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I am using Vista Service Pack 2. Drop down menu had no option for SP2

Numark NS7
djngl1 4:25 PM - 13 October, 2009
Product: itch
Version: 1.1
Hardware: numark-ns7
Computer: pc

1. Audio dropouts. There is not rhyme or reason as to what causes it for me. Although this video I found on Youtube ( is a prime example of the trouble. However, this person in the video can actually make the problem happen at will. I do know that Numark has recalled some units, however my unit does not fall into the serial number list that was recalled.

2. The waveform always seems to glitch ever so slightly. It almost hurts your eyes to watch it. I believe the video made reference to this as well.

I have a HP Pavilion DV6000 running AMD Turion 64x2 2 Gig Ram. Had the computer for about a year and a half. Had NS7 with Itch for about 5 months. Only once did it completly freeze. Packed nightclub and that sucked really bad. Had I been aware of the Turion "issues" I might have thought twice.
Numark, Support
sbangs 10:11 AM - 14 October, 2009

Please ensure you have all of the latest driver and software updates available for your PC.

I would recommend using the DPC latency checker to check if any hardware is degrading your systems performance.


It works by scanning for any latency, IRQ conflicts or other issues.

To use the software run ITCH and run audio then load DPC.

You will be shown a bar graph , GREEN (SAFE) Yellow (Caution) Red (Dropouts)

You will also be given a report of any conflicting hardware or software.

Here's the list of basic tweaks you should also try.

* Switch off Bluetooth.
* Switch off wireless network and unplug any wired network connections.
* Switch off screen saver and set sleep mode to 'never'.
* Make sure your hard drive doesn't have a sleep mode selected.
* Calibrate your USB buffer setting. Start with the USB buffer slider at the hard right position, and slowly move it as far to the left as you can before you notice any audio interruptions or loss of performance. Ideally you will want the lowest buffer setting possible.
* Ensure you have ample room left on your hard drive (this is approximately a minimum of 10% of your hard drive capacity - both internal and external).
* Close down any other software, including antivirus software or the like.
Numark, Support
sbangs 8:17 PM - 22 October, 2009
Hi did you have a chance to try this?
djngl1 12:46 AM - 26 October, 2009
Hi did you have a chance to try this?

I have tried all but the program download you spoke of.
Numark, Support
sbangs 11:39 AM - 26 October, 2009
Please try that as the results will be most useful :-)