Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?

Dedicated Video View

DJ_Junior A 2:58 AM - 12 April, 2013
Hi All,

I would love to have a dedicated video view in Serato DJ, like SSL 2.43 and above. The video view is great and frees up a lot of screen space. Can this be added in the next release?

LJ_WOOLSEY 11:04 AM - 1 May, 2013
PancraZ 12:43 PM - 1 May, 2013
Dj Jamie Carter 6:15 PM - 1 May, 2013
TealONE 6:44 PM - 1 May, 2013
Fel!peDj 2:53 PM - 2 May, 2013
already had suggested, but it was not considered in this update 1.2
DJ GSOUND 4:34 PM - 4 May, 2013
Dj Jamie Carter 5:47 PM - 11 November, 2013
Is this going to be looked into? On a 13 mac the library is tiny. About 10 tracks at the max. :/
Mr Wilks 2:43 AM - 12 November, 2013
TomBarkerDJ 8:53 PM - 23 December, 2013
+1 definitely! Really enjoying Serato DJ but, as already mentioned, I'm on a 13' Macbook and it's a struggle to view the library without! Looking good so far though!
DJ TLS 12:14 AM - 27 March, 2014
Dj Jamie Carter 5:08 PM - 7 April, 2014
+1 definitely! Really enjoying Serato DJ but, as already mentioned, I'm on a 13' Macbook and it's a struggle to view the library without! Looking good so far though!

Totally agree, I'm in the same situation. I liked the view in scratch live. Would like to see this view in dj. +1. :)
Frozone 4:43 PM - 9 April, 2014
I totally agree, better use of the screen real-estate would be exciting! +100 for this feature.
Serato, Support
Martin C 10:55 PM - 11 April, 2014
Hey guys,

I'd love to check out any mock up/illustration ideas you guys have and how you would imagine it to look. There is a certain amount of functionality display that must be compromised in order to have video view (for example, less Cue Points displayed), so I am curious to know how you would do it.

In your opinion, what is the main reason why you like using that view in Scratch Live?

Is it to gain more library space than the amount you would normally get when you open the Video Panel under the decks?

Or is it more about being able to see video + decks, then being able to open one other panel underneath e.g SP-6 or DJ-FX?
TomBarkerDJ 9:58 PM - 14 April, 2014
Personally, for me, the library view is the most important... although having the panels of fx and sp-6 underneath is a massive advantage...

I think the look in Scratch Live looked really professional and was my regular choice... Space wise it was great, and was really convenient for selecting transitions, hence knowing what I'd be doing with the crossfader

How you could implement this in Serato DJ? Obviously the big ask, especially as everything is meant to be more easily visible and user friendly, which I do very much appreciate... Maybe less cue points displayed and the ability to scroll through them e.g. 4 + 4 ... Maybe running the loops section underneath horizontally, as opposed to vertically, which could probably save some space?

Even finding a way of the current video mode more streamline... It doesn't take up the full width of the screen, hence a lot of lost space which really could be used for juggling some of the other visible features...

Hey, I very much trust Serato's judgement... I'm sure there's a lot to come from Serato DJ :)
Serato, Support
Martin C 10:21 PM - 14 April, 2014
Thanks for your feedback TomBarkerDJ.

Personally, for me, the library view is the most important... although having the panels of fx and sp-6 underneath is a massive advantage...

So you are definitely just wanting to be able to see the virtual decks, the video windows and then maximum library space?

What about if there was no virtual decks, but the BPM and time elapsed/remaining was displayed some other way?

We have had some early discussions about Serato DJ Video View, but found it extremely difficult to achieve the Scratch Live Video View, largely because many elements in Serato DJ have been enlarged for usability.

Scratch Live Video View was a vertical style mode with video windows squeezed between. If you check out Serato DJ vertical view mode, you will see there isn't much space to work with. We'd either have to cut things out, or take up more vertical space - which isn't ideal, because then you are taking up library space!

It will be something we will continue to think about, but if anyone has a particular idea, I would love to see it! Remember though - we have to work to the minimum screen resolution so the view could actually be applicable to a 13" laptop.

less cue points displayed and the ability to scroll through them e.g. 4 + 4 ... Maybe running the loops section underneath horizontally, as opposed to vertically, which could probably save some space?

So did you mean the auto loops, or the saved loops are displayed horizontally? I'm not quite sure I know what you mean.

Even finding a way of the current video mode more streamline... It doesn't take up the full width of the screen, hence a lot of lost space which really could be used for juggling some of the other visible features...

Yes, there is some space on either side of the video outputs. Would you want to see the text and image effects on either side there? Then you wouldn't have to open them and have them take up more vertical space.
Dj Jamie Carter 7:13 PM - 7 May, 2014
Pretty much very similar to SSL dedicated video view with the ideas of TomBarkerDJ. I suppose we would just have to sacrifice on cues and loops. Will have a look.
DJ_Junior A 7:33 PM - 7 May, 2014
For me, I doesn't have to be exactly like the SSL video view, but I don't like the fact that it has all that wasted space on the sides. I mean even if you could put it at the bottom of the screen so that video and audio can be separated would be welcomed. Though, I do understand that it's a difficult task to deal with screen real estate. Perhaps dynamically changing the views based on what panel are open might also work.
RAYMIXX 12:26 AM - 9 November, 2015
Yes please bring this in SERATO DJ
Serato, Support
Martin C 12:45 AM - 9 November, 2015
I investigated a few solutions for Video view in Serato DJ about a year ago now and we didn't find anything that actually achieved more library space than you would have just by opening the video panel as is.

We ended up introducing the ability to open multiple panels feature instead.

So I'm still open to the idea, but would like to see a suitable mock up that actually solves the problems that the original Scratch Live Video view achieved in my opinion, which was two things:

1. Allow you to open another type of panel with video (which we have now achieved anyway).
2. Gain more library space, while still showing necessary video + deck information.
RAYMIXX 11:28 PM - 9 November, 2015
Hey Martin,

I was hopping for something that looks similar to Video View like in Scratch Live like maybe only showing half the waveform and putting the main output mini window there and maybe getting rid off three of the cue points and putting just five or away to incorporate all 8 but maybe not able to see the time/names of them so there at least all on the GUI so than the mini video window for each deck would maybe fit next to them.

Hoping for something like that.
Serato, Support
Martin C 1:17 AM - 10 November, 2015

That sounds interesting. Will Video DJs be happy to lose cue point name/time information to get this view? Perhaps.

Interested to see how you'd draw that up.