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long USB cable brings no luck to ITCH

Ortofon | Serato S-120
djcerla 11:27 AM - 19 February, 2009
Now that's the weirdest problem I've ever seen.

I've relocated the VCI 300 in my studio, so I needed a longer USB cable (about 2.5 meters).
Everything seemed fine... but I soon realized it wasn't.

Right platter scratch button didn't send the on-off info to the computer; I mean the green light worked as expected, but the scratch function didn't turn on-off.
Other times, the scratch button worked ok, BUT THIS TIME THE PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON DIDN'T SEND THE INFO TO THE COMPUTER! a much worse situation.

So, stay away from long USB cable.

Tried with 2 computers, and 2 long cables, same results.
djgrial 4:54 PM - 19 February, 2009
Same happened to me :( but I just got lots of audio drops with long cables.
jolt 4:09 PM - 21 February, 2009
try a active usb hub.
djcerla 4:34 AM - 22 February, 2009
Better a short USB cable :)

I don't want to bring another box to the club.
jolt 5:34 PM - 22 February, 2009
or try a better usb cable (better shielding)
freelancer77 5:14 PM - 24 February, 2009
try a active usb hub.

That had been a bad solution ... for me...
nik39 11:09 AM - 13 April, 2009
try a active usb hub.

You should not use any USB hubs when using either SSL hardware or Itch hardware.
kraal 2:59 PM - 13 April, 2009
i used a 10 foot cable and it worked fine
DJ Quartz 3:43 PM - 13 April, 2009
@ Kraal

I think cables of those lengths have build in repeaters which would make sense why it worked.
kraal 8:57 PM - 13 April, 2009
nik39 9:01 PM - 13 April, 2009
I doubt that USB cables have built in repeaters. How would that work without any power?
djcerla 9:06 PM - 13 April, 2009
Not repeaters, but cylinders that help to minimize interferences.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 12:03 AM - 15 April, 2009
(Moved to help).
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 12:08 AM - 15 April, 2009
Hi djcerla.

Have you calibrated your VCI-300 afresh in this new environment?

Also have you made sure you have done everything in this article to get optimum performance from your setup?

Other than that, we're using a 5m USB cord here, and it's fine.
USB 'best' performance is using 5m or less for USB 2.0 (and longer with hubs). Though we'd not recommend that. So maybe do the tweaks and calibration, and see how you go.
djcerla 2:08 AM - 15 April, 2009
My system is perfect, rock solid.
BTW, a big, "impossible" to fix, problem with a Access Virus TI was 100% solved by using that short and hi-quality cable instead of a ordinary one, so I bought a second one for my DJ setup as well.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 2:25 AM - 15 April, 2009
By rock solid, you mean that it's working fine with no freezes?
djcerla 2:29 AM - 15 April, 2009
Yes, never experienced a freeze, and no audio problems... very reliable so far.

The only crash I had was at home, when I tried by mistake to edit the ID3 tag of a protected AAC file bought on iTunes (128). My bad.
freelancer77 2:44 AM - 16 April, 2009
maybe if you think this is helpful make it sticky

OK - some words from an electrician...

You have problems with longer cables ?

1. a longer cable means that you have a higher impendance / ressistance on the cable.

2. we are working with frequencies on USB because of Digital Signals. Therefore the Rules of Ohm, phase dissortion and other things are valid. A longer cable means a higher resistance and furthermore a higher power-consumption. Should be not relevant, BUT - see 3

3. The diameter of each wire is also important, lower diameter means a higher resistance. Low diameter and long distance is a signal-killer.

4. Shielding is an important thing, also with bad cables where you run them! Shielding is influencing the impendance of the whole cable and the "form" of the signal.
If the cable is too long, your digital signal which has a square form on the oscilloscope gets more and more to a sinus-form or totally dissorted.

5. you get a 50 / 60 HZ Tone on your Equipment ? Check Ground & Shielding - further other devices, transmitting this specific tone to all euqipment that you have, also via Chinch and other wires.

6. If the USB-Cable has same thickness as the original one, but it's maybe even longer - then it could be possible that you get in trouble.

Get a high Quality USB-Cable - could be also a solution... not the 5€ / 5$ Cable from Radio-Shack or Electronic Store.

I had that problem with WiFi-Sticks and specially ext-HDD's ...
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 12:26 AM - 17 April, 2009
Cheers freelancer77 - good to have more info floating about the boards...

Yes, never experienced a freeze, and no audio problems... very reliable so far.

The only crash I had was at home, when I tried by mistake to edit the ID3 tag of a protected AAC file bought on iTunes (128). My bad.

So this freeze was a once off?
djcerla 10:14 AM - 24 April, 2009
Yes, I just had that freeze; actually it wasn't a freeze, but a clean crash.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 9:43 PM - 26 April, 2009
OK. Have you built all your overviews and have you got any corrupt files? (If you click on ALL.. and then click the little blank box in the top row of the first column, this will group all of them together). You will have to delete all of these, as they can crash things, even if you don't ever play them.
djcerla 10:39 PM - 26 April, 2009
As I already told, the crash occoured while trying to edit the id3 tag of a PROTECTED AAC, that's why it crashed.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 4:04 AM - 27 April, 2009
Yep - just making sure you have built all your overviews for your entire library.
Any corrupted files will need to be removed.