Serato DJ Pro General Discussion
Suppose I want to use time code vinyl alongside DDJ-SX..........
Serato DJ Pro General Discussion
Suppose I want to use time code vinyl alongside DDJ-SX..........
Talk about Serato DJ Pro, expansion packs and supported hardware
Suppose I want to use time code vinyl alongside DDJ-SX..........

11:51 AM - 4 November, 2013
If you have two laptops and a Rane SL box yes.
Or with one laptop and a rane box you can use the sx as a mixer and just use timecode and map some controlls of the sx to ssl.
But to use the sx with sdj and timecode at the sametime then no you can not do this.
Or with one laptop and a rane box you can use the sx as a mixer and just use timecode and map some controlls of the sx to ssl.
But to use the sx with sdj and timecode at the sametime then no you can not do this.

12:03 PM - 4 November, 2013
Hmmm thats a bit whack.
What actually happens in a rane sl box? Surely it's just an audio interface, is it not the software that converts timecode date to midi data?
Given that the main infrastructure is essentially there in the ddjsx, do you not reckon it would be possible via future updates?
What actually happens in a rane sl box? Surely it's just an audio interface, is it not the software that converts timecode date to midi data?
Given that the main infrastructure is essentially there in the ddjsx, do you not reckon it would be possible via future updates?

1:50 PM - 4 November, 2013
Yes if serato made it so you could use timecode and midi/hid yes would work like that. However Serato hasnt done that and ot wont work lole that. We do hope one day they change that.

2:08 PM - 4 November, 2013
Fingers crossed then hey!.......and for 'the bridge'.....
Hope you're listening serato!
Hope you're listening serato!

4:39 PM - 18 December, 2013
I just bought a DDJ-SX and will be taking it back. I am BLOWN AWAY that you cant use your control vinyl. Fix up serato, this is some straight up proprietary BS. Whats the point of having four spots on the Serato DJ if you can only use two controllers at the same time. I want to spin 4 decks at once, with control of them all at the same time, not have to switch back and forth.

8:04 PM - 18 December, 2013
Pioneer built the SX. Blame them.
Best bet is swap the £800 controller for 4 £800 decks, and a £1600 mixer
I just bought a DDJ-SX and will be taking it back. I am BLOWN AWAY that you cant use your control vinyl. Fix up serato, this is some straight up proprietary BS. Whats the point of having four spots on the Serato DJ if you can only use two controllers at the same time. I want to spin 4 decks at once, with control of them all at the same time, not have to switch back and forth.Pioneer built the SX. Blame them.
Best bet is swap the £800 controller for 4 £800 decks, and a £1600 mixer

8:08 PM - 18 December, 2013
Its not the controller that isnt compatible with control vinyl its the new software.

Scott S
11:11 PM - 18 December, 2013
Hi Brizene,
Sorry, but no where does it state that controllers will have the ability to support DVS. If you bought the DDJ-SX based on this assumption then you were misinformed.
We would love to bring DVS support to controllers in the future, however at this stage it is not possible.
Sorry, but no where does it state that controllers will have the ability to support DVS. If you bought the DDJ-SX based on this assumption then you were misinformed.
We would love to bring DVS support to controllers in the future, however at this stage it is not possible.

12:08 AM - 19 December, 2013
That's really unfortunate. Is there anyway to configure the screen for two decks in serato DJ than being as that's all you will be using at one time?

Scott S
12:14 AM - 19 December, 2013
The DDJ-SX is a 4 channel controller, you can control 4 decks at one time.
Also, there is a 2 / 4 button at the top of the screen to switch between 2 and 4 deck modes.
Also, there is a 2 / 4 button at the top of the screen to switch between 2 and 4 deck modes.

12:19 AM - 19 December, 2013
Yeah you can control 4 decks at one time, but I'm old school and still beat match by ear. I like to have total control of all decks at once, not give up control of one to control another. I will be hooking up my scratch live through the inputs of the other two channels on the mixer so that I can use my control vinyl. I was so excited yesterday when I bought this thing, thought I had made great progress in "getting with the times". I'm just stressed about it all now.

7:12 PM - 19 December, 2013
You got some videos of you manually playing 4 decks? I can't find too many clear videos of this around. I have noticed it is easier with software now since you can see what BPM you have your track at, so matching the other 3 is fairly simple and no/very little pitch riding should be necessary. Unless you are playing old funk, R&B, or Soul records. But, mashing 4 of those together would sound like a mess!

1:09 AM - 20 December, 2013
You are aware that you can hook up two CDJ's and do exactly what you are speaking of correct? "Getting with the times" has its advantages as well. I don't use SYNC either and the possibilities are endless with the DDJ-SX/CDJ-2000 Nexusx2 combo. I prefer my DJM-900SRT over it but it is still a great setup.

1:19 AM - 20 December, 2013
Yes I realize I can do that. The reason I bought the Ddj was for economic reasons. If I had loads of money to spend in gear I would have just bought two nexus cdjs, and a four channel nexus mixer with serato SL4 and would have been well on my way with my two turntables included.. The fact that the DDJ is in fact a Serato controller is a bit misleading. One would automatically assume that my serato control records would work with....wait for it.....serato. It says absolutely nowhere on the product that it does or does not. I'm sure I'm not the only one who mistakenly made this assumption. I guess the joke is on me and everyone just wants to paint me the fool, which is fine. I'm sure that when pioneer got together with serato this was an obvious talk they had, something they could have easily made happen but instead would like to find a way to turn an affordable piece of equipment into something they could turn around later and charge you for something else to make it compatible with other gear.

2:33 AM - 20 December, 2013
There is a key factor you are neglecting to include and that is the fact that Serato is a parent company and is merely a prefix when talking about specific applications. There is Serato Itch, Serato DJ Intro, Serato Scratch Live, Serato DJ, Serato Pitch n Time, Serato Video, Serato Remote etc. the word Serato simply does not specify enough and to assume ANYTHING based on the word Serato is a recipe for disaster. There is one fact I do know without asking though. It says very specifically Serato DJ on the box for the DDJ-SX. The fact is that the DDJ-SX is a controller for Serato DJ and not Serato Scratch Live. SSL is Serato's initial DVS software and Serato DJ didn't even get DVS support until very recently so why would anyone assume it supports DVS? At the time the DDJ-SX was released Serato DJ didn't support DVS AT ALL no matter what mixer, interface or controller you had. There are MANY that want the controllers to support DVS but that's as far as that goes in terms of others assuming they do.
Furthermore the DDJ-SX simply does not have the necessary wiring configuration to support it. Pioner were the manufacturer's of the DDJ-SX and I don't see how you could blame them for not wiring the controller for a feature that didn't even exist at the time. I am not trying to paint you a fool but when making statements like
"Its not the controller that isnt compatible with control vinyl its the new software." which is wrong
"Whats the point of having four spots on the Serato DJ if you can only use two controllers at the same time." when you in fact can
Is there anyway to configure the screen for two decks in serato DJ than being as that's all you will be using at one time?
It is clear that you didn't do your homework here. I promise I am not trying to come off as a dick which I know it must sound like I am just trying to show the alternate angle on this situation. All the tools were there they just weren't used. There is a LOT going on and a LOT of changes being made in this industry. I can understand getting a bit lost or simply not wanting to evolve with it (which is fine BTW) as this is your prerogative and what makes your style yours. The point here is making any assumptions with ANY advanced DJ software is not preferred practice nor is finger pointing (in the wrong direction) when those assumptions turn out to be false. The guys here at Serato are great people and are here to help. May I ask what you would have wanted them to do to avoid this? Serato is a software developer and they develop software. Do you really think it is their fault when someone purchases hardware designed to be used with one of their applications and has no idea as to the specifications or capabilities of said hardware? Especially when nowhere on the box (I just looked on mine), website, manual, or any other publication (produced by Serato) does it claim to do what you expected of it.
Have you put some time in with the DDJ-SX? I have the Rane 64, DJM-900SRT, CDJ-2000Nesus (x2), DDJ-SP1, as well as MANY other gear and i will say the DDJ-SX is by far the most fun to perform with and is the closest thing to my Main Rig and to a pro setup in any club and this coming from a guy who's most recent acquisition was a Urei 1620LE so believe me when I say I have the old school blood in me too. From a turntablist point of view I can see better options but just like TT's themselves it is an expensive venture. The 900SRT is my favorite mixer but when speaking TT's I would have to say the Rane 64 is my weapon of choice. This let's you use your TT's with Serato DJ (the soon to be Primary software for Serato) and you CAN use all four decks while only having two TT's. Furthermore no interface needed. Just the Mixer, your TT's and a laptop and you're good to go.
Furthermore the DDJ-SX simply does not have the necessary wiring configuration to support it. Pioner were the manufacturer's of the DDJ-SX and I don't see how you could blame them for not wiring the controller for a feature that didn't even exist at the time. I am not trying to paint you a fool but when making statements like
"Its not the controller that isnt compatible with control vinyl its the new software." which is wrong
"Whats the point of having four spots on the Serato DJ if you can only use two controllers at the same time." when you in fact can
Is there anyway to configure the screen for two decks in serato DJ than being as that's all you will be using at one time?
It is clear that you didn't do your homework here. I promise I am not trying to come off as a dick which I know it must sound like I am just trying to show the alternate angle on this situation. All the tools were there they just weren't used. There is a LOT going on and a LOT of changes being made in this industry. I can understand getting a bit lost or simply not wanting to evolve with it (which is fine BTW) as this is your prerogative and what makes your style yours. The point here is making any assumptions with ANY advanced DJ software is not preferred practice nor is finger pointing (in the wrong direction) when those assumptions turn out to be false. The guys here at Serato are great people and are here to help. May I ask what you would have wanted them to do to avoid this? Serato is a software developer and they develop software. Do you really think it is their fault when someone purchases hardware designed to be used with one of their applications and has no idea as to the specifications or capabilities of said hardware? Especially when nowhere on the box (I just looked on mine), website, manual, or any other publication (produced by Serato) does it claim to do what you expected of it.
Have you put some time in with the DDJ-SX? I have the Rane 64, DJM-900SRT, CDJ-2000Nesus (x2), DDJ-SP1, as well as MANY other gear and i will say the DDJ-SX is by far the most fun to perform with and is the closest thing to my Main Rig and to a pro setup in any club and this coming from a guy who's most recent acquisition was a Urei 1620LE so believe me when I say I have the old school blood in me too. From a turntablist point of view I can see better options but just like TT's themselves it is an expensive venture. The 900SRT is my favorite mixer but when speaking TT's I would have to say the Rane 64 is my weapon of choice. This let's you use your TT's with Serato DJ (the soon to be Primary software for Serato) and you CAN use all four decks while only having two TT's. Furthermore no interface needed. Just the Mixer, your TT's and a laptop and you're good to go.

3:26 AM - 20 December, 2013
You know what, maybe you are right about some things. Maybe you are coming off as a bit of a spoiled dick, maybe. Maybe I'm just nervous to try something new. Maybe I'm just pissed off because now I have to hook my decks back up to my mixer so that I can get the rest of tomorrow's set in order. I don't know. Maybe I travelled 3 hours with a fever to buy it and waited a day (still with fever) to hook it up. Maybe I was just pissed off enough when I went to play a track from my deck that I didn't give it a chance. All these maybes are not maybes by the way.
I am however going to give this gawd damn thing a chance. I have it. I own it. I'm not paying the stupid 15% restocking fee to return it. I'm going to make this piece of equipment work for me. I still think it would be cooler if it was integrated to work with existing serato equipment and control, and please don't spew any more babble about it not being possible, because quite frankly, anything is possible.
Thanks for your time. Enjoy all your expensive toys.
I am however going to give this gawd damn thing a chance. I have it. I own it. I'm not paying the stupid 15% restocking fee to return it. I'm going to make this piece of equipment work for me. I still think it would be cooler if it was integrated to work with existing serato equipment and control, and please don't spew any more babble about it not being possible, because quite frankly, anything is possible.
Thanks for your time. Enjoy all your expensive toys.

3:28 AM - 20 December, 2013
I'm curious as to why you thought your DDJ SX would support timecode? Nowhere in any of the writeups, press releases, manuals, reviews, or anything else for both the SX and DJ did they even give the slightest impression that it would support timecode in the box.

6:57 AM - 20 December, 2013
I am however going to give this gawd damn thing a chance. I have it. I own it. I'm not paying the stupid 15% restocking fee to return it. I'm going to make this piece of equipment work for me. I still think it would be cooler if it was integrated to work with existing serato equipment and control, and please don't spew any more babble about it not being possible, because quite frankly, anything is possible.
Thanks for your time. Enjoy all your expensive toys.
^^^ Quite possibly the most mature, receptive forum response I have ever read. Kudos, to you and to deejdave. I especially enjoy that you didn't forfeit your original argument. Which is a good point regardless of your previous ignorance to it. Nicely done Sir. I hope you enjoy your new controller and I agree with you. Serato should absolutely support DVS with "high end" controllers in the very near future.
You know what, maybe you are right about some things. Maybe you are coming off as a bit of a spoiled dick, maybe. Maybe I'm just nervous to try something new. Maybe I'm just pissed off because now I have to hook my decks back up to my mixer so that I can get the rest of tomorrow's set in order. I don't know. Maybe I travelled 3 hours with a fever to buy it and waited a day (still with fever) to hook it up. Maybe I was just pissed off enough when I went to play a track from my deck that I didn't give it a chance. All these maybes are not maybes by the way.I am however going to give this gawd damn thing a chance. I have it. I own it. I'm not paying the stupid 15% restocking fee to return it. I'm going to make this piece of equipment work for me. I still think it would be cooler if it was integrated to work with existing serato equipment and control, and please don't spew any more babble about it not being possible, because quite frankly, anything is possible.
Thanks for your time. Enjoy all your expensive toys.
^^^ Quite possibly the most mature, receptive forum response I have ever read. Kudos, to you and to deejdave. I especially enjoy that you didn't forfeit your original argument. Which is a good point regardless of your previous ignorance to it. Nicely done Sir. I hope you enjoy your new controller and I agree with you. Serato should absolutely support DVS with "high end" controllers in the very near future.

Chris Leigh
4:31 PM - 20 December, 2013
I feel you Brizene...
When I bought my DDJ-SX, I knew it did not support DVS, however, I hoped in the future it would. I'm sorry to hear that that won't be possible - it would be great to use this powerful piece of equipment along with the turntables I've become so intimate with.
That being said, I'm totally enjoying the DDJ-SX on its own. I have the capability to mix 4 decks, just not with the turntables. It is forcing me to change my approach and thinking, which, has always been a good thing in my life.
And, realistically speaking, as someone who DJs mostly as a hobby now, I'll never be able to put in the time to master the 4 deck ideas I have in my head. Haha!
When I bought my DDJ-SX, I knew it did not support DVS, however, I hoped in the future it would. I'm sorry to hear that that won't be possible - it would be great to use this powerful piece of equipment along with the turntables I've become so intimate with.
That being said, I'm totally enjoying the DDJ-SX on its own. I have the capability to mix 4 decks, just not with the turntables. It is forcing me to change my approach and thinking, which, has always been a good thing in my life.
And, realistically speaking, as someone who DJs mostly as a hobby now, I'll never be able to put in the time to master the 4 deck ideas I have in my head. Haha!

10:02 PM - 20 December, 2013
Doing the four decks is as simple as it gets........................ with SYNC. What fun is that though? The real challenge is mixing/blending multiple channels by hand.
As far as the DDJ-SX and SYNC goes it won't be happening. THIS we know. Additionally there is a very good chance that any controller designed prior to DVS being added to SDJ (just a few months ago)will not get the feature added either. I am not saying the "anything is possible" attitude is a bad thing actually I like to be positive as well but when it comes to products and design this just does not apply. The circuitry must have the needed routing in order to support DVS. This is the same concept as having the CDJ-2000's that support and hoping it gets an update offering Blue Ray. If the parts necessary to support Blue Ray had not been included prior to release how would this happen. There is no firmware update in the world that could possibly add parts and change around wiring inside your unit. I have the block diagrams if anyone is interested and knows how to read them but only for the DDJ-SX as that is the only controller I have. Therefore I can only speak for the DDJ-SX. The Numark NS7II was released right around the time of the DVS support addition so I'm thinking MAYBE there. Furthermore there have been some people who have successfully used some Vestax mixers (designed for Serato) with DVS but only with Traktor thus far so again MAYBE on that as well. I know Serato has looked into this and they certainly know there is a demand for it.
A few other issues that arise is Serato is a business first and foremost. Before being professionals at developing software they must be professionals in making money. This is necessary for ANY business to stay afloat these days. NOW does this mean keep DVS separate from controllers being they are generally cheaper? Does this mean NOT adding to existing controllers being it will be money spent on R&D with no profit gained (unless they make the DVS feature a paid for plugin like Traktor) or add it to future controllers to ensure future revenue as it will be a hot selling item guaranteed?
OR does this mean take a gamble and offer it free to whoever was lucky enough to purchase the controllers they ARE able to add it to? The problems with this. a.)The money it takes to get it up & running. b.)The problems it will bring on with compatibility & the fact that many of the people who purchased the exisiting controller have no real experience with TT's (not a huge problem but a problem nonetheless) and lastly c.) The outrage & aggravation Serato will receive from anyone who was not the ones fortunate enough to get the update.
example - The vestax mixer I mentioned is cheaper than the DDJ-SX and more people have the DDJ-SX so a.) what will people say when/if the Vestax gets the DVS support and ALL of those DDJ-SX owners don't and b.) What will it do to the sales/value of the Pioneer controllers that don't offer it? This would be a reaistic problem as Serato & Pioneer have built an obvious relationship as of late.
I say all this but understand I too wish & want the DVS and if it were to magically appear I would be the happiest DJ in the world but I am trying to keep things realistic as well as provide some insight as to some of the unfortunate realities that are most likely standing in the way. These are at least my opinions of some of the issues that are in the way. Who knows for sure though?
As far as the DDJ-SX and SYNC goes it won't be happening. THIS we know. Additionally there is a very good chance that any controller designed prior to DVS being added to SDJ (just a few months ago)will not get the feature added either. I am not saying the "anything is possible" attitude is a bad thing actually I like to be positive as well but when it comes to products and design this just does not apply. The circuitry must have the needed routing in order to support DVS. This is the same concept as having the CDJ-2000's that support and hoping it gets an update offering Blue Ray. If the parts necessary to support Blue Ray had not been included prior to release how would this happen. There is no firmware update in the world that could possibly add parts and change around wiring inside your unit. I have the block diagrams if anyone is interested and knows how to read them but only for the DDJ-SX as that is the only controller I have. Therefore I can only speak for the DDJ-SX. The Numark NS7II was released right around the time of the DVS support addition so I'm thinking MAYBE there. Furthermore there have been some people who have successfully used some Vestax mixers (designed for Serato) with DVS but only with Traktor thus far so again MAYBE on that as well. I know Serato has looked into this and they certainly know there is a demand for it.
A few other issues that arise is Serato is a business first and foremost. Before being professionals at developing software they must be professionals in making money. This is necessary for ANY business to stay afloat these days. NOW does this mean keep DVS separate from controllers being they are generally cheaper? Does this mean NOT adding to existing controllers being it will be money spent on R&D with no profit gained (unless they make the DVS feature a paid for plugin like Traktor) or add it to future controllers to ensure future revenue as it will be a hot selling item guaranteed?
OR does this mean take a gamble and offer it free to whoever was lucky enough to purchase the controllers they ARE able to add it to? The problems with this. a.)The money it takes to get it up & running. b.)The problems it will bring on with compatibility & the fact that many of the people who purchased the exisiting controller have no real experience with TT's (not a huge problem but a problem nonetheless) and lastly c.) The outrage & aggravation Serato will receive from anyone who was not the ones fortunate enough to get the update.
example - The vestax mixer I mentioned is cheaper than the DDJ-SX and more people have the DDJ-SX so a.) what will people say when/if the Vestax gets the DVS support and ALL of those DDJ-SX owners don't and b.) What will it do to the sales/value of the Pioneer controllers that don't offer it? This would be a reaistic problem as Serato & Pioneer have built an obvious relationship as of late.
I say all this but understand I too wish & want the DVS and if it were to magically appear I would be the happiest DJ in the world but I am trying to keep things realistic as well as provide some insight as to some of the unfortunate realities that are most likely standing in the way. These are at least my opinions of some of the issues that are in the way. Who knows for sure though?

11:17 PM - 20 December, 2013
I simply made that statement after reading a reply on a pioneer website from a pioneer representative stating that it wasnt a hardware issue it was up to serato. I didnt just pull that out of thin air.

1:47 AM - 21 December, 2013
I understand the frustration and its unfortunate but it ultimately boils down to hardware on top of Serato not having the feature. The fact that Serato has not allowed this on any controller to date is a safety pillow for Pioneer to point the blame at Serato and this is not the first time they have done it. As a matter of fact Pioneer as a whole is under extreme pressure and scrutiny by the public at large and one of their most active posts currently is all about their lack of communication and/or service

Scott S
10:05 PM - 22 December, 2013
No one said this will not be possible with other controllers in the future, I was saying that it is not possible to run a setup like this with the current Serato DJ version.
Adding DVS to controllers is something that we would love to do in the future, however at this time we dont have a timeframe as to how long it would be before DVS is available for selected Serato DJ controllers.
When I bought my DDJ-SX, I knew it did not support DVS, however, I hoped in the future it would. I'm sorry to hear that that won't be possible - it would be great to use this powerful piece of equipment along with the turntables I've become so intimate with.No one said this will not be possible with other controllers in the future, I was saying that it is not possible to run a setup like this with the current Serato DJ version.
Adding DVS to controllers is something that we would love to do in the future, however at this time we dont have a timeframe as to how long it would be before DVS is available for selected Serato DJ controllers.

10:20 PM - 22 December, 2013
I just hooked up my decks through the 1/2 line in with scratch live box. Than I run serato DJ on on screen and scratch live on the other and I'm rolling.

11:02 AM - 25 December, 2013
i would like to see this in action. can you make a video.
I just hooked up my decks through the 1/2 line in with scratch live box. Than I run serato DJ on on screen and scratch live on the other and I'm rolling.i would like to see this in action. can you make a video.

8:50 PM - 25 December, 2013
It's pretty easy to duplicate. If you have an SL2-4 hook it up to your controller of choice then voila you have duplicated it.

8:52 PM - 25 December, 2013
If serato dj is free upgrade why do i see buy with serato video?

12:19 AM - 26 December, 2013
i would like to see a video of Brizene doing a 4 deck mix.... i have seen it done with cdj's.... but not in a turntable with controller configuration ...

4:57 AM - 26 December, 2013
it's only free to certain devices - all the scratchlive devices (other than sl1 and 57), all the old itch controllers, and select serato DJ controllers. If you're using a controller that came with Intro, it costs money to upgrade.
If serato dj is free upgrade why do i see buy with serato video?it's only free to certain devices - all the scratchlive devices (other than sl1 and 57), all the old itch controllers, and select serato DJ controllers. If you're using a controller that came with Intro, it costs money to upgrade.

5:11 AM - 26 December, 2013
Because Serato is the FREE upgrade. Serato Video does not come free so you will have to pay for it if you want to use it. If you have a controller or interface that ran itch, or SSL you will get the FREE SDJ upgrade (aside from the SL1, TTm57SL, etc.) but again if you want Serato Video that part was only offered FREE to a limited number that has since been met.
If serato dj is free upgrade why do i see buy with serato video?Because Serato is the FREE upgrade. Serato Video does not come free so you will have to pay for it if you want to use it. If you have a controller or interface that ran itch, or SSL you will get the FREE SDJ upgrade (aside from the SL1, TTm57SL, etc.) but again if you want Serato Video that part was only offered FREE to a limited number that has since been met.

8:22 PM - 28 December, 2013
@ Brizene
Dude, you are on it. I was a bit misinformed because I read that you can use turntables with the ddj, I then assumed timecoded, not as a stand alone mixer. If the DDJ supported tables, I would also be in heaven. Currently, I use either 1200s or cdjs 800 with a 57 mixer but I have been messing around with the DDJ and it is extremely intuitive. I work on snowy mountains and in adverse conditions so its a perfect lil machine for parties. Its worth messing with especially if you are looking to get more into effects, samples and looping. I also hope timecode comes with a happy 2014. Hey Serato people, why is this "not Possible" Are there plans or just discussions?
Dude, you are on it. I was a bit misinformed because I read that you can use turntables with the ddj, I then assumed timecoded, not as a stand alone mixer. If the DDJ supported tables, I would also be in heaven. Currently, I use either 1200s or cdjs 800 with a 57 mixer but I have been messing around with the DDJ and it is extremely intuitive. I work on snowy mountains and in adverse conditions so its a perfect lil machine for parties. Its worth messing with especially if you are looking to get more into effects, samples and looping. I also hope timecode comes with a happy 2014. Hey Serato people, why is this "not Possible" Are there plans or just discussions?

Scott S
9:07 PM - 29 December, 2013
It is not possible at this stage due to the limited hardware inside the DDJ-SX, as the controller was designed and built before any type of DVS was available in the software.
It is also only a USB 1.1 device, I dont believe there is enough bandwidth to perform operations needed for DVS capability.
There are no plans at this stage to implement a DVS option for any controller, however at this stage I dont see the DDJ-SX being one of the compatible controllers if it did happen, due to its limited technology.
Hey Serato people, why is this "not Possible" Are there plans or just discussions?It is not possible at this stage due to the limited hardware inside the DDJ-SX, as the controller was designed and built before any type of DVS was available in the software.
It is also only a USB 1.1 device, I dont believe there is enough bandwidth to perform operations needed for DVS capability.
There are no plans at this stage to implement a DVS option for any controller, however at this stage I dont see the DDJ-SX being one of the compatible controllers if it did happen, due to its limited technology.

12:03 AM - 30 December, 2013
Holy freakin Christ!! I've been saying this since DAY ONE of the DDJ-SX and not one person will take "It's not physically possible due to hardware limitation" as an answer. Some actually believe a firmware update could magically rewire the DDJ-SX some believe anything is possible if Serato decided to do it. If it was not preplanned with the proper hardware configuration & capabilities included prior to it could not possibly be added to said hardware. For anyone to possibly think the DDJ-SX had DVS capabilities when Serato DJ itself (aka THE SOFTWARE IT WAS DESIGNED TO RUN) did not even support DVS until this past October probably did not think things through properly. Furthermore when assuming something supports DVS simply because the name Serato is stamped on it should keep in mind that out of the four of their DJ applications only one supported DVS up until about two months ago when it was added to Serato DJ.
Another thing people should keep in mind as that if/when this feature is added there will be issues that were not thought through as of yet being vinyl will be new to the Serato DJ controller scene. While using the software itself and a control vinyl the FX options & remix capabilities will be huge but if/when a DJ decides to use his/her actual vinyl they will be welcomed with nothing but limitations & speed bumps. Controllers are designed to revolve around the hardware and there are not many actual hardware features brought to the table. While using the DJM-900SRT Rane 64 or any other professional solution this is not the case and there is a world of options both hardware & software alike. Just food for thought and I don't intend this to be a deterrent from adding the DVS feature to controllers I just happen to think the whole concept of a controller is portability and economy which DVS kind of veers from both concepts.
I do however believe this should be explored but in the future with controllers that are designed to handle such a feature. Adding new features to devices not meant for it is more of a porting concept and things never actually add up to the native devices and usually seem to serve as an obstacle which must be worked around. Just my thoughts but in the end what Scott S just said is what I've been saying for the past 5 months or so and hopefully we can put this to rest........................ for now LOL.
Another thing people should keep in mind as that if/when this feature is added there will be issues that were not thought through as of yet being vinyl will be new to the Serato DJ controller scene. While using the software itself and a control vinyl the FX options & remix capabilities will be huge but if/when a DJ decides to use his/her actual vinyl they will be welcomed with nothing but limitations & speed bumps. Controllers are designed to revolve around the hardware and there are not many actual hardware features brought to the table. While using the DJM-900SRT Rane 64 or any other professional solution this is not the case and there is a world of options both hardware & software alike. Just food for thought and I don't intend this to be a deterrent from adding the DVS feature to controllers I just happen to think the whole concept of a controller is portability and economy which DVS kind of veers from both concepts.
I do however believe this should be explored but in the future with controllers that are designed to handle such a feature. Adding new features to devices not meant for it is more of a porting concept and things never actually add up to the native devices and usually seem to serve as an obstacle which must be worked around. Just my thoughts but in the end what Scott S just said is what I've been saying for the past 5 months or so and hopefully we can put this to rest........................ for now LOL.

DJ Marv the Maverick
1:14 PM - 31 December, 2013
DDJSX is USB 1.1
Damn I didn't know that.
Erm since it supports SDJ why not the SL1 and 57
(Now running into a corner to hide)
Damn I didn't know that.
Erm since it supports SDJ why not the SL1 and 57
(Now running into a corner to hide)

1:24 PM - 31 December, 2013
Who said anything about usb 1.1?? It is todo with the amount of input and output sound card channels

4:59 PM - 31 December, 2013
Yeah I had no idea about the 1.1 either. Even with me ranting about the block diagrams I have looked over & over I never thought to check that #fail ................... but not on my part. WTF would they not go with 2.0?

2:06 AM - 9 January, 2014
it's only free to certain devices - all the scratchlive devices (other than sl1 and 57), all the old itch controllers, and select serato DJ controllers. If you're using a controller that came with Intro, it costs money to upgrade.
i have sl3 and unmark v7s not fully supported as of yet.. but when supported i pay?
If serato dj is free upgrade why do i see buy with serato video?it's only free to certain devices - all the scratchlive devices (other than sl1 and 57), all the old itch controllers, and select serato DJ controllers. If you're using a controller that came with Intro, it costs money to upgrade.
i have sl3 and unmark v7s not fully supported as of yet.. but when supported i pay?

2:08 AM - 9 January, 2014
Because Serato is the FREE upgrade. Serato Video does not come free so you will have to pay for it if you want to use it. If you have a controller or interface that ran itch, or SSL you will get the FREE SDJ upgrade (aside from the SL1, TTm57SL, etc.) but again if you want Serato Video that part was only offered FREE to a limited number that has since been met.
oh sorry misworded it i saw a video says buy serato dj ....i have sl3 and numark v7s i dont have to pay right? as\lso read need license to install on multiple machines meaning pc and or mac like if install on my mac laptop i cant install on my home pc?
If serato dj is free upgrade why do i see buy with serato video?Because Serato is the FREE upgrade. Serato Video does not come free so you will have to pay for it if you want to use it. If you have a controller or interface that ran itch, or SSL you will get the FREE SDJ upgrade (aside from the SL1, TTm57SL, etc.) but again if you want Serato Video that part was only offered FREE to a limited number that has since been met.
oh sorry misworded it i saw a video says buy serato dj ....i have sl3 and numark v7s i dont have to pay right? as\lso read need license to install on multiple machines meaning pc and or mac like if install on my mac laptop i cant install on my home pc?

2:11 AM - 9 January, 2014
SL3 was a scratch live device no? The SL3 is not the Sl1 or 57Sl is it?
The V7 was an itch controller no?
May I ask which part made you think you would have to pay?
The V7 was an itch controller no?
May I ask which part made you think you would have to pay?

2:12 AM - 9 January, 2014
With the professional interfaces you can install on as many machines as you wish. The 2 machine limit is for the controllers you have to physically enter the activation key with (Serato DJ Intro controllers) only.

2:29 AM - 9 January, 2014
ok thnx u da man i was lil confused guess shud have stayed in skool... holla enjoy ur nite
With the professional interfaces you can install on as many machines as you wish. The 2 machine limit is for the controllers you have to physically enter the activation key with (Serato DJ Intro controllers) only.ok thnx u da man i was lil confused guess shud have stayed in skool... holla enjoy ur nite

6:12 PM - 19 January, 2014
HAHA I am working on the whole four deck thing, At the moment I am mixing on two and three, and cueing on the fourth, I can however make a small video of the setup and how it functions.
About the compatibility thing, there are smart people, and smart people can always find a way to get what they want. What is to say that an add on could not be added to the DDJ-SX to beef up the USB strength as well as integrate the hardware with the missing components necessary to use the controller. And we know Dave, you have made it quite clear that you have been hammering the same thing over and over again for months, we have all really enjoyed listening to you boast about the limitations of the hardware and how you were right. You can now give it a rest. If you are so eager to accept things the way they are instead of thinking outside the box than your life is complete how it is and you need not look any further into the future of controllers and innovations. I on the other hand and challenging Serato to build something, and create software that goes with the controller to make things work for the thousands of people hoping for improvements. If Serato stayed completely happy with their first piece of equipment and software than they would have only produced one product. Its called dreaming big and making it happen.
About the compatibility thing, there are smart people, and smart people can always find a way to get what they want. What is to say that an add on could not be added to the DDJ-SX to beef up the USB strength as well as integrate the hardware with the missing components necessary to use the controller. And we know Dave, you have made it quite clear that you have been hammering the same thing over and over again for months, we have all really enjoyed listening to you boast about the limitations of the hardware and how you were right. You can now give it a rest. If you are so eager to accept things the way they are instead of thinking outside the box than your life is complete how it is and you need not look any further into the future of controllers and innovations. I on the other hand and challenging Serato to build something, and create software that goes with the controller to make things work for the thousands of people hoping for improvements. If Serato stayed completely happy with their first piece of equipment and software than they would have only produced one product. Its called dreaming big and making it happen.

6:19 PM - 19 January, 2014
On a side note, I was Djing at a wedding yesterday, using My computer with virtual DJ through channels 3/4 while My buddy Woody was trying to hook up his mac and install Serato Dj to control the functions of the DDJ-SX through channels 1/2. Something that is a little troubling is that for PC there is a version of SDJ on the disc itself, without having to have an internet connection. There is no MAC version on the disc and it only has the download feature on it. Since when do we have to have the internet to have software for the product?? I can understand that for updates you download it from the site, but at least both version for PC and MAC should be on the disc so that you can operate the gear from anywhere. If the software is accessible somewhere that I just didnt know how to access than please tell me so this isnt a road block in the future. I ended up having to use my phone as a portable hotspot so that Woody could access the net and get the software. Its not exactly cheap to use as a hotspot.

8:50 PM - 19 January, 2014
About the compatibility thing, there are smart people, and smart people can always find a way to get what they want. What is to say that an add on could not be added to the DDJ-SX to beef up the USB strength as well as integrate the hardware with the missing components necessary to use the controller. And we know Dave, you have made it quite clear that you have been hammering the same thing over and over again for months, we have all really enjoyed listening to you boast about the limitations of the hardware and how you were right. You can now give it a rest. If you are so eager to accept things the way they are instead of thinking outside the box than your life is complete how it is and you need not look any further into the future of controllers and innovations. I on the other hand and challenging Serato to build something, and create software that goes with the controller to make things work for the thousands of people hoping for improvements. If Serato stayed completely happy with their first piece of equipment and software than they would have only produced one product. Its called dreaming big and making it happen.
Are you even stopping to think for one second of what you are suggesting? So you think instead of releasing a new unit that would support DVS you actually think Pioneer would put money and time into developing some sort of add on hardware as opposed to boosting their revenue by simply releasing a new controller that would fully support it from the start? I am willing to think outside the box and dream with you for a minute and the sure would be convenient especially on MY wallet. For some reason or another I am willing to bet Pioneer is not concerned with my wallet though. Now we can continue to think like that OR we can come back to reality and realize they are a business and their # 1 priority is making money........ and they are good at it. I am not saying they can't do it. I am saying they won't do it. All the signs & tools were there for us to figure out on our own (some got it most didn't) that the DDJ-SX would not support DVS and all the signs and tools are here for us still. We should also keep in mind that Serato has nothing to do with it as you suggest. Serato is a software developer. Serato adds DVS & works with the hardware developers on support for their hardware. Being the issue is due to hardware limitations what could a software developer do to rectify this? Imagination & creativity is key in DJing and it has its purpose in life but SOMEWHERE in there must be some room for reality. Lastly I can understand without thinking it may seem like boasting about the limitations of the DDJ-SX until you give it just one second of thought and realize I won one so why would I be happy about any limitations of a product I own. The hammering away is due to the excessive amount of people who simply refuse to accept it even after being confirmed by Serato that it won't be happening if you can believe that?!?! As you said there are smart people over there and a smart person knows when the juice is worth the squeeze. I will now end this by giving a little hint at what you are suggesting if they did invest any time into this. A standalone (add-on) product that adds DVS externally (as you suggest) and increases the bandwidth............. does this sound at all familiar? It should as that is the product description for an SL box. Again its not that they can't its that they won't. Sorry if I am coming off a little blunt this just all seems so cut & dry to me.
HAHA I am working on the whole four deck thing, At the moment I am mixing on two and three, and cueing on the fourth, I can however make a small video of the setup and how it functions.About the compatibility thing, there are smart people, and smart people can always find a way to get what they want. What is to say that an add on could not be added to the DDJ-SX to beef up the USB strength as well as integrate the hardware with the missing components necessary to use the controller. And we know Dave, you have made it quite clear that you have been hammering the same thing over and over again for months, we have all really enjoyed listening to you boast about the limitations of the hardware and how you were right. You can now give it a rest. If you are so eager to accept things the way they are instead of thinking outside the box than your life is complete how it is and you need not look any further into the future of controllers and innovations. I on the other hand and challenging Serato to build something, and create software that goes with the controller to make things work for the thousands of people hoping for improvements. If Serato stayed completely happy with their first piece of equipment and software than they would have only produced one product. Its called dreaming big and making it happen.
Are you even stopping to think for one second of what you are suggesting? So you think instead of releasing a new unit that would support DVS you actually think Pioneer would put money and time into developing some sort of add on hardware as opposed to boosting their revenue by simply releasing a new controller that would fully support it from the start? I am willing to think outside the box and dream with you for a minute and the sure would be convenient especially on MY wallet. For some reason or another I am willing to bet Pioneer is not concerned with my wallet though. Now we can continue to think like that OR we can come back to reality and realize they are a business and their # 1 priority is making money........ and they are good at it. I am not saying they can't do it. I am saying they won't do it. All the signs & tools were there for us to figure out on our own (some got it most didn't) that the DDJ-SX would not support DVS and all the signs and tools are here for us still. We should also keep in mind that Serato has nothing to do with it as you suggest. Serato is a software developer. Serato adds DVS & works with the hardware developers on support for their hardware. Being the issue is due to hardware limitations what could a software developer do to rectify this? Imagination & creativity is key in DJing and it has its purpose in life but SOMEWHERE in there must be some room for reality. Lastly I can understand without thinking it may seem like boasting about the limitations of the DDJ-SX until you give it just one second of thought and realize I won one so why would I be happy about any limitations of a product I own. The hammering away is due to the excessive amount of people who simply refuse to accept it even after being confirmed by Serato that it won't be happening if you can believe that?!?! As you said there are smart people over there and a smart person knows when the juice is worth the squeeze. I will now end this by giving a little hint at what you are suggesting if they did invest any time into this. A standalone (add-on) product that adds DVS externally (as you suggest) and increases the bandwidth............. does this sound at all familiar? It should as that is the product description for an SL box. Again its not that they can't its that they won't. Sorry if I am coming off a little blunt this just all seems so cut & dry to me.

9:06 PM - 19 January, 2014
Its not the controller that isnt compatible with control vinyl its the new software.
11:06 PM - 19 January, 2014
Wow, how could I have guessed that Dave would be here ranting again. The SL box doesnt allow us to use the functions on the controller. Its amazing how you feel the need to defend this stuff to the bitter end. We are simply on here talking about what we want, and that it would be cool if it could happen. You my friend are simply here to argue and to make a point that we cant have what we want. DAVE.....we dont want to hear your repetitive opinion just please stop. So whether Serato, or Pioneer end up doing something that we can use or not is really not up to you, its up to them. Im sure that Pioneer or Serato employees can decide these things without you being all butt hurt. Your trolling is super fun, but lets be honest, we have heard everything you have to say.
Hey everyone, guess whats going to happen, you are going to say something on this forum and Dave will be right there to smack your pee pee, and than someone else will say something and guess what? Thats right Dave will be there again regurgitation the same stuff he said last time, only longer.
And your slogan is AMAZING..."handmade beats since 1995".
Thats a long time to masturbate. I guess that just goes to show, you have too much time on your hands!!
Hey everyone, guess whats going to happen, you are going to say something on this forum and Dave will be right there to smack your pee pee, and than someone else will say something and guess what? Thats right Dave will be there again regurgitation the same stuff he said last time, only longer.
And your slogan is AMAZING..."handmade beats since 1995".
Thats a long time to masturbate. I guess that just goes to show, you have too much time on your hands!!

12:24 AM - 20 January, 2014
You don't need anyone's help.
<Stop Tracking>
I guess the joke is on me and everyone just wants to paint me the fool, which is fine.<Stop Tracking>

4:24 AM - 20 January, 2014
Hahahahaha. I've never heard that one before.
smack your pee peeHahahahaha. I've never heard that one before.

11:45 AM - 26 January, 2014
Hey everyone, guess whats going to happen, you are going to say something on this forum and Dave will be right there to smack your pee pee, and than someone else will say something and guess what? Thats right Dave will be there again regurgitation the same stuff he said last time, only longer.
And your slogan is AMAZING..."handmade beats since 1995".
Thats a long time to masturbate. I guess that just goes to show, you have too much time on your hands!!
You are in conflict with forum rule no 1: "be nice", reported to web staff.
Wow, how could I have guessed that Dave would be here ranting again. The SL box doesnt allow us to use the functions on the controller. Its amazing how you feel the need to defend this stuff to the bitter end. We are simply on here talking about what we want, and that it would be cool if it could happen. You my friend are simply here to argue and to make a point that we cant have what we want. DAVE.....we dont want to hear your repetitive opinion just please stop. So whether Serato, or Pioneer end up doing something that we can use or not is really not up to you, its up to them. Im sure that Pioneer or Serato employees can decide these things without you being all butt hurt. Your trolling is super fun, but lets be honest, we have heard everything you have to say.Hey everyone, guess whats going to happen, you are going to say something on this forum and Dave will be right there to smack your pee pee, and than someone else will say something and guess what? Thats right Dave will be there again regurgitation the same stuff he said last time, only longer.
And your slogan is AMAZING..."handmade beats since 1995".
Thats a long time to masturbate. I guess that just goes to show, you have too much time on your hands!!
You are in conflict with forum rule no 1: "be nice", reported to web staff.

12:48 AM - 6 February, 2014
This got pretty stupid.
But anyways, Dave is just stating the VERY WACK obvious truth at this point- there is no controller out, that runs Serato DJ, and is also DVS capable (except the DDJ SZ but its WAY TOO big for traveling). And that is why I even stumbled on this thread- because I would love for the DDJ SX to be that solution. But no way.
But anyways, Dave is just stating the VERY WACK obvious truth at this point- there is no controller out, that runs Serato DJ, and is also DVS capable (except the DDJ SZ but its WAY TOO big for traveling). And that is why I even stumbled on this thread- because I would love for the DDJ SX to be that solution. But no way.

4:40 AM - 6 February, 2014
So just to make sure I understand this correctly:
We can't use the ddj-sx WITH a rane soundcard?
Can't we just switch 2 channels of the ddj to line, then run the output of the SL2 into that?
Basically having 2 channels controlled by the sx (using sx soundcard) & 2 channels running dvs (using rane soundcard)? This seems pretty straight forward. No hardware limitations. Perhaps create an aggregate device with both SL2 & SX ??
I don't get it. Why not??
We can't use the ddj-sx WITH a rane soundcard?
Can't we just switch 2 channels of the ddj to line, then run the output of the SL2 into that?
Basically having 2 channels controlled by the sx (using sx soundcard) & 2 channels running dvs (using rane soundcard)? This seems pretty straight forward. No hardware limitations. Perhaps create an aggregate device with both SL2 & SX ??
I don't get it. Why not??

Aaron E
8:38 AM - 6 February, 2014
Hey acemc
No we can't, I'm afraid. Whenever there are two distinct soundcards involved, there can only be one audio connection. Whichever you plug in first, the Rane interface or the DDJ-SX, will become the soundcard for audio playback in Serato DJ. You will then be able to use the functionality of that soundcard alone.
We can't use the ddj-sx WITH a rane soundcard?No we can't, I'm afraid. Whenever there are two distinct soundcards involved, there can only be one audio connection. Whichever you plug in first, the Rane interface or the DDJ-SX, will become the soundcard for audio playback in Serato DJ. You will then be able to use the functionality of that soundcard alone.

8:41 AM - 6 February, 2014
That's rather disappointing
How about using the rane card & sx midi functions?
How about using the rane card & sx midi functions?

Aaron E
8:47 AM - 6 February, 2014
You could try, but it's not supported I'm afraid.
How about using the rane card & sx midi functions?You could try, but it's not supported I'm afraid.

10:13 AM - 6 February, 2014
is the same thing with the vestax vci 380.
i tried rane card & sx midi functions but serato dj crashed!
i tried rane card & sx midi functions but serato dj crashed!

10:15 AM - 6 February, 2014
is the same thing with the vestax vci 380.
i tried rane card & vestax midi functions but serato dj crashed!
is the same thing with the vestax vci 380.
i tried rane card & vestax midi functions but serato dj crashed!

12:11 PM - 6 February, 2014
Only thing you can do is run a serato box into the unit and run the serato program through the line in and serato dj at the same time. That's what I am doing.

Aaron E
9:18 PM - 6 February, 2014
It's highly unlikely that there will be a workable solution when trying to use a Rane soundcard together with a hard-mapped (supported) controller. A third party controller will, as always, be fine with a Rane (or other supported) soundcard.

8:05 AM - 7 February, 2014
we just looking for a cheap fix thats all!!!! pioneer sure knew that they was wrong for leading us loyal pioneer users on with that bull.. but if you look at it they did break it down with the mixer for dvs, pioneer midi controller without jog control to use with the hardware and just said i give the ddj sx for the cheap fix to control serato dj and have midi that can't be remappable to see what the buzz will be to land the ddj sz. yes lets face it that was wrong because we paid a stack for something that we thought pioneer will open the sound cord on for the dvs, but don't for get we got Numark!!!! bet they will make a banger just watch. i predict they do a smaller midi controller with a mixer that will have dvs and sell the hell out of the Numark turntables and make a small midi table something like the v7. Im a pioneer boi but Numark or Denon Does THIS ITS GAME OVER PIONEER!!!!!!!

Kristian Valdini
10:06 AM - 7 February, 2014
I may be stating the obvious but am still a little unclear?
Want to have two DJs playing (one SX + one SL3) with two channels assigned for each DJ.
One laptop (master) hooked into the SX, running DJ (1.6) across desks/channels (1&2).
Running the full feature set (loops, efx etc...) on these two decks/channels.
One laptop running DJ (1.6) + SL3 (Timecode CDJs) with his signal going into decks/channels (3&4).
No loops, fxs etc required on these channels, just basic playback through the SX mixer.
If you can send Aux signals (iPod etc...) into the SX whilst DJ is playing, surely you can do the above, as neither the SX or DJ software will be required to process/control any part of this secondary signal path other than playback?
I may be stating the obvious but am still a little unclear?
Want to have two DJs playing (one SX + one SL3) with two channels assigned for each DJ.
One laptop (master) hooked into the SX, running DJ (1.6) across desks/channels (1&2).
Running the full feature set (loops, efx etc...) on these two decks/channels.
One laptop running DJ (1.6) + SL3 (Timecode CDJs) with his signal going into decks/channels (3&4).
No loops, fxs etc required on these channels, just basic playback through the SX mixer.
If you can send Aux signals (iPod etc...) into the SX whilst DJ is playing, surely you can do the above, as neither the SX or DJ software will be required to process/control any part of this secondary signal path other than playback?

12:14 PM - 7 February, 2014
@Kristian: In that case all will work perfectly as there are two laptops.
The issue is only when trying to use a certified controller along with a SL-2/3..... on a single laptop. Picture a DDJ-SX with a SL1200 on each side with one laptop in the middle.
The issue is only when trying to use a certified controller along with a SL-2/3..... on a single laptop. Picture a DDJ-SX with a SL1200 on each side with one laptop in the middle.

Kristian Valdini
12:21 PM - 7 February, 2014
Excellent, just wanted to eliminate the need for an extra mixer in a really cramped DJ booth tonight!
Excellent, just wanted to eliminate the need for an extra mixer in a really cramped DJ booth tonight!

10:20 AM - 9 February, 2014
Now that sdj supports the SL boxes, is it still not possible to connect the ddj sx as a standalone mixer to SL2, and use time code?

10:23 AM - 9 February, 2014
You can do that.
Just can't use any midi functions of the SX in that type of config.
Just can't use any midi functions of the SX in that type of config.

5:15 PM - 9 February, 2014
Correct. Remember you can't even plug the SX into the computer, only the power to the wall. If you have the SL2 & SX (eg any two native supported interfaces at the same time) SDJ will crash an only on supported interface at a time is allowed.

Aaron E
9:36 PM - 9 February, 2014
The crux of this is correct for sure - only one supported device at one time. Serato DJ may not necessarily crash, but it will reject one of the devices in some way.
If you have the SL2 & SX (eg any two native supported interfaces at the same time) SDJ will crash an only on supported interface at a time is allowed.The crux of this is correct for sure - only one supported device at one time. Serato DJ may not necessarily crash, but it will reject one of the devices in some way.

10:41 PM - 9 February, 2014
Yeah i guess I should've worded that better. Just meant only one will work as intended. That being said there are many individuals who do in fact suffer crashes when attempting to do this.
Either way not an issue as the software is designed to be used with one native interface at a time so nothing wrong here.
Either way not an issue as the software is designed to be used with one native interface at a time so nothing wrong here.

Aaron E
10:47 PM - 9 February, 2014
Very true deejdave. This is largely due to the improvements we made to how audio and MIDI devices connect to Serato DJ a few releases back. Our connections are now much more robust, but they are also more restrictive. We don't allow for any half-pie connections any more, only clear and solid ones.
Cheers man, always appreciate your input.
That being said there are many individuals who do in fact suffer crashes when attempting to do this.Very true deejdave. This is largely due to the improvements we made to how audio and MIDI devices connect to Serato DJ a few releases back. Our connections are now much more robust, but they are also more restrictive. We don't allow for any half-pie connections any more, only clear and solid ones.
Cheers man, always appreciate your input.

11:04 PM - 9 February, 2014
Likewise. You guys are doing great. I'm excited to have the HID on my 2000Nexus's 100% again (which are currently suffering from the screen refresh/lag issue) and Retina support so I can execute a purchase on the current MBP (although I may just wait until 4th quarter 2014 to see what Apple has in store for us anyways. Other than that I am one happy camper.
Between PnT, the FX packs, 1.6 itself, quantize, cue point labels, and my DDJ-SZ coming next month I'd say you guys are kickin some ass over there!! ALL THAT STUFF is only the stuff that applies to me as there are countless more improvements & additions. Keep up the good work. I feel like lately I can't even keep up...................... which is one of the best feelings I could have towards my platform of choice. Thanks to you and your team.
Between PnT, the FX packs, 1.6 itself, quantize, cue point labels, and my DDJ-SZ coming next month I'd say you guys are kickin some ass over there!! ALL THAT STUFF is only the stuff that applies to me as there are countless more improvements & additions. Keep up the good work. I feel like lately I can't even keep up...................... which is one of the best feelings I could have towards my platform of choice. Thanks to you and your team.

Aaron E
11:40 PM - 9 February, 2014
Thanks man, always good to hear :)
Haha, get used to it... we've got plenty more in store ;)
I feel like lately I can't even keep up...................... which is one of the best feelings I could have towards my platform of choice.Haha, get used to it... we've got plenty more in store ;)

6:15 PM - 15 April, 2014
It would be great if Pioneer came out with another version of the DDJ-SX that supported DVS and call it something like DDJ-SX MkII. Something in between the DDJ-SX and the DDJ-SZ.

6:57 PM - 15 April, 2014
That would make zero sense for a company
It would be great if Pioneer came out with another version of the DDJ-SX that supported DVS and call it something like DDJ-SX MkII. Something in between the DDJ-SX and the DDJ-SZ.That would make zero sense for a company

8:03 PM - 15 April, 2014
That would make zero sense for a company
Truth. This would be GREAT for the consumer only.................. pretty much is self explanatory as to why it won't happen then.
It would be great if Pioneer came out with another version of the DDJ-SX that supported DVS and call it something like DDJ-SX MkII. Something in between the DDJ-SX and the DDJ-SZ.That would make zero sense for a company
Truth. This would be GREAT for the consumer only.................. pretty much is self explanatory as to why it won't happen then.

11:00 PM - 15 April, 2014
One way to achieve this would be to allow us to select the sound card (SL2/3/4),
thereby allowing us to use the sx (or any other SDJ controller) for midi & at the same time have DVS functionality. Surely that wouldn't be too hard to implement as the sound card has no midi to conflict with the SX or other controllers.
thereby allowing us to use the sx (or any other SDJ controller) for midi & at the same time have DVS functionality. Surely that wouldn't be too hard to implement as the sound card has no midi to conflict with the SX or other controllers.

1:54 AM - 16 April, 2014
Obviously and I absolutely agree they should allow 2 native devices at one time. One acting as sound card and one acting as native midi controller.

1:01 AM - 3 June, 2014
the work around is simple...hope i'm not ruining it for anyone...
don't you have to update the firmware for an SL2,3,4 ,62,64 to use it on SDJ?
easy fix to run 4 channels on the same laptop with 2 supported devices is to use SX with SDJ and turntables for scratchlive...voila!!! 4 channels...just ALT TAB between windows.
SDJ won't crash cause it can't see the sound card with old firmware...just a theory lol
someone test my theory out lol
don't you have to update the firmware for an SL2,3,4 ,62,64 to use it on SDJ?
easy fix to run 4 channels on the same laptop with 2 supported devices is to use SX with SDJ and turntables for scratchlive...voila!!! 4 channels...just ALT TAB between windows.
SDJ won't crash cause it can't see the sound card with old firmware...just a theory lol
someone test my theory out lol

3:19 AM - 3 June, 2014
The answer is NO you don't. It is recommended for the mixers for optimal performance but they all work without update as-is. This probably would have been mentioned already no? You are on the right track though. The actual way would be to use the SL1 or TTM57SL which are only supported by SSL then the SX with SDJ...................
don't you have to update the firmware for an SL2,3,4 ,62,64 to use it on SDJ?The answer is NO you don't. It is recommended for the mixers for optimal performance but they all work without update as-is. This probably would have been mentioned already no? You are on the right track though. The actual way would be to use the SL1 or TTM57SL which are only supported by SSL then the SX with SDJ...................

12:08 PM - 3 June, 2014
actually you have to from version 1.6.0 i believe...some guys have been swapping firmware to use either Scratchlive or SDJ but i guess at this point,use SL1+Vynl & SDJ+SX for SDJ on the same lappy.
The answer is NO you don'tactually you have to from version 1.6.0 i believe...some guys have been swapping firmware to use either Scratchlive or SDJ but i guess at this point,use SL1+Vynl & SDJ+SX for SDJ on the same lappy.

12:29 PM - 3 June, 2014
Even without the driver installed the Sixty-Two, Sixty-Four, Sixty-Eight, and the SL3 are all detected just sometimes don't open the online player. Rest assured if something does open the online players (DDJ-SX) there are bound to be compatibility issues.
In terms of Rane gear I only haveSL1, 64 & SL4 in terms of Serato interfaces. Got rid of my 62 so can't fully test although I heard there were issues with going back & forth between firmwares with the 62 anyways.
TBH I wouldn't even with it being possible I wouldn't even attempt the SL1/DDJ-SX combo on the same laptop live though as they both use the same database. Seems to me that is asking for trouble............................ but that is just a hunch.
In terms of Rane gear I only haveSL1, 64 & SL4 in terms of Serato interfaces. Got rid of my 62 so can't fully test although I heard there were issues with going back & forth between firmwares with the 62 anyways.
TBH I wouldn't even with it being possible I wouldn't even attempt the SL1/DDJ-SX combo on the same laptop live though as they both use the same database. Seems to me that is asking for trouble............................ but that is just a hunch.

5:03 PM - 3 June, 2014
then test it out using SL1 and 64 :-) and let us know :-)
In terms of Rane gear I only haveSL1, 64 & SL4 in terms of Serato interfaces.then test it out using SL1 and 64 :-) and let us know :-)

2:03 PM - 10 June, 2014
Can i use the ddj sx as a an interface like sl1 or sl2, allowing me to use an external mixer with my control vinyls? Maybe this was answered but i'm not clear.

5:15 PM - 10 June, 2014 need DDJ-SZ for that....but the sx mixer section can be used with a SL1 or 2 etc for just can't use the internal soundcard of the SX to run vynl...hope u get it
Can i use the ddj sx as a an interface like sl1 or sl2, allowing me to use an external mixer with my control vinyls? Maybe this was answered but i'm not need DDJ-SZ for that....but the sx mixer section can be used with a SL1 or 2 etc for just can't use the internal soundcard of the SX to run vynl...hope u get it

Aaron E
8:43 PM - 10 June, 2014
Hey DJLaidback
Asu is correct. You can't use your DDJ-SX as an interface for an external mixer, but you could use two channels in phono mode to run RCAs from your SL1 or SL2 into. You wouldn't however be able to have your DDJ-SX and your SL1 or SL2 connected to your computer as audio devices.
In short, your DDJ-SX can act as a standalone mixer, or a controller, but can't be an interface for control vinyl. Also, you can't have your DDJ-SX and an interface connected to your computer as useable audio devices at the same time.
I hope that clarifies things.
Asu is correct. You can't use your DDJ-SX as an interface for an external mixer, but you could use two channels in phono mode to run RCAs from your SL1 or SL2 into. You wouldn't however be able to have your DDJ-SX and your SL1 or SL2 connected to your computer as audio devices.
In short, your DDJ-SX can act as a standalone mixer, or a controller, but can't be an interface for control vinyl. Also, you can't have your DDJ-SX and an interface connected to your computer as useable audio devices at the same time.
I hope that clarifies things.
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