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Yamaha DSR 112 vs Yamaha DXR12

DJ.Tyme 5:53 PM - 17 March, 2014
right now i DJ with the Yamaha DSR 115's & luv them. im a mobile dj only. so lately iv'e been thinking about buying some 12'' speakers. so i can use then to DJ smaller backyard bday,pool,get together parties. and just take the 15'' to weddings halls etc,etc. so i know alot of ya gonna be like K12's but im a yamaha guy been using my Yamaha DSR115 for like the last 5 years never ever gave me no problems so im sticking with this brand. so please i wanna here from my fellow dj's who have or have used the DSR112 & or DXR12 thanx My fellow DJ's
JDforKing 6:08 PM - 17 March, 2014
I have a pair of yamaha dxr12 and dxr8s. I love them both. The dxr12 can definitely handle a wedding crowd of 100 people so it will surely handle a low key barbecue.
skinnyguy 2:48 PM - 18 March, 2014
I think the new yamahas are just as good, if not better than, the qsc speakers.
Joee 3:14 PM - 18 March, 2014
I think the new yamahas are just as good, if not better than, the qsc speakers.

you think ???

i know there better !!! k series killers
Al Poulin 4:02 PM - 18 March, 2014
I've heard/tested/reviewed most cabs in the DXR and DSR lines and currently own DXR8s, DXR15s and DXS12 subs. All truly excellent speakers. The DSRs offer more output and a more durable finish BUT the DXRs are more flexible (outstanding mixer section), are lower priced and offer much of the same technology as found in the DSRs. In your case, a pair of DXR12 would likely be ideal for smaller events or backyard party type gigs. Even a pair of DXR10s might actually be adequate for these purposes and are very compact as well. Feel free if you have any questions at all about the DXR or DSR cabs. I have many video reviews on Youtube as well if you are interested.

Al Poulin
DJ.Tyme 4:24 PM - 18 March, 2014
I've heard/tested/reviewed most cabs in the DXR and DSR lines and currently own DXR8s, DXR15s and DXS12 subs. All truly excellent speakers. The DSRs offer more output and a more durable finish BUT the DXRs are more flexible (outstanding mixer section), are lower priced and offer much of the same technology as found in the DSRs. In your case, a pair of DXR12 would likely be ideal for smaller events or backyard party type gigs. Even a pair of DXR10s might actually be adequate for these purposes and are very compact as well. Feel free if you have any questions at all about the DXR or DSR cabs. I have many video reviews on Youtube as well if you are interested.

Al Poulin

thanx can u send me some youtube links like in a personal message thanx
Al Poulin 5:27 PM - 18 March, 2014
Here is a link to my latest active speaker review :

You will easily find all my other videos from that one - just click on Alpoulin1. :-)

DJ GaFFle 7:12 PM - 18 March, 2014
I've heard/tested/reviewed most cabs in the DXR and DSR lines and currently own DXR8s, DXR15s and DXS12 subs. All truly excellent speakers. The DSRs offer more output and a more durable finish BUT the DXRs are more flexible (outstanding mixer section), are lower priced and offer much of the same technology as found in the DSRs. In your case, a pair of DXR12 would likely be ideal for smaller events or backyard party type gigs. Even a pair of DXR10s might actually be adequate for these purposes and are very compact as well. Feel free if you have any questions at all about the DXR or DSR cabs. I have many video reviews on Youtube as well if you are interested.

Al Poulin

thanx can u send me some animal-porn youtube links like in a personal message thanx

Don't do it Al... That'll get'chu banned.
dj_soo 11:40 PM - 21 March, 2014
high-passed with subs, my DXR10s sound better than my K12s
pdidy 11:44 PM - 21 March, 2014
high-passed with subs, my DXR10s sound better than my K12s

Really...are they louder too ?
Joee 11:53 PM - 21 March, 2014
dxr's kick k's @SS
dj_soo 2:02 AM - 22 March, 2014
high-passed with subs, my DXR10s sound better than my K12s

Really...are they louder too ?

Not sure about that - I rarely ever push my system even close to limit so I can't say for sure. If you believe the listed specs (which I don't), they are supposed to both have a max spl of 131db.
Al Poulin 3:52 AM - 22 March, 2014
high-passed with subs, my DXR10s sound better than my K12s

Really...are they louder too ?

I don't think there's a noticeable difference in output capability between the Ks and DXRs, the DXRs simply sound better when pushed. You will notice a difference in possible output if you move up to the DSRs however.

pdidy 5:30 AM - 22 March, 2014
high-passed with subs, my DXR10s sound better than my K12s

Really...are they louder too ?

Not sure about that - I rarely ever push my system even close to limit so I can't say for sure. If you believe the listed specs (which I don't), they are supposed to both have a max spl of 131db.

Trust me, I have no trust in advertised
Paukel 4:31 PM - 23 March, 2015
I'm very interested in this discussion. I'm trying to decide between Yamaha DXR12s and DSR112s. The DSRs seem to be higher spec but there is only an 18" subwoofer in this range which would be a bit awkward for one man to hump around, so I'm wondering if the DXS15 sub would work OK with the DSR112 tops, or would I be better off with the DXR12s and DXS15 sub which seem to be designed to go together. How does the sound quality compare between the DXR and DSR. If it's just down to maximum output level that probably wouldn't be an issue for me as I don't normally play overly loud.
I'm currently using passive EV ZX4s with Dynacord Powermate 1000. Great for smaller venues. Ive tried using Dynacord DM12 subs with them but I think they sound much better without subs. I just would like more power for bigger venues.
rayjthedj 6:51 PM - 23 March, 2015
While Yamaha makes some wonderful tops, I would not buy their subs for a larger venue or crowd. Don't get me wrong their subs sound good, but they do not have the output for larger crowds or venues.
Paukel 11:31 PM - 23 March, 2015
So what sub would you recommend?
Joee 11:37 PM - 23 March, 2015
So what sub would you recommend?

two dxr12 and one kw181 makes a nice portable system
Tudor 1:33 AM - 24 March, 2015
So what sub would you recommend?

two dxr12 and one kw181 makes a nice portable system

I agree with Joee that two dxr12 and one qsc kw181 make a great system. Thats what I've been using for about one year and i was very happy with the sound.
rayjthedj 1:47 PM - 24 March, 2015
Like said above, KW181, or if you like EV products, listen to the ETX15SP. I am sure there are some great JBL and RCF offerings out there also.
Paukel 2:37 PM - 24 March, 2015
Thanks for the advice. The KW181 and ETX15SP seem a bit pricey for me but I suppose you get what you pay for. Does anyone know anything about DAS stuff? There's a DAS action 18a sub on Gumtree just down the road from me going pretty cheap.
therustymiler 10:15 AM - 28 January, 2016
I'm looking at getting a pair of KW181's and am not sure what tops to put on?
currently thinking a pair of DSR 112 or DSR 115.
Keen to listen to a few other options like RCF ART 315-A MK3 , QSC k 12's or 15's or maybe even HK Audio Premium Pro 15XA or 12's
Vinny D. 4:05 PM - 29 March, 2018
Great discussion here.

Curious, want to upgrade or create a new rig. Have Pioneer DJ-SX, EQs, DBX DriveRack, 4 Yamaha 15 Clubs and 2 JBL 125s I use for low extension and 2 QSC GX5 and QSC 2450.

Looking for upgrade in sound quality and may be going pro again as a DJ, right now volunteering but have done parties for 20+ years when vinyl and CDs were king.

Contemplating for cost to stay with passive and get a deal on SR4735X and SR4718X or 19X since I hear the 3-way sound is tops. But I'm also hearing the Yamaha DXR and DSR series are great and I like JBL and heard PRX are good and SRX may be worth the cost. Contemplating 12s, high-end 15s or 3-way over subs. If no compromise the 15s and 3-ways don't always require subs.

DXR12 vs. DSR112 - Hear the DSR are much better but many like the DXR for recorded music and flexibility. Thinking though the DSR112 or possibly DSR115 (more versatile) may be of sufficient quality to rival the 3-way speakers.

2-way vs. 3-way - are todays 12s or 15s providing same clarity as the 3-way boxes claim? I have had 3-way many years and was always told they had sound like a live band.

1) 2 SR4735X with 1-2 SR3718X or 19X
2) 2 PRX812 over 1-2 PRX818
3) 2 PRX835 over 1-2 PRX818
4) 2 SRX812 over 1-2 SRX818
5) 2 SRX835 over 1-2 SRX828
6) 2 DSR112 or DSR115s (standalone or over PRX 818)
7) 2 DXR12s over DSR118s

What would give me close to best sound with regard to cost and mobility? How much do I gain going up price and weight and is it worth it?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
Al Poulin 8:42 PM - 29 March, 2018
Most modern offerings will sound better than those JBLs and Yamaha Clubs out of the box. How many people are you trying to cover and what types of events do you generally do? The DSR115s are excellent full range boxes even without subs and will handle typical weddings up to 200 without necessarily needing sub support. Yorkville PS-15Ps and EF15Ps will do this as well (plus many EV, JBL boxes too). Even DXR15s handle small to medium weddings pretty well by themselves. My go to system for bigger wedding (150 or more) is a pair of DXR8s over DXS12 subs. If you don't mind a little weight, a pair of DSR112s over a single (or pair of) DXS18s would make a killer system for up to 300-400 people at wedding levels. (note that the DSR112 must ALWAYS be used with sub support however). As mentionned, almost anything will sound better than the 125s, which are loud but painful to listen to. The Yamaha Clubs aren't bad, but I've always found them power hungry and could never get the horn to sound like I want. There are many options out there... Feel free if you have any questions :)
Vinny D. 2:06 PM - 30 March, 2018
Hi Al, honored with your reply, you are considered an authority on these forums.

I usually play for 75-200 indoors and 100-300 outdoors, possibly 1000 in October. Outdoors is usually volunteer work and they are happy with the volume. I just like good sound and I'm sure it is appreciated when offered.

I do have a Yamaha Stagepas 400i with 8inch speakers and Behringer 12 inch sub for small events <100 so think it makes sense to focus on a 10, 12,or 15 over 18 system which can be scaled from 100-300+.

Questions still brewing:

Is 3-way passive or active vs. 2-way for clarity and sounding more musical?
- If 3-way I would buy the passive JBL SR4735Xfor $500/each or the active JBL SRX would be $1000+. Would still consider subs for big parties since these would probably still need to go on stands.

If 2-ways are close enough, is there a 15inch option that sounds as clear in midrange as the 12s, possibly DSR115s?
- If 2-way would consider these options:
JBL PRX710 $400 each over 1 PRX818 (only 81lbs) $800 = $1600 total
JBL PRX812s over 2 PRX818s
DSR112 over DSR118 (DSR118 more flat, can be crossover higher)
DSR112 over PRX818 (only 81lbs and goes real low and loud)
DSR115 over DXS18 (DXS18s seem best when crossover lower like 80hz)

Curious how you feel about sub choices and whether to stay with one brand for tops/subs.

Thanks again for your expert opinion.

Al Poulin 4:37 PM - 30 March, 2018
Thank you for your kind words :) The DSR115s do need a little bit of eq applied to get that midrange out, because out of the box they are a little mid scooped - both my dealer and I felt this way when we tested them a few years ago. The top end is a little too present in smaller places for my liking (and I really enjoy a strong top end), so this needs to be dialed back a little in small places but is an advantage in bigger ones. The compression driver and LF driver in the DSR boxes are excellent neodymium units that retail at over twice the price of what is found in the DXR line. They will get significantly louder too.

If you like clear vocals and are in Canada, the new EF15P would be worth a listen. They have a 3`` compression driver and will likely rival 3 way active equivalents IMO. Take your time and maybe try to rent some cabs and really test them out up to limiting with familiar music to see what works best for your needs. So many quality options out there! Where are you located?

Al Poulin 4:53 PM - 30 March, 2018
These days, I feel investing in quality actives with a good warranty is the way to go. No more amps and extra amps to carry along with you... Everything sounding good out of the box and well protected and processed. No amp racks. My ideal system IF I could carry it would be DSR112s over a pair of DXS18 subs.

However, Yamaha has just come out with improved DXS12-MKII and DXS15-MKII subs, so these might also be worth considering. A pair of DXR12s over DXS12-MKIIs for example would make a nice looking and sounding compact system for up to 250 (at wedding levels) or you could use the tops alone for your smaller 100 person or less gigs.

I'm actually hoping to get my hands on the DXS12-MKII as I currently own the older version and would love to hear the new one with more extended low frequency response and increased output. There are better sounding subs of course, but for the price and with matching tops I've been enjoying mine for 5 years now and not a hiccup.

Al Poulin 4:58 PM - 30 March, 2018
Here's an example of my wedding system DXR8s over DXS12 subs - but at a dance recital I was providing sound for :

The biggest wedding I've done with this system was for 250 people in a pretty big venue and the system had no issues proividing ample output. Didn't even see the limit lights. As mentionned, there are better subs, but for the money I feel this is a terrific system for my needs. The 7 year warranty is a nice plus!

Vinny D. 6:15 PM - 30 March, 2018
I'm from Staten Island (NYC), New York but can get Yorkville too and the new EF line with 3" voice coils look amazing. The EF12Ps over a ES18P if priced well is a nice option.

Makes sense to go active and compact for jobs that are 90+% of the time.

You have made great choices:
1) The DXR8s over DXS12s makes a lot of sense, very loud and portable.
2) The DXR12s over DXS12 MKii's or DSR112s over DXS15 MKii's (if priced well)
3) The DSR112s and 1 or 2 DXS18s

The DXS15 MKii specs don't show much louder or lower than the DXS12s but might be nicer to blend the 12s and 15s, not much more weight. The DXS18's are heavy, I might as well save money there and get a passive dual 18 box for that rare occasion I'm outdoors or doing movie night where I would have a lot of help lugging anyway and would use my passive stuff that can get banged around outdoors.

Like option 2 above since I have the Yamaha Stagepas 400I (8 tops over 12 sub), the 12" tops and 12/15" subs would offer the most flexibility.

Thanks for your feedback.

Vinny D
dj_soo 6:38 PM - 30 March, 2018
There’s been some mixed reviews over the dxs18s and I personally don’t really like the 12 and 15” subs by Yamaha (loud for the price, but not the best sounding or lowest sub).

DSR12s over the es18ps might be a good look tho.
Vinny D. 8:12 PM - 30 March, 2018
Did hear some mixed reviews on DXS subs, maybe crossing over lower may help most concerns.

I heard many who like the DSR112s like putting the QSC KW151 or JBL PRX818 underneath and heard they work well together. Both of these go low and are lighter weight than Yamaha DSX18 and Yorkville ES18P.

If I went with JBL, might consider PRX710 (only $400) or PRX812 ($700), though Yamaha DXR/DSR probably worth the extra.

The ES18P being a newer LS801P, must be something to reckon with.

deejayfatcat 8:59 PM - 30 March, 2018
Soo and Al helped me with the decision on my new system. DXR10 over DXS12. I used them for the first time this past weekend at a 350 person event with a PACKED dancefloor. The sound was excellent and I just about used up the headroom of the bottoms. The tops had more in them. In fact, the manager of the room came over and commented how well the system sounded, in spite of how small it was being carried in.

I would recommend the 10s over the 8 tops if you ever intend on being able to use them without subs. I wanted that flexibility for when it’s smaller parties of 50-80 and dancing isn’t a priority.
Al Poulin 11:21 PM - 30 March, 2018
At 350 people, you were probably almost tickling the limiters at some points of the night I'm sure lol. What a good test of what the system can do... If you don't boost the lows on your mixer EQs (keep things as flat as possible), it's pretty surprising what those tops and subs can do.

I agree there are many better sounding subs that the DXS12s, but to be honest - for small to medium weddings up to 250 (up to which I personally would be comfortable) - the DXR tops over DXS subs combination is really tough to beat for the money, looks and sound quality given their price and generous 7 year warranty. The new DXS12-MKII should be even better since it goes lower and gets louder all while weighing less - 66 lbs - which isn't bad at all.

If in Canada, a pair of NX55P-2s over LS720Ps (or NX equivalent) is a great system as well. If you want to spend a little more, Parasource PS12Ps over the powered 12" subs is another compact system with great sound and output. Finally, the Bose F1 system (F1 812 tops over F1 subs) is another great choice, but a little more money. I am not a fan of Bose in general, but this system actually sounds excellent and hits hard too.

dj_soo 1:00 AM - 31 March, 2018
I run my dxr8s over a ps12s for my < 100 person parties and it’s been great.

I have a pair of nx720s subs that I’m looking to unload as I felt they didn’t quite have the oomph I was looking for. Even when I did gigs with 4 of them, it was a little too lacking in throw for me.

The ps15s subs are pretty decent although lacking in features. I prefer the output and throw of the ps15s, but I wish it had the features of the nx720s.

Very interested in trying out both the es15p and upcoming es12p tho...
Jon-Paul Evans 4:13 AM - 19 June, 2018
I have:
2 kw181 (love em)
2 kw153s (really like them)
2 JBL prx710s (loud but poor build quality and basic features)
just picked up 2 DSR115s from a guy for an amazing price. (thrilled to own them)
adding 2 dxr12s (because of all the awesome things Al and others say)

to complete this and have expandability, versatility and backup - what makes more sense: DXS12 or DXS15? I'd likely buy two but maybe my smaller, backup rig would be fine with just a single small sub.

leaning towards dxs15 if the sound is that impressive and greater than the dxs12
DXS12s are a little more compact. I've never seen them in person so if money is no object - what's most sensible?

I'm a center city (philly) DJ/MC so compact systems are nice. But I'm strong enough to carry anything out there so size isnt a major issue. but again...compact is nice.

I guess my main questions is this: IS the DXS15 worth every ounce and penny over the 12?

most of my gigs require only one of my kw181s - and sometimes even just one is overkill. Managers come up and ask me to turn it down before its even pushed. Thats because I do events in hotels and restaurants. So I do think DXS12s would make a nice addition. But I am so afraid of buyers remorse.

15s or 12s? 1 or 2?
dj_soo 4:40 AM - 19 June, 2018
Make sure to test them out. While I've never heard the mk2s, I was never that impressed with the dxs12 or 15 mk1s. They don't go low, they're heavy, and the bandpass design didn't sound smooth. The newer models might be a lot better give that they are based off the dxs18 design, but best to listen for yourself before commiting.

Personally, I went with a single Yorkville ps12s to pair with my dxr8s for small gigs.
Jon-Paul Evans 4:59 AM - 19 June, 2018
I see a great deal on the DXS subs and I think I am just hung up on a good deal instead of the right sub. I do well with my kw181s. Maybe I save the money and buy other gear. Thanks, Soo. I respect your input. You and Al offer great perspective. I like ported boxes in car audio. Its the difference between bass you hear and bass you feel.

How about I put it like this. Right now I can get a DXS12 for $330 and I can get a DXS15 for $380. So...yeah - to me its hard to resist that price on a highly rated, much loved sub with great reputation, reliability and warranty.
Jon-Paul Evans 5:03 AM - 19 June, 2018
or do I skip the DXR and DXS and just buy the new DZR12s?
dj_soo 5:55 AM - 19 June, 2018
Al seems to like the DXS12s - for $660 for a pair, that's a pretty good deal. The MK2s seem to go a lot lower, but at that price, I'm guess you're getting the MK1s.

DZR is the next step up - I'm hoping to grab a pair of the DZR10s eventually to replace my DXR10s. It'll most likely be a lot better, but I've never heard them...
Jon-Paul Evans 6:16 AM - 19 June, 2018
those DZRs sound like the next generation of sound for the mainstream MI consumer. Makes me wonder what companies like Danley to RCF are cooking up.

Good to know that my hearing loss will compensated by louder gear (kidding.....kinda)
Jon-Paul Evans 7:20 AM - 19 June, 2018
I do think that a dxs12 under a dxr8 is a superior system to the current compact line array setups out there. While everyone is paying 2500 for an evox12, it seems the biggest noticeable gain is dispersion and only a slight intelligible increase. Nothing clients notice. But a DXS15 with 10 or 12s over it.... Only the DB tech Line array will come close to sounding as good. but it'll cost 2-3x as much. So again. Yamaha is my pick. And again - the difference is nothing a client would notice. Aside from a few pounds lighter and one or two less cables to hook-up, I see no reason to spend double.

2x dxs12 = 700
2x dxr8 = 1000
1x evox12 = 2500

So, for a few pounds more and a couple extra cables - these compact line array systems are, in my opinion, nothing great.

I have to consider a few locations that dont allow subs. What do ppl with evox's do in those spots?

I know what I'll do... Bring my KW153s or DSR115s

If I was going to buy line array I would undoubtedly buy DB Tech - and I might buy it...
dj_soo 7:32 AM - 19 June, 2018
I played on my first Danely rig this weekend - thing sounded sweet and was probably only going at 20%. I love the sound of RCF gear, but the speakers are ridiculously expensive to get here in Canada.

The advantage of the mini column arrays is portability imo - especially something like the EVOX8 where there array column slides into a slot on the sub for transport.

Throw is another big advantage as the 8" tops especially usually do better at horizontal coverage than throw, but I do think a more traditional PA setup like 8s over 12s would produce more output.

I'm happy with my setup of DXR 8s or 10s over my pair of Cerwin Vega CVX18S subs and a single PS12S for small gigs. Pretty modular and I can use the 8s as either monitors or side fills/delayed satellites for bigger rooms.

I went strictly 8" and 10" tops and subs to save space due to my vehicle so I've definitely encountered issues in venues that don't allow subs (and they naturally don't tell me that until I show up).

Definitely interested in the DZR line tho just for the bigger high frequency voice coil which should help with throw.

The dBtech 1203 seems like the best column array to get as it's the most modular. You could theoretically grab 4 of them and have 8 driver arrays on either side over a pair of dual 12" subs.

I don't really want to spend that kind of money tho...
Jon-Paul Evans 7:56 AM - 19 June, 2018
I'd say we're in the same line of thinking and the same priorities. And we have our slight preferences. Thanks for the feedback.

Thoughts on the DB Ingenia series? Been eye'ing them since they landed. Apparently the difference is paper cones in the CLA vs (i think) titanium in the Ingenia. And someone said the paper is actually "smoother"

577er 4:20 PM - 19 June, 2018
I do think that a dxs12 under a dxr8 is a superior system to the current compact line array setups out there. While everyone is paying 2500 for an evox12, it seems the biggest noticeable gain is dispersion and only a slight intelligible increase. Nothing clients notice. But a DXS15 with 10 or 12s over it.... Only the DB tech Line array will come close to sounding as good. but it'll cost 2-3x as much. So again. Yamaha is my pick. And again - the difference is nothing a client would notice. Aside from a few pounds lighter and one or two less cables to hook-up, I see no reason to spend double.

2x dxs12 = 700
2x dxr8 = 1000
1x evox12 = 2500

So, for a few pounds more and a couple extra cables - these compact line array systems are, in my opinion, nothing great.

I have to consider a few locations that dont allow subs. What do ppl with evox's do in those spots?

I know what I'll do... Bring my KW153s or DSR115s

If I was going to buy line array I would undoubtedly buy DB Tech - and I might buy it...

There are very real advantages with the "compact line array systems" vs a similar system of 15" subs and 8" or 10" tops and some disadvantages.

The Evox setup really fast and project sound above 180Hz further with much greater clarity. These is no contest when it comes to covering huge rooms with 2 compact line array systems vs 2 traditional speakers. If you do a lot of wedding events that's a huge factor. Imagine 250 people hearing toasts with grater clarity than you would get with 4 traditional speakers spread around the room - and the time savings. It's a no brainer.

The column arrays are really best for wedding DJs who can sell the look to clients who don't want to see the speakers and need the sound to be clear and the production minimal. In fact I wouldn't recommend them to non wedding DJs due to the cost alone.

No question that two DXS15/12 with two DXR10/DXS8 has a much better ROI and greater flexibility. Yamaha is likely making the best full range speakers in the mobile DJ market these days when you compare price, warranty and performance. But I prefer the RCF 705asii subs over all of the small Yamaha offerings and QSC KW181s or Yorkvilles over the larger offerings.
Al Poulin 4:29 PM - 19 June, 2018
660$ for a pair of DXS12s is a very awesome deal. I'm very happy with mine (in the X-TENDED LF setting) and have had no issues. Paired with my DXR8s, they make a terrific sounding and fairly compact system that has surprising output capability. I know there are better sounding subs that go lower etc, but for typical wedding situations (up to 250 or so) a pair does a great job and sounds worlds better than speakers on sticks configuration... Looking forward to eventually testing the new MKII version of the DXS12s that go lower and get louder - although I've not run out of headroom yet with my current system.

Jon-Paul Evans 6:17 PM - 19 June, 2018
I do think that a dxs12 under a dxr8 is a superior system to the current compact line array setups out there. While everyone is paying 2500 for an evox12, it seems the biggest noticeable gain is dispersion and only a slight intelligible increase. Nothing clients notice. But a DXS15 with 10 or 12s over it.... Only the DB tech Line array will come close to sounding as good. but it'll cost 2-3x as much. So again. Yamaha is my pick. And again - the difference is nothing a client would notice. Aside from a few pounds lighter and one or two less cables to hook-up, I see no reason to spend double.

2x dxs12 = 700
2x dxr8 = 1000
1x evox12 = 2500

So, for a few pounds more and a couple extra cables - these compact line array systems are, in my opinion, nothing great.

I have to consider a few locations that dont allow subs. What do ppl with evox's do in those spots?

I know what I'll do... Bring my KW153s or DSR115s

If I was going to buy line array I would undoubtedly buy DB Tech - and I might buy it...

There are very real advantages with the "compact line array systems" vs a similar system of 15" subs and 8" or 10" tops and some disadvantages.

The Evox setup really fast and project sound above 180Hz further with much greater clarity. These is no contest when it comes to covering huge rooms with 2 compact line array systems vs 2 traditional speakers. If you do a lot of wedding events that's a huge factor. Imagine 250 people hearing toasts with grater clarity than you would get with 4 traditional speakers spread around the room - and the time savings. It's a no brainer.

The column arrays are really best for wedding DJs who can sell the look to clients who don't want to see the speakers and need the sound to be clear and the production minimal. In fact I wouldn't recommend them to non wedding DJs due to the cost alone.

No question that two DXS15/12 with two DXR10/DXS8 has a much better ROI and greater flexibility. Yamaha is likely making the best full range speakers in the mobile DJ market these days when you compare price, warranty and performance. But I prefer the RCF 705asii subs over all of the small Yamaha offerings and QSC KW181s or Yorkvilles over the larger offerings.

That's a great argument and very valid points. I do appreciate the coverage and vocal clarity/throw with the CLAs but I like the flexibility and price on piece systems.
Some venues I go to (very few - but still, some) don't allow subs. So I wonder what someone would do if all they had, or what they sold, was a CLA rig.

I figure 2 DXS12s or 2 DXS15s are equivalent to my single KW181 - so maybe all I need is 1 DXS. If I need more bass then I just roll with my 181.
Seems silly, but I like the DXS12 as a smaller footprint and safer setup than a tripod. Meaning the sub is less of a tripping hazard than the tripod. And for that reason I do see the advantage of CLAs.
Do CLAs suffer with a full dance floor because of their lower placement? Do they make it to the back of the dance floor? I can raise speakers as high as I need to and can even aim them down 7 degrees.
Jon-Paul Evans 6:19 PM - 19 June, 2018
Thanks for the reassurance Al. I think DXS (one or two) would be a nice addition to my inventory. Is there a significant sound improvement from the 12 to the 15?
Al Poulin 6:57 PM - 19 June, 2018
I'm guessing it can muster up a little more maximum SPL, but it is significantly bigger than DXS12, which is already pretty big for one guy to move. I used to own the Yorkville LS720P and did a direct compacrison between LS720P and DXS12. The LS720P did extend lower and was a little more musical, but output wise the Yamaha seemed to have a little more overall output BUT this could also be due to the yorkville's limit light flashing more quickly - as Yorkville limit light often tend to do - while the Yamaha's only blink once you are at the extremes of what the cabinet can do (and by that time - it's not sounding so good). Personally, I preferred the LS720P's sound quality and better extension, but for the price - and the fact that most people would not notice a difference at an event - AND because I wanted to match my Yamaha tops, the DXS12s were the right choice for me. As for comparison with the KW181, the KW181 IS a much better sounding sub, that is for sure. Output wise, a pair of DXS12s would probably be similar to a single 181 if not a little louder- they just would not go as low or sound quite as musical. You must remember that the DXS subs are good value and output for money and will sound great to most people (especially in the X-TENDED LF mode which I feel helps them sound a little better than many bandpass subs, but when you compare to more expensive / better subs, you will surely hear / feel the difference. In a venue however, at an event like a wedding, the DXS12s sound great IMO - SO MUCH BETTER than many DJs who show up with 15s on sticks (which of course I also do for cheapewr clients...)

577er 9:26 PM - 19 June, 2018
Do CLAs suffer with a full dance floor because of their lower placement? Do they make it to the back of the dance floor? I can raise speakers as high as I need to and can even aim them down 7 degrees.

The Evox12 cover big rooms front to back and you can get the bottom of the upper elements above folks heads. The EV Evolve 50 however is a fixed height and fixed top angle - both of which are a non starter for me. So it depends on which CLA you are talking about.

One of these photos you can see a QSC K8 at the roll up door, this was aimed outside but then it rained so they closed the roll up door - otherwise a pair of Evox12 was covering this room - of which you can see about half. I angled the top elements outward for dinner and slightly inward for dancing - there by getting the coverage where I needed it at diffrent times. As you can guess no pair of 8" speakers could have covered this room.
deejayfatcat 4:41 PM - 20 June, 2018
I’ve been using my dxr10/dxs12 combo for about 4 months now. I doubt you can find a better sounding, more flexible rig for the money.

I thought long and hard about getting a column array like fbt vertus, but traditional cabinets offered me way more flexibility.

The tops are very good full range and crossed over. I think the 10s hit the sweet spot of portability and ability to be used without subs. The subs are good and have lots of headroom but do not go very low, even in extended LF mode. They are very musical and have little to no cabinet distortion on most stuff I play.

I do wish the tops had better dsp and some basic user adjustable eq. I actually was thinking a SDJP master EQ would be a nice touch for the mobile crowd.
Taipanic 5:42 PM - 20 June, 2018

DSR112s over the es18ps might be a good look tho.

I've used this very setup for several events up to 400 people. One of the best combos for the price if you are playing dance music, IMO. The new ES18s are easier to pack & transport as well. I own an older pair of LS800/801s but have rented the ES18s for several events this year when additional sub support was needed or other gear was in use.