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Not reading or showing the key tag

Serato DJ Pro
Numark NS6
MaximumFish 3:34 AM - 12 June, 2013

I mix using FLAC from both converted AIFFs downloaded from Beatport and my own rips analyzed with Mixed in Key. While I can see that both sets of these files have the InitialKey tag present when I view them in a tag reader, Serato DJ doesn't show them.

As a workaround I'm adding key information to the comments tag but it's far from ideal.

Please can this be fixed? I'm happy to supply sample files if needed.

Serato, Support
Jamie W 12:09 AM - 20 June, 2013
Hey MaximumFish,

Thanks for getting in touch,

Just to double check you have selected the KEY as a column option inside Serato DJ?
-- But know KEY information is showing up in Serato DJ?

Try the following,

1. Launch Serato DJ.
2. In the top RIGHT corner of your Serato Library you have a little grey box with a triangle in it.
-- Click this box and a drop down menu will appear.
-- Select KEY from the list of options.
-- The KEY column will show up as a column in your Library window.
-- Now click the FILES button located just above your library window.
-- The FILES panel will open up, at the bottom of the files panel you will see "RESCAN ID3 TAGS" Click this. Serato DJ will scan your libraries ID3 tags.

Does KEY information now show up correctly?

If you are still having issues are you able to upload a couple tracks for me?
-- I will do some further testing here and get back to you.

Thank :)
MaximumFish 3:10 AM - 20 June, 2013
Yes, I had done that before I posted, but I've just removed the Key column, re-added it and re-scanned the ID tags but the issue remains.

I've uploaded a file, which I'll send the link to in a PM. You can see the InitialKey tag in, for example, foobar2000.

Serato, Support
Jamie W 3:45 AM - 21 June, 2013
Hey MaximumFish,

I have done some further testing today.
-- There is an issue when reading FLAC file KEY tag information.
-- This bug has been logged and we hope to have it resolved in a future update.

A work around option would be... (very similar to what you are doing already).

1. Save tag info to the comments section like you are.
2. Put the comments in order (so keys are in order 1 - 12)
3. Highlight all tracks that have the same comment eg: 1A
4. Click the KEY column for one of the highlighted tracks.
5. Type in the KEY for that track and every other track you have highlighted will also be changed.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

MaximumFish 2:49 AM - 24 June, 2013
Thanks for the help, I look forward to it getting fixed!

One quick question while you're here... Beatport saves the key information as normal notations (F# etc). Does Serato convert/display that in Camelot or would I have to convert manually or analyze in Mixed in Key to make that work?
Serato, Support
Jamie W 10:29 PM - 24 June, 2013
Hey MaximumFish,

No Problem :)

You will need to analyze files through Mixed In Key to get the Camelot key value.

Is there anything else I can help you with? If not I will close this thread.

MaximumFish 3:40 AM - 25 June, 2013
Nope that's it thanks.
Serato, Support
Jamie W 4:06 AM - 25 June, 2013
Hey MaximumFish,


I will close this thread now.
MaximumFish 12:32 AM - 4 October, 2013
Hi there,

Sorry to dig up an old topic, but two new versions of SDJ have been released since this bug was confirmed and it still hasn't been fixed. You'd think it would be a 5 minute job to get this one resolved!

Please can you find out what's going on?

Thanks a lot.
Serato, Support
David Wood 1:23 AM - 7 October, 2013
Hey MaximumFish,

Bugs get prioritised by our Product Team here at Serato and unfortunately it looks like this issue hasn't yet been fixed. I'll give it a bump for you however I couldn't say if this bug will be fixed before the next release. It has been logged so i'm sure that it will be looked into at some point in the future.

You'd think it would be a 5 minute job to get this one resolved!

This isn't always the case and i couldn't say how long or what it would take to fix this as i'm not a developer.

Dave W
7:04 AM, 21 Oct 2013
This help request has been closed due to inactivity.