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serato not reading my music and freezing

Scratch Live
Rane SL1
- 10:12 AM - 30 December, 2008

I recently had my computer guy remove all my music from my i tunes library and transfered it over to my external hard drive. Since i did that when i open up serato to dj it takes the library a long while to load up. Second once the music is loaded up the track that i select plays only for a couple of seconds then it stops then a while later it will play for another while then it will stop then when this happens the other turn table on my screen freezez and the music stops and it repeats its self all over again. I am running the current version of i tunes im playing out of a toshiba lap top using windows program im not sure why this is happening. Also when i open up the serato window on my lap top and the unit (serato box) is disconnected and drop a song it sounds like a radio with low batteries almost like if my computer has a virus. My lap top recently got serviced so i know it aint that please help
Rane, Support
Shaun W 11:28 PM - 30 December, 2008
Start by downloading the 1.8.3 beta version and see if it has any affect on your setup. The 1.8.3 beta can be found here -->>
Rane, Support
Zach S 11:30 PM - 30 December, 2008
Hello alvareztmx14,

I'm going to assume this is an issue with your laptop and external drive communicating.

This can be proven by simply playing tracks from your internal drive without your external plugged in.
If it works well then its an issue between your lappy and external.

If this is the case I would try plugging your external into a different usb port on your computer.
Make sure not to plug into a usb hub or splitter.. go directly into a hard wired usb port on your comp.

Also.. how much room is left on your external?

Let us know your findings and we'll go from there;)
1:06 AM, 2 Aug 2010
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