Discusión en Español

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ayuda con esto gracias

pako502 5:22 AM - 8 October, 2009
tngo la version 1.9.0 y le instale el plug de video 1.1.0 ahora veo k tngo k hacer esto


- Before installing:
* In Explorer, go to 'C:\Program files\Common Files\Serato\Plugins'
* Rename ScratchVideoPlugin.exe' to 'ScratchVideoPlugin 1.0.2.exe'
* Rename the 'data' directory to 'data 1.0.2'
- Install VIDEO-SL version 1.1.0.

When you install the new version, the old executable will not be deleted. The version that will be run is the one with the name 'ScratchVideoPlugin.exe'. You can still do this if you have already installed version 1.1.0 - just rename the executable to 'ScratchVideoPlugin 1.1.0.exe', and then reinstall the version you were previously running.

Ya lo hice pero ahora k kiero correr video no me sale alguien me podria ayudar gracias