding superfluous features and discretely removing others. Setting up beatgrids is a timesuck.

SSL may not have the bells and whistles, but it's reliable, user-friendly, and the developers offer great support.
Laz219 2:04 AM - 27 March, 2009
Scratch live is perfect in it's simplicity and lack of any over the top 'features' IMO
C. William 2:11 AM - 27 March, 2009
Scratch live is perfect in it's simplicity and lack of any over the top 'features' IMO

Yea. I'd like to see a little bit of development with the features SSL has now though. Like additional cue points that could labeled, etc.
Laz219 4:13 AM - 27 March, 2009
There are small things still to be added, but the core functionality is extremely good.
C. William 4:14 AM - 27 March, 2009
There are small things still to be added, but the core functionality is extremely good.

I agree!
SiRocket 4:20 AM - 27 March, 2009
There are small things still to be added, but the core functionality is extremely good.

Henry GQ 4:36 AM - 27 March, 2009
that video craqcked me up...
traktor was all over the fuckin place up and down and up...
good luck to people that buy that.
Dj BuddyLove 5:17 AM - 27 March, 2009
Scratch live is perfect in it's simplicity and lack of any over the top 'features' IMO

Although i am very Glad they added the sp6..(Air Horns For All hahahaha!!! j/k)

There are small things still to be added,

TOP PRIORITY------>Smart/Inteligent Crate Management!!!

but the core functionality is extremely good.

Absolutley :)
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:37 AM - 27 March, 2009
Just checked pricing...



Hmmm, Serato should start selling a standalone ITCH for like $50 - 100 to compete with TRAKTOR DUO and blow it out of the water.

I'm sure all the little Microwaves will come out of the woodwork with their Midi controllers and think they are "real DJ's with the Traktor Duo.

I have seen two DJ's this week using a controller and Virtual DJ. Now with Traktor Duo at $119, they'll think they have "big boy" software.

The only thing Serato (the company - not SSL) has working against it is the price of the Software/Hardware combo. Why not sell BASIC ITCH for like $50 as a standalone and then sell the plug ins for specific controllers for like $10-30 (think like control vinyl).
Thebasementwonder 6:36 AM - 27 March, 2009

I have read this post. I been a user for Serato from day one. I must say NI's move to get the entry level user/ budget minded people is smart. NI has always made stable software. As for comments about NI being a for techno Dj's is wrong there alot of hiphop djs using NI traktor pro but are over shadowed by Serato. I have used both units. Both have there pros and cons

Those of you may differ on what I say but its my thought and say im talking crab NI sucks or i dont know what im talking about. For example timecode alot of my friends that use serato say the timecode is crap, and have compared it to NI traktor pro scratch and say traktor's timecode is way tight. Both were compared on same laptop with the same specs.

As the old saying goes "DONT KNOCK IT TIL U TRY IT" then u can give a honest opin
DJMark 7:15 AM - 27 March, 2009
NI has always made stable software.

You're five days early.


I, and a lot of others here (who paid dearly for the experience in money, wasted time, and sheer petty aggravation) HAVE "tried it".

It sucked. Native Instruments "support" sucked even worse.

I'd have to say my foolish decision to "not knock it till I tried it" was the single worst decision involving computers and software I've ever made.

I should have saved a lot of trouble for myself and paid much more attention to what others were already saying at the time (2004/early 2005).

The only legitimate excuse I have is that, at that time, SSL's feature set was pretty bare-bones. I was (stupidly) sucked in by dishonest marketing hype and false promises.

Hopefully my, and others, sharing of experiences can save some other DJ's similar wasted effort and $. That's what a "community" like this one is for.

"Friends Don't Let Friends Buy Shitty Software From Shitty Companies".
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:49 AM - 27 March, 2009
I, and a lot of others here (who paid dearly for the experience in money, wasted time, and sheer petty aggravation) HAVE "tried it".


Original Final Scratch and 6 months here personally, plus my DJ partner owns and still uses Traktor DJ Studio and Traktor 3 - enough punishment for me (Search is REALLY, REALLY, PAINFUL).

But we use Serato @ the Bar weekly - LOL - using his Windows Computer and Traktor is pure hell for me - he knows I CAN'T do it (call me a pussy but that shit is real fucked up).
airdrawn 10:34 AM - 27 March, 2009

I have read this post. I been a user for Serato from day one. I must say NI's move to get the entry level user/ budget minded people is smart. NI has always made stable software. As for comments about NI being a for techno Dj's is wrong there alot of hiphop djs using NI traktor pro but are over shadowed by Serato. I have used both units. Both have there pros and cons

Those of you may differ on what I say but its my thought and say im talking crab NI sucks or i dont know what im talking about. For example timecode alot of my friends that use serato say the timecode is crap, and have compared it to NI traktor pro scratch and say traktor's timecode is way tight. Both were compared on same laptop with the same specs.

As the old saying goes "DONT KNOCK IT TIL U TRY IT" then u can give a honest opin

i DID try it, wasted £500 on it, & 3 months of my life. its an outrage that all these big name DJ's are using it. its great in principle but the core functionality & workflow is hideous, and their support & forum moderators are an absolute joke.
Henry GQ 5:11 PM - 27 March, 2009
i dont think serato should ever drop their price...
u want good shit... u pay for it.
otherwise buy virtual dj.. bitchs
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 11:47 PM - 27 March, 2009
i dont think serato should ever drop their price...

Agreed - on REAL Serato (Scratch Live) but Serato ITCH is already FREE with 2 or 3 Midi controlers, that is the ONLY way you can get it.

I say charge for a basic version of ITCH and make it run like Internal mode (add a crossfader), and then sell the plug ins for different Midi controllers (like we buy control vinyl).

Two things would probably happen, real SSL users may want to buy ITCH for bullshit gigs or as a backup for SSL (again think Internal with a crossfader) or the cheap DJ's who buy ITCH (instead of Traktor Duo) may eventually upgrade to the more advanced Scratch Live.

Win - Win for Serato as a whole.
SiRocket 12:16 AM - 28 March, 2009
i always thought the excessive ridiculous price of a vci (vestax) or the ns7 was because itch was included...???
monkeybiz 12:38 AM - 28 March, 2009
NI has always made stable software.

Yeah, that's why their old forums were so loaded with angry posts from users reporting glitches, pops, and crashes... then NI decided to wipe the slate clean and start a new forum.

That's also why so many former users (myself, and a friend who was a former moderator there) jumped ship to competing products.

Remember FinalScratch 2? I had that for only a matter of months, and it took ages to sell ... to some poor guy who found it wouldn't even run on his Intel-based Mac.

I decided to give NI another try with Traktor PRO, but for reasons that should be clear on NI's forums (and the abundance of threads from frustrated users), it has yet to earn my trust with any gigs.

As the old saying goes "DONT KNOCK IT TIL U TRY IT" then u can give a honest opin

Just did.
Henry GQ 12:54 AM - 28 March, 2009
monkey see monkey do
Zion-Prayz 2:00 AM - 28 March, 2009
NI has always made stable software.

Yeah, that's why their old forums were so loaded with angry posts from users reporting glitches, pops, and crashes... then NI decided to wipe the slate clean and start a new forum.

That's also why so many former users (myself, and a friend who was a former moderator there) jumped ship to competing products.

Remember FinalScratch 2? I had that for only a matter of months, and it took ages to sell ... to some poor guy who found it wouldn't even run on his Intel-based Mac.

I decided to give NI another try with Traktor PRO, but for reasons that should be clear on NI's forums (and the abundance of threads from frustrated users), it has yet to earn my trust with any gigs.

As the old saying goes "DONT KNOCK IT TIL U TRY IT" then u can give a honest opin

Just did.

airdrawn 6:27 PM - 28 March, 2009
anybody considering going over to traktor should just take a read of their user forums, lots of very, very angry people & rightly so.