DJing Discussion

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Wanna get a good laugh? VDJ miscues

DJDaveOtt 12:00 PM - 21 December, 2009
It's 7am est and I'm downloading some vids from smashvid and I wanted to check up on VDJ and see what was goin on over there and this is what I found...

go to the bottom of this page and watch DJ Larry D's video:

I've heard and seen that mix before.... Oh, that's because I bought it from PROMO ONLY about 4 or 5 years ago!! Those of you into video have probably seen it before...It was a hot mix

But wait, there's more!
Jump to 4:17 in this vid and tell me what is wrong with the video...
Please don't waste your time watching the entire video...You will lose brain cells!

With all the different controllers and mixers they sell....Why does a demo of their product feature the RANE TTM57?? LMAO!
djchase 7:24 PM - 21 December, 2009
lol imitators
djdalite 8:51 PM - 21 December, 2009
so wait, the first vid is a demo for VDJ and they used a promo only mix from 5 years ago to show case it?

the numark one makes sense, im pretty sure they've never made anything good
DJForest 1:07 AM - 22 December, 2009
u sure this is a promo only mix? i don't remember promo puttin out mixes

plus u see the equipment he is using. that's clearly VDJ timecodes and that looks like one of those cheap ass midi controllers

calling that video HOT is like biggin up VDJ
Quantum 3:47 AM - 22 December, 2009

Sucks right? Those guys have no idea what their doing.... Clearly..
RogerRabbit 4:02 AM - 22 December, 2009

With all the different controllers and mixers they sell....Why does a demo of their product feature the RANE TTM57?? LMAO!

You must be slow.. Cant you see it's JFB and Beardyman demoing the product.... Numark is just showcasing the video on their site..


Please don't waste your time watching the entire video...You will lose brain cells!

And if you are making fun of those two guys, you must not know skills when you see it..
dj_soo 4:10 AM - 22 December, 2009
damn fanboys.

beardyman and JFB are beyond ill.

that video was pretty dope too.
Quantum 4:22 AM - 22 December, 2009

With all the different controllers and mixers they sell....Why does a demo of their product feature the RANE TTM57?? LMAO!

You must be slow.. Cant you see it's JFB and Beardyman demoing the product.... Numark is just showcasing the video on their site..


Please don't waste your time watching the entire video...You will lose brain cells!

And if you are making fun of those two guys, you must not know skills when you see it..

DJDaveOtt 8:18 AM - 22 December, 2009
u sure this is a promo only mix? i don't remember promo puttin out mixes

I promise you it is...
I will dig up the promo only video and give you the exact issue

calling that video HOT is like biggin up VDJ

promo only called it their "hot mix" video...I did not mean it was a "hot" mix...


And if you are making fun of those two guys, you must not know skills when you see it..

please re-read what I wrote... That DJ did not do the mix, PROMO ONLY DID!
DJDaveOtt 8:28 AM - 22 December, 2009
I just checked that link and it looks as is VDJ got the memo... The video has changed! The video that was on there yesterday was a promo only mix.. The new video is pretty decent
DJDaveOtt 8:41 AM - 22 December, 2009

You must be slow.. Cant you see it's JFB and Beardyman demoing the product.... Numark is just showcasing the video on their site..

Hope you understood it this time... I will say it slower if need be ;)
Smemtex (AoS) 10:33 AM - 22 December, 2009
Because it an independant review by DJ Mag....
RogerRabbit 3:34 PM - 22 December, 2009

You must be slow.. Cant you see it's JFB and Beardyman demoing the product.... Numark is just showcasing the video on their site..

Hope you understood it this time... I will say it slower if need be ;)

Because it an independant review by DJ Mag....


Do YOU get it now... *sighs*
DJ Bouj 3:43 PM - 22 December, 2009

Sucks right? Those guys have no idea what their doing.... Clearly..

Thats pretty dope actually.
Quantum 5:16 PM - 22 December, 2009
pretty dope is an understatement ;)
DeezNotes 5:44 PM - 22 December, 2009

Sucks right? Those guys have no idea what their doing.... Clearly..

Thats pretty dope actually.

Certified dope.
DJForest 8:04 PM - 22 December, 2009
I just checked that link and it looks as is VDJ got the memo... The video has changed! The video that was on there yesterday was a promo only mix.. The new video is pretty decent

Maybe, but either way that new mix is even better... Plus they've managed to hook up the NS7 to VDJ - I thought ITCH was the only way to control that beast!!!

As to Beardyman & JFB - Are you saying it's okay if they do an independent review of an SSL compatible product, but because the reviewed Cue they're shit?

Either way, all this thread has proved is that VDJ can be connected an ITCH device and can mix some shit ot video and that SSL is great for scratching.

Where's the beef???
Rick Hodgkins 8:49 PM - 22 December, 2009
It's very flattering to see you guys are still so consumed with Virtual Dj's success.

We will make every effort to keep our website up to date in the future.

Giving DJ's the option of their choice of gear is what Virtual Dj is all about including the NS7.
The tail does not wag the dog in our house.

Peace and Season's Greetings whatever your holiday flavor of choice may be.

DJDaveOtt 11:01 PM - 22 December, 2009
It's very flattering to see you guys are still so consumed with Virtual Dj's success.

Not consumed with it, just checking in on the competition..

RogerRabbit, Why you gotta be such a hater?

Numark is just showcasing the video on their site..

Thanks for making my point clear... I'll say it one more time cause maybe you didn't get it the last two times...
Numark makes products that compete with Serato and Rane's products..
Are you still following me? I hope I didn't lose you after that, I know it's difficult to understand and
So why would Numark, on their site, show a video that contained anything but their products?

Wow, I know that's alot to take in, so feel free to read it again...

My guess is because the Rane TTM57 is the superior product!

Regardless of who is doing the demo, and how dope the video may be, How would you feel if Rane or Serato had videos linked to their sites with a Numark mixer?? Wouldn't make sense would it?
There's my point, and here's your sign...Didn't think I'd have to spell it out for anyone...I guess I gave some people too much
Rick Hodgkins 12:24 AM - 23 December, 2009
It's very flattering to see you guys are still so consumed with Virtual Dj's success.

Not consumed with it, just checking in on the competition..

RogerRabbit, Why you gotta be such a hater?


And if you are making fun of those two guys, you must not know skills when you see it..

please re-read what I wrote... That DJ did not do the mix, PROMO ONLY DID!


Who's the hater here anyway?


Seems like accusing someone of a copyright law violation is taking this a little bit far, don't you think?
But if you say it qualifies as a PO mix, that's cool.
I am sure Larry is flattered too, so thanks!

My guess is that knowing Promo Only's strong feelings on copy write infringements, that they'd be all over it in a heart beat if this was the case.

Thanks but I got a good laugh over this.

FunkyRob 1:06 AM - 23 December, 2009
That Beardyman video is quite old.

I actually enjoy watching it especially when describing the various modes of the software.
DJDaveOtt 1:31 AM - 23 December, 2009


Who's the hater here anyway?


Seems like accusing someone of a copyright law violation is taking this a little bit far, don't you think?
But if you say it qualifies as a PO mix, that's cool.
I am sure Larry is flattered too, so thanks!

My guess is that knowing Promo Only's strong feelings on copy write infringements, that they'd be all over it in a heart beat if this was the case

No wonder you took it down so quickly...YOU GOT CALLED OUT!
Competition? Your right. Your company is not bad. Poor choice of words...
dj_soo 6:54 AM - 23 December, 2009
It's very flattering to see you guys are still so consumed with Virtual Dj's success.

Not consumed with it, just checking in on the competition..

RogerRabbit, Why you gotta be such a hater?

Numark is just showcasing the video on their site..

Thanks for making my point clear... I'll say it one more time cause maybe you didn't get it the last two times...
Numark makes products that compete with Serato and Rane's products..
Are you still following me? I hope I didn't lose you after that, I know it's difficult to understand and
So why would Numark, on their site, show a video that contained anything but their products?

Wow, I know that's alot to take in, so feel free to read it again...

My guess is because the Rane TTM57 is the superior product!

Regardless of who is doing the demo, and how dope the video may be, How would you feel if Rane or Serato had videos linked to their sites with a Numark mixer?? Wouldn't make sense would it?
There's my point, and here's your sign...Didn't think I'd have to spell it out for anyone...I guess I gave some people too much

actually i think it's because numark saw the hits those guys were getting on youtube demo-ing their product and felt that the promo they would get from 2 respected and independent guys in the scene were worth linking up the video despite the fact that there was a rane mixer in the video.

Everyone already know what Serato is so why wouldn't you put up a video of two established DJ/musicians demo-ing your product that's already garnering a lot of attention?

And apparently, the only person that really cares is some serato fanboy who would be talking shit about their product regardless.
DeezNotes 2:54 PM - 23 December, 2009
Some of you guys have good points to make; a lot of it would come across much better without the sarcasm.
a-swift 7:33 PM - 28 December, 2009
Some of you guys have good points to make;

i might have to re-read the entire thread again to find some.
Millz 7:39 PM - 28 December, 2009
Larry D is my boy, and he did that entire mix live. Hopefully no one is talkin shit on my boy Larry.
G_illn 12:42 AM - 29 December, 2009
omg that beardyman dude is so fucking annoying. the only person to make beat boxing sound good was and still is rahzel. everyone else just sounds like a retard child drowning face down in 3 inches of water.