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What is the difference between Relative mode (Rel) or Absolute mode (Abs)?

Scratch Live
Rane SL3
Paul_376 7:33 AM - 19 March, 2010
Product: scratchlive
Version: 1.9.2
Hardware: scratchlive-sl3
Computer: mac
OS Version: 10.6.2

What is the difference between Relative mode (Rel) or Absolute mode (Abs)?
I am new to Serato, I will be using a 2 channel mixer and two cdj 800 mkII
djdannyd 1:36 PM - 19 March, 2010
abs closely resembles real vinyl or cd in a way that the beginning of the track is mapped to the start of the record. If the vinyl skips the track being played will skip as well, no looping available on this mode.

rel mode considers the backward or forward movement of the record or cd but doesn't take into account the position within the record. If you're scratching and the needle jumps a groove or two, the song will still be at the same position. Cues and looping are enables on this mode.
DJ Mups 3:23 PM - 19 March, 2010
Just to add to what djdannyd has posted:

In ABS mode: Loops and cue points can be used directly on the CDJ but not within the SSL software.

In REL mode: Loops and cue points can be used within the SSL software but not with the CDJ.
Paul_376 5:37 AM - 21 March, 2010
Thanks guys, so wich one would be easier for a begginer on Cdj's?
djdannyd 6:02 AM - 21 March, 2010
try them both, it is really preference. Do what feels comfortable to your style.