Tagged blog posts: FX

Pro Tip: Epic Reverb!

This weeks pro tip is around using Epic Reverb, one of the great iZotope FX available in Serato DJ by activating the free Wolf Pack FX Expansion Pack.

Serato DJ: 5 Gründe upzugraden

Wir sprechen oft mit DJ’s die sich fragen ob sich das Upgrade auf Serato DJ lohnt. Wenn du bereit bist das nächste Level zu erklimmen, sind hier fünf Gründe die dafür sprechen.

Learn: DJ FX in Serato DJ

FX are the herbs and spices of the DJ world. Some people love them, some people overuse them, some people don't understand them and some people get scared... Here's an in-depth tutorial on the Serato DJ FX, powered by iZotope.

Four ways with Serato DJ FX expansion packs

Four staff members give us some info on their favourite FX and some tips and tricks when they use the Serato DJ FX expansion packs

Pro Tip: FX in Serato DJ

The Serato DJ 1.6 Public Beta is in full swing and the official release is on the horizon. That means Scratch Live users are now making the move to Serato DJ and navigating the new interface, features and workflow. Here's a short guide on the Serato DJ FX, powered by iZotope.

Edit Favorite FX

Serato DJ 1.3 gives you the ability to customize and edit your Favorite FX list to give you quick and easy access to the FX that you use the most.

Tales from the Devs. Serato DJ FX workshop

Developers are people too tho... One of the dev squad, Tom, wrote up a short blog post about an FX workshop we had recently in the office. Check out the full story.