Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?

No disconnect when doing a 4-finger swipe to another program (Like Launchpad)

Joshua Carl 8:07 PM - 27 January, 2014
So, one of the biggest hurdles Ive run into with Remote, and what keeps it from being used, is that that unlike many other ipad apps, doing a 4-finger sweep gesture disconnects and resets the app.

I run Lemur to control aspects of my video performance.
all of which is either via Adhoc or wifi network.

Lemur, no matter what I do stays connects.
but each time I leave the remote app, when I swipe back I am back at the "no computer found" message and have to jump through all the hoops again to reconnect.

basically making that app (for me anyways) useless.

Now I also have NI Maschine and Launchpad (not that I use them WHILE im running SSL)
but one of their recent updates implemented this feature.

something that can happen perhaps"?
Joshua Carl 5:30 PM - 19 February, 2014
ugh, this would have been so great the other night.....
Joshua Carl 5:33 PM - 17 March, 2014
:-( I guess not that many people are running two apps at once.

but food for thought. I petitioned Lemur to ad an official solution, and there answer
was in the new release a simple "Run in Background" switch in the control panel.

so.... maybe fellas?
Dokumentary 12:50 PM - 20 March, 2014
+1 I'm using MIDI Designer Pro (similar to TouchOSC but not as many features) and I'm having the same issue...
DJGongshow 7:38 PM - 16 September, 2014

I ended up buying 2 iPads because of this... also after more than 4h of continuous connection and some inactivity, it seems to hang regardless and glitch out SDJ so that SP6 is frozen

would be great for this to be more stable and send MIDI out for external mapping
Dj Wunder 8:00 AM - 29 October, 2014
I run Luminaire, DBX PA2 control, and touchOSC on my iPad. I do not use Serato Remote because of the issue Joshua Carl mentioned