DJing Discussion

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ral 3:14 PM - 9 October, 2013
so i added a maschine to my setup.

thinking of making beats (production), and at the same time, use it to midi map stuff (me, cues, loop roll, sampler, efx, bridge etc)

works great
- pressing cue1 and loop roll cue1 at the same time
(its nice to hammer pads in this device, compare to f1 and 62 buttons)
- light indicator is dope too / visual feedback
(still playing with tons of midi options/settings in controller editor)

doesn't work
- sampler
bank a / b / c / d
shifting banks - playing sample 1/bank a will stop if you press bank b (sound should continue if its still playing in other bank - going to the request thread)

thats it for now - will keep on playing and see what else is there - nh / nm
the SOUNDINSURGENT 3:19 PM - 9 October, 2013
Yeah I was using the Mikro but since have switched to a tablet with TouchOSC running on it.

The pads do feel good and can take a beating. Not enough knobs for me but other then that it's a Nice unit.
DJ Matty Stiles 3:21 PM - 9 October, 2013
I heard that midi mapping loop rolls with 3rd party midi controllers will become a thing of the past
the SOUNDINSURGENT 3:47 PM - 9 October, 2013
Yup so far it's not available in SDJ, which I think it's total BS but who knows. Hopefully they add it back.
dj_soo 11:26 PM - 9 October, 2013
I really hope they come to their senses and add loop roll back. It's one thing to lock brand new cool features to their proprietary devices (slicer comes to mind), but removing functionality that was previously there and free is just stupid.
ral 2:27 PM - 10 October, 2013
i think the loop roll midi mapping not included in the latest release is just a bug

if you're using a controller in serato dj, you cannot remap midi in your serato controller, but you can re map midi assignments in other external midi device (mpd, dicer, etc) -
Serato, Support
Aaron E 10:46 PM - 31 October, 2013
Nice chat guys.

Could one of you please open a feature suggestion thread asking for mappable Loop Rolls in Serato DJ here:

This is not currently available in Serato DJ and a number of users have asked for it over time. To my knowledge though, no-one has made it a public feature suggestion. This would be a good idea as it will help us gauge how many users want this.
