Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?

Serato Remote Offline Mode

jCU3 3:48 AM - 3 July, 2015
What if Serato could make it so the Serato Remote could work on offline mode give it the same functions as some midi controllers. Just make a separate offline mode for the app so it makes using flip, loops, slips, etc easier. The same as having a Midi controller, but more convenient to those that don't. And add extra pads for smartphones, everyone has a smartphone that's half the size of a tablet if not bigger. I hope you guys get what I'm trying to say.
bohlrocka 11:32 PM - 21 August, 2015
05spoof 7:39 PM - 22 August, 2015

To add to this. Why not make all official Serato sub controllers (SP1, Neon, AFX, K1, Dicers) all work in offline mode when no controller or DVS mixer is plugged in.
WarpNote 2:15 PM - 20 October, 2015
+1 for stuff like AFX, SP1, Serato Remote, etc.
If Serato is concerned with users exploiting free software, maybe include it in the Club Kit?