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Smart crates broken.

Scratch Live
Rane SL4
WarpNote 2:33 PM - 20 June, 2013
Step 1.
Start SSL (Im using the SL4 or 68) create smart crates, toggle live update off. Quit SSL

Step 2.
Start SDJ (Im using the DDJ-SX), quit SDJ

Step 3.
Start SSL, Smart crates are no longer poluated, I need to click the refresh to repopulate...

Expected Result.
Smart crate remains popluated between SSL & SDJ

Click refresh icons. However, I have 94 smart crates, so not really that much fun during a busy gig.

Any suggestions, Serato/Rane people?
I´d prefer to keep live update off, to minimize stress on the cpu during play (ME/SV running, and soon also madmapper/resolume, might even throw the bridge into the mix...)

10.8.3, SSL 2.4.4, SDJ 1.2.0, Macbook Retina 2,7ghz i7, 16gb Ram, 768 SSD

Thanks, Warp
WarpNote 1:54 PM - 23 June, 2013
Any suggestions, Serato/Rane people?

Rane, Support
Zach S 9:48 PM - 24 June, 2013
Hey WarpNote,

I'm going to throw this in the Serato DJ help section as it may get a quicker response from Serato.
We (Rane) do not deal with Serato DJ stuff and it seems as though this only happens when using Serato DJ.
9:48 PM, 24 Jun 2013
Discussion moved to Pioneer controller Help
WarpNote 9:53 PM - 24 June, 2013
From What Im seeing the bug is present in both programs....
WarpNote 9:56 PM - 24 June, 2013
Ie, you can reverse the order of programs, and the result is exactly the same.
Will also try it out with itch to see if the bug occurs moving from/to that platform.
Serato, Support
Karl Y 4:27 PM - 26 June, 2013
Hi WarpNote.

i'm not sure if i understand you correct here.
So you would expect Smart Crates to rescan the whole library once on startup?
Did it ever work the way you would want it?

As a temporary workaround, could you enable live update at the start of a session, then disable it again?


Karl Y
WarpNote 8:34 PM - 26 June, 2013
Hi Karl,
Thanks for getting back to me.

Before I installed SDJ, the crates would stay populated in SSL.
They were not updated until I pressed the update button on the right side of the name,
but they were popluated by tracks, due to the "old" update.

Now, after running SDJ, the crate will CLEAR, ie NO tracks at all on the next SSL launch.
Could you please repeat the steps in my first post to confirm the bug?

Steps to replicate:
1. Make a couple of smart crates in SSL, turn of live update. Quit SSL
2. Relaunch SSL, look inside the new smart crates, track shoul still be there. Quite SSL
3. Launch SDJ, look inside the new smart crates, tracks are now gone.
4. Launch SSL, look inside the new smart crates, tracks are now gone.

As a temporary workaround, could you enable live update at the start of a session, then disable it again?
As stated in the first post, for 94 smart crates this is not a viable option, no.

Thanks, Warp
nik39 9:04 PM - 26 June, 2013
BTW, I also had the issue of completely empty smart crates, but couldn't pinpoint the cause.
Serato, Support
Karl Y 11:07 PM - 26 June, 2013
Hi Warpnote,

thanks for that detailed information.

I'll try to replicate this and get back to you :-)


Karl Y
Serato, Support
Karl Y 9:11 PM - 27 June, 2013
Hi WarpNote,

this does look like a bug.

I'll log it and hopefully we'll have a fix in a future version :-)


Karl Y
WarpNote 9:16 PM - 27 June, 2013
Thanks Karl Y,
I guess its something that needs to be sorted between how SDJ and SSL reads the library?
WarpNote 10:39 AM - 29 August, 2013
Just wanted confirm, bug still in SSL 2.5 vs SDJ 1.3.
Thanks, Warp
Serato, Support
Karl Y 6:25 PM - 29 August, 2013
Hi WarpNote,

thanks. We haven't got a fix for this yet, but it has been logged and we'll hopefully have a fix for it in a future version.

Is there anything else you need help with?

Karl Y
WarpNote 3:06 PM - 31 August, 2013
All good Karl, thanks for replying!