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Midi Mapping - QuNeo?

Frank Spinatra 7:00 PM - 30 October, 2012
I picked up the QuNeo ( and I was just wondering if anybody was also testing this out?

With both pressure and x-y sensitivity on the pads, I'm attempting to explore creating some more efficient mappings than I've created for the Trigger Finger. On the QuNeo the same pad can output Note, CC, X, & Y information.

So in theory I could engage the 1 Knob filter on my Super Knob and swipe my finger left and right for amount. Rather than using both a pad and a pot on the Trigger finger to the same effect.

Just wondering if this is possible in Scratch live's midi-mapping mode or if this only works with Tracktor and Ableton.

After playing around for a few minutes I'm having some difficulty, anybody else playing with this controller?
phatbob 7:17 PM - 30 October, 2012
You aren't going to able to do that in the GUI. What you'll need to do is map those parameters seperately, then dig into the XML and change the control messages to the ones that the QuNeo is sending.
Frank Spinatra 7:36 PM - 30 October, 2012
Yes, I figured that I would have to explore that way.
Maybe I can look at the XML file for the Dicers for hints.

I've never tried to program this way, but I did figure out how to use Enigma to dive into the Trigger finger.

If anything comes of this I'd be glad to share my mapping. Still like to know if anybody else is going this route. The QuNeo was a Kickstarter revolution but there's very little info around for it working with SSL and the stock template is a joke.
phatbob 8:07 PM - 30 October, 2012
The unit is cool, unfortunately it's just gonna be tricky for you as the midi mapping in Scratch Live is so rudimentary.

Whereas on the other hand, the mapping editor in Traktor can be made to perform some pretty magical tricks, but is insanely complex and labyrinthine.

Hopefully Serato will improve theirs at some point. And finally bring us frickin' midi out...
Frank Spinatra 8:54 PM - 30 October, 2012
Agreed phatbob, I'm hopeful that midi out will be part of DJ. They already have limited midi out in itch to work LED's as you're well aware.

I just tried cut and pasting the default QuNeo XML file with text edit into a blank template (created a new midi blank midi profile within scratch, then pasted the default template into it) but when I loaded the new profile it didn't recognize any of the commands.

Am I wrong in thinking this should work?
phatbob 9:14 PM - 30 October, 2012
Hmm... We need JJ, Konix, Radikarl or some other XML master up in this thread...

To me, that should have worked. Did the QuNeo mapping work when you loaded that up directly?
Frank Spinatra 9:24 PM - 30 October, 2012
Yes, Default is "QuNeo 1.0"
The one I created I named "QuNeo 1.1"

All I did was copy the first page of values. Cue points layed on the pads in drum mode sent on channel 1, no response when I loaded 1.1.

When I reverted to 1.0 cue's loaded fine.

Update: Interesting, when I look in my MIDI file in the _Scratch_ folder I see the the file I made didn't save as an .XML file. So I made "QuNeo 1.2.XML" by saving as, yet this file is not visible in the MIDI devices pane of the setup screen in scratch live.

Are users not able to share mappings? I've never tried, but I've always had good success using midi learn mode and editing my Trigger finger to have the same function on multiple banks with repeat note values.

It'd be great if Konix or another chimed in.

The QuNeo is a badass AFORDABLE controller. Lets get this working!
Frank Spinatra 9:38 PM - 30 October, 2012
Interesting. When I just used Midi learn mode to replicate the default template it causes erratic behaviour in SSL.

Pressing Cue 1 causes the little arrow to stay lit to the left of the time marker and causes the track to play after. I've never seen these values "latch" before. I'll have to check and see if I have to change something in CoMA (controller edit mode) or in the QuNeo Editor.

I feel like I should be able to get this working, I'm not going to give up yet.
Frank Spinatra 5:30 AM - 1 November, 2012
Occam's razor once again... When I was using midi-learn initially the QuNeo was sending out too many messages from a single touch.

Success at last. I just had to use the QuNeo Editor rather than CoMA mode.
I started by clearing a template of all values then assigning values for Note, Pressure, X, Y, & X/Y return (where the position defaults to once you remove your finger), uploading them to the controller, THEN using midi-learn.

The result, I can now engage an effect and control it's depth by applying varying amounts of pressure to a single pad. ex. push one button to turn on Lowpass filter, the harder you push the lower the bandpass. By using ctrl+click in midi-learn, the effect is in trigger mode so it feels really natural. (thought: this could be effective if I apply to loop roll)

Considering SSL is considered to have very limited midi mapping functionality, I think this is a big step forward.

If anybody else is having difficulty, PM me. I'd be glad to help. But from the lack of action in here, I think I might be nerding out alone on this one.

Mr Bump 8:08 AM - 18 December, 2012
Not entirely nerding-out alone, I assure you, and the more people buy Serato DJ, the more are going to be interested in your journey here.

Thanks for posting. Exactly what I wanted to know really, looking for an affordable, compact replacement for my DX.
Frank Spinatra 9:32 PM - 24 December, 2012
You're welcome Mr. Bump. Do you have a QuNeo?
radikarl 11:22 PM - 24 December, 2012
Hmm... We need JJ, Konix, Radikarl or some other XML master up in this thread...

To me, that should have worked. Did the QuNeo mapping work when you loaded that up directly?

reporting in :D

agree with phatbob it should work.

try deleting your AUTO_SAVE.XML before loading your altered mapping

also make sure you have a good text editor that doesn't add rtf headers or some other stuff.
i recommend BBEDIT if you are on a mac

there are some things you need to make sure when messing with the mapping,
- proper xml (no forgotten or extra closing tags)
- no duplicate mappings, e.g. don't do this:
<Control name="Sample Player Play 1" channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="67" />
<Control name="Sample Player Play 1" channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="67" />

one command per midi message and one midi message per command
e.g. don't do this:
<Control name="Sample Player Play 1" channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="1" />
<Control name="Sample Player Play 1" channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="123" />

or that:
<Control name="Sample Player Play 1" channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="1" />
<Control name="Sample Player Play 2" channel="13" event_type="Note On" control="1" />

Sylverstone20 6:36 PM - 16 July, 2014
Thanks for the post