DJing Discussion

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Tunes for the Troops---Who's Down?

Dj-Bedtime 9:19 PM - 26 January, 2009
This got started from this

Here's the basics...

Our Boy LTIZZZLE was good enough to remind us how much the troops overseas might like some mixed cd's sent their way. Anything to break up the down time they see and make them feel just a little more at home would be a great way to help out.

So I'm thinking that since there are so many talented dj's on this board, why dont we each make a mix and burn a few cd's to send off to the troops in Iraq or Afgansistan. Mabey you already have a mix done and can spare a few extra cd's to send out or just do a whole new one--either way ya know?!?

First--lets see who's in to participate then---we can talk logisitics with LTIZZZLE as to how we can send these off. I'm figuring 5-10 cd's per dj would really help out.

For those wanting to submit-- is 3 weeks to complete out of the question?
DJ Sniffles 9:25 PM - 26 January, 2009
My old unit is still in Iraq (Fucking 18 month tour)

I've been sending them mixes for over a year now.

If you really want to send off some mixes, contact USO. LTizzle is one man on one FOB. There are FOBs all over the damn place.
DJ Sniffles 9:46 PM - 26 January, 2009
DJ Strike It Up 10:00 PM - 26 January, 2009
Ive been part of something like this before and i would love to participate again...COUNT ME IN!
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:06 PM - 26 January, 2009
I could send them a mix of mine.....once they listen to the crappy music we are listening over here right now coupled with my horrible mixing ability they wont feel so bad about being away from the country!!
SiRocket 10:29 PM - 26 January, 2009
pm me if this takes off... im down.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:31 PM - 26 January, 2009
Jokes aside im down...cant turn down free publicity!!
dj_KaSE 10:58 PM - 26 January, 2009
I'm down.

I can contribute something somewhat atypical (since majority of discussion on these boards are about hot garbage hip hop). I can throw in some shit like Latin/Mexican music, some 80s, freestyle, etc.
room213 11:29 PM - 26 January, 2009
I could do a few different mixes. A general Alternative mix, Metal mix etc etc, if that would be needed.
TDB412 12:09 AM - 27 January, 2009
I am down got like 5 ready to go going to do another
Audio1 12:25 AM - 27 January, 2009
one FOB. There are FOBs all over the damn place.
Sorry. Funny quote.

100% down for sending sets to the military cats!
DJ Sniffles 1:03 AM - 27 January, 2009
Forward Operating Base....not the asian kids throwing the peace sign whenever a camera pops up
DJ Cas!! 10:56 AM - 27 January, 2009
I'm over here right in iraq now, 7 months to go. I'm pretty sure dudes around here would appreciate it. These boards are the only things that keep me sane over here while i'm not at home lol. If I could've brought my equipment I'd be mixing up a storm over here but oh well. Great idea fella's, if there's anything I can do to help just let me know
Jesus Christ 11:33 AM - 27 January, 2009
Someone post up or PM me an address and I'll get a bunch of CD's from LA DJ's and send them to the troops.
Dj Sparky 1:23 PM - 27 January, 2009
fuck the troops, they shouldnt be there in the first place
icec 2:00 PM - 27 January, 2009
fuck YOU dj sparky,

I will make one too. 3 weeks is good I think.
DVDjHardy 2:04 PM - 27 January, 2009
fuck YOU dj sparky,

I will make one too. 3 weeks is good I think.


Down like Bobby Brown.
shiestO! 2:48 PM - 27 January, 2009
uncalled for sparky. not their fault. fuck bush.
Viper72020 5:37 PM - 27 January, 2009
im down!
sopranosupasta 5:43 PM - 27 January, 2009
Im in......
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:46 PM - 27 January, 2009
awwready.. Just let me know fo sho and i'll try to get the other address for other FOBs.. I'm in pretty good with the higher ups. I'm sure we can all do this with little to no efforts.. Shit you can send them to me and i'll give them to the USO/MWR reps.. That way they are fo sho to get out without a hitch. I've been spinning for the troops for 4yrs now. I know Iraq wide they would enjoy different genres of mixes. All i say is please don't trying to cash in (no flipstyles).. But if you're serious let me know

Let's do it..
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:47 PM - 27 January, 2009
By the way i'm on Camp Taji.
dj cubicle 5:47 PM - 27 January, 2009
In. Just the motivation I needed.
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:50 PM - 27 January, 2009
fuck the troops, they shouldnt be there in the first place

Sparky you way out of line homie.. Being a retired Soldier it's that thinking right there that has the nation fucked up.. But i'm not going to Go in on you in this thread.. If you don't feel like helping... I'll say DON'T READ THE THREAD AND REPLY Every night you get to breath clean air and enjoy being free is because of the Men and Women of the armed services..
bourbonstmc 6:04 PM - 27 January, 2009
The soldiers on the ground are simply guys (and girls) doing a job- and important one at that. Direct your anger toward the previous administration that put them there, not the soldiers.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:04 PM - 27 January, 2009
SiRocket 6:10 PM - 27 January, 2009
WOW at the hate on the soldiers...
sixxx 6:14 PM - 27 January, 2009
I have the eye am series that I can put on CD to give.
DCM 6:14 PM - 27 January, 2009
Every night you get to breath clean air and enjoy being free is because of the Men and Women of the armed services..

Count me in.
sixxx 6:14 PM - 27 January, 2009
and for fun, I'll throw in my hand out mix plus Gouda's attempt at makin' me look bad.

Jesus Christ 6:23 PM - 27 January, 2009
Spanky... good thing you don't have to live in shitty old America, huh?
DJ'Que 6:28 PM - 27 January, 2009
count me in to even on the mix dvd video tip to who do I need to contact or contact me at I have sets ready to go right now.
dj cubicle 6:28 PM - 27 January, 2009
Hey JC, you always seem to have the distro hookup. Know anybody who would burn/label these if we sent 'em a bunch of mixes?
Jesus Christ 6:36 PM - 27 January, 2009
Cube, I have a CD duplicator here. So if you wanted to send me a mix or two and paid for the blanks, I could dupe'em. For a one-hour CD, it makes 7 copies in 2 and a half minutes. For your own mixed CD's, if you want a good price and good quality replication, try these guys. I had them print my artwork on blank CDR's so that I could duplicate them myself.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:53 PM - 27 January, 2009
@DJ Que thanks. but Big ups to DJ Bedtime. This is long over due. you can email me at
djaction 6:58 PM - 27 January, 2009
yo this is a great idea but just dont post the links to your mix here unless you want flipstyles sellin your shit =)
DJ Young Herrera 8:01 PM - 27 January, 2009
Oh yeah, i'm in too.
WuaKeeN 8:17 PM - 27 January, 2009
I'm in as well. Let me know the logistics & I'll send a mix or 2 your way to send to the troops.
WuaKeeN 8:19 PM - 27 January, 2009
Just to clarify, you want 5 CDs of 1 mix correct? Not 5 different mixes...
DJ Sniffles 8:44 PM - 27 January, 2009
I'm out.....fuck the troops!! Especially them dumb infantry fucks!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:49 PM - 27 January, 2009
troll much???? Anyway mabye flipstyles can redeem himself and send the troops hard drives full of mixes and tracks :) haha
bourbonstmc 9:06 PM - 27 January, 2009
^^^ Sniffles is making an attempt at humor. He's an infantry vet. ^^^
AMF 1:30 AM - 28 January, 2009
Sheez. I have a 30 minute mix that I did earlier. For some reason I'm having trouble with no smoke, no subwoofers, no drinks, and no hoes around... lol. Well, lemme figure out a few more songs so I can finish up another 30 minutes. =P
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:58 AM - 28 January, 2009
Just PM me and i'll get you the addresses.

LOL @ dj flipsteals LOL
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:05 AM - 28 January, 2009
I'm in also, I need to work on a few mixed CD's for this year to step up the game and get "back out there".

Three weeks is the time frame?
SiRocket 4:11 AM - 28 January, 2009
flipsteals... ROFL
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:11 AM - 28 January, 2009
sounds good Art. I'm going to meet with the Military folks this week. I'll go ahead and let them know what's coming..

All genres are welcome.
DJ Sniffles 4:32 AM - 28 January, 2009
You know what'd be good for the combat boys? Vietnam era music. We always bumped that shit in our rides when in patrol. Fir the rest, make whatever. Support is about as useless as a broken condom. Always eat all the good chow while we get left over shit meat coming back from a mission. They get 30 tracks of Backstreet Boys
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:31 AM - 28 January, 2009
Do the BAckstreet boys even have 30 tracks?

Just a thought
DJ Strike It Up 5:51 AM - 28 January, 2009
im gonna work on a New Kids On The Block megamix to send to the troops!
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:52 AM - 28 January, 2009
I nominate RRollergod to do a 30 track disk with Failed DJ AM mashes..

ha ha ha ha
sixxx 5:53 AM - 28 January, 2009
Just PM me and i'll get you the addresses.

LOL @ dj flipsteals LOL

DJ LTIZZZLE 5:56 AM - 28 January, 2009
;-) Flipsteals ha ha ha ha.. felt so good i'll say it again Flipsteals...
DJ Sniffles 5:57 AM - 28 January, 2009
im gonna work on a New Kids On The Block megamix to send to the troops!

Send that one directly to the Airforce, the guys will love it.
westell54 6:06 AM - 28 January, 2009
Watch it Sniffles, I'll tattle on you.
westell54 6:09 AM - 28 January, 2009
The cool thing about the troops is, you really can send just about anything genre you want because of the different tastes in music is so vast. I know a guy who even listens to Ska...
DJ Cas!! 6:20 AM - 28 January, 2009
im gonna work on a New Kids On The Block megamix to send to the troops!

Send that one directly to the Airforce, the guys will love it.

lmao we got them guys down here too, i can distribute down here in the southern part of Iraq (no flipsteals or tony little). just pm me and i'll give the address or email me @
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:58 AM - 28 January, 2009
Where are you located Dj Cas!!
Dj-Bedtime 7:30 AM - 28 January, 2009
Alrighty ya'll

I'm really humbled to see such a great response and I also realize I need to get my ass in gear contacting the USO for some guidelines as to how and where we send.

Let me get some of this info--and I'll also circle back with some advice from the cats already serving overseas......and bam we should have an idea of what the hell we need to do. :)

I'll start early at work tomorrow laying the groundowrk because hey.....who really wants to do actual work-work on a Wed--lol

hang tight everyone.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:32 AM - 28 January, 2009
Big ups Bedtime.. I'll have some addresses by the end of the week. Let me pitch it to the USO folks here and i'll report back.

Thanks again yall..

SSL forum rocks!
DJ Cas!! 7:37 AM - 28 January, 2009
i'm at COB Adder
Dj-Bedtime 7:40 AM - 28 January, 2009
Thanks brother--I'll PM you as well as do my homework over on this end.
Dj Sparky 2:31 PM - 28 January, 2009
fuck the troops, they shouldnt be there in the first place

Sparky you way out of line homie.. Being a retired Soldier it's that thinking right there that has the nation fucked up.. But i'm not going to Go in on you in this thread.. If you don't feel like helping... I'll say DON'T READ THE THREAD AND REPLY Every night you get to breath clean air and enjoy being free is because of the Men and Women of the armed services..

I'm not american so dont think for one second that america helps me breath clean air or be free, every time I hear a american killed in Iraq I laugh, severs them right for getting into the situtation in the first place,
Why doesnt america tackle the real issues like world hunger and access to clean water, there too busy securing a future source of energy, you invade someones country you deserve what you get, so go on Al qaeda and the Taliban take as many of them out as you can
DJ LTIZZZLE 2:38 PM - 28 January, 2009
WOW... I see you're the typical E-Thug.. Well go ahead MR. Anti-American. You can move along now Troll. The rest of us are trying to do something positive. Like was said before... The troops that are here didn't ask to be. It's their job!
DJ Sniffles 2:38 PM - 28 January, 2009
i'm at COB Adder

What is a COB? Central? Are you a pogue?

Another idea for the mix CDs. Save the files on the cd instead of making it an audio cd. With the extra space, put some porn on there for them in avi format.
DJ LTIZZZLE 2:41 PM - 28 January, 2009
a COB is a Combat Operations Base/FOB is Foward Operations Base
DJ Sniffles 2:44 PM - 28 January, 2009
What? I never heard COB ever.....just FOB.
sixxx 2:46 PM - 28 January, 2009
sixxx 2:48 PM - 28 January, 2009
fuck the troops, they shouldnt be there in the first place

Sparky you way out of line homie.. Being a retired Soldier it's that thinking right there that has the nation fucked up.. But i'm not going to Go in on you in this thread.. If you don't feel like helping... I'll say DON'T READ THE THREAD AND REPLY Every night you get to breath clean air and enjoy being free is because of the Men and Women of the armed services..

I'm not american so dont think for one second that america helps me breath clean air or be free, every time I hear a american killed in Iraq I laugh, severs them right for getting into the situtation in the first place,
Why doesnt america tackle the real issues like world hunger and access to clean water, there too busy securing a future source of energy, you invade someones country you deserve what you get, so go on Al qaeda and the Taliban take as many of them out as you can

I was gonna say.... He's not American. lol


Either way, the US is helping besides trying to secure a future source of energy .... that's why we're so broke right now. lol
Static2.0 2:50 PM - 28 January, 2009
* dusts off turntables......LOL

I'll throw down a mix and send 5-10 your way........
DJ LTIZZZLE 2:52 PM - 28 January, 2009
^No dragnet, No Shaft LOL
DVDjHardy 2:53 PM - 28 January, 2009
Q: Did you hear about the Irish abortion clinic?
A: It has a 12 month waiting list.
sixxx 2:54 PM - 28 January, 2009
Q: Did you hear about the Irish abortion clinic?
A: It has a 12 month waiting list.

DJ Sniffles 2:55 PM - 28 January, 2009
fuck the troops, they shouldnt be there in the first place

Sparky you way out of line homie.. Being a retired Soldier it's that thinking right there that has the nation fucked up.. But i'm not going to Go in on you in this thread.. If you don't feel like helping... I'll say DON'T READ THE THREAD AND REPLY Every night you get to breath clean air and enjoy being free is because of the Men and Women of the armed services..

I'm not american so dont think for one second that america helps me breath clean air or be free, every time I hear a american killed in Iraq I laugh, severs them right for getting into the situtation in the first place,
Why doesnt america tackle the real issues like world hunger and access to clean water, there too busy securing a future source of
energy, you invade someones country you deserve what you get, so go on Al qaeda and the Taliban take as many of them out as you can

Ehh, I hear the same shit from people IN America. If that's your opinion then that's your opinion and people can argue with you all you want. Don't let people think you have censor yourself to be politically correct. But....let me to you from a combat vets POV. We don't want to be there, but as a soldier, it's not our decision. But fuck it, I had fun blowin shit up for a year.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:58 PM - 28 January, 2009
Q: Did you hear about the Irish abortion clinic?
A: It has a 12 month waiting list.


Not anymore, that waiting list has fallen down to 6 months since they decriminalized homosexuality
djrayray0981 4:40 PM - 28 January, 2009
I just got my Video Recorder to work. So I don't mind puting together a Video Mix of all the new sh!t that's out right. PM me and let me know. I'm down
dj_KaSE 6:55 PM - 28 January, 2009
fuck the troops, they shouldnt be there in the first place

Sparky you way out of line homie.. Being a retired Soldier it's that thinking right there that has the nation fucked up.. But i'm not going to Go in on you in this thread.. If you don't feel like helping... I'll say DON'T READ THE THREAD AND REPLY Every night you get to breath clean air and enjoy being free is because of the Men and Women of the armed services..

I'm not american so dont think for one second that america helps me breath clean air or be free, every time I hear a american killed in Iraq I laugh, severs them right for getting into the situtation in the first place,
Why doesnt america tackle the real issues like world hunger and access to clean water, there too busy securing a future source of energy, you invade someones country you deserve what you get, so go on Al qaeda and the Taliban take as many of them out as you can


Damn foreigners.
sixxx 7:28 PM - 28 January, 2009
I'd like to know what Ireland is doing for world hunger.
Seriously, not a joke or trying to start an argument.
Id just like to know.
dj luis 7:46 PM - 28 January, 2009
we're drinking BLACK guiness !

ai !
Dj Sparky 8:37 PM - 28 January, 2009
well we appear to be doing something,
DVDjHardy 8:38 PM - 28 January, 2009

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

sixxx 8:59 PM - 28 January, 2009
well we appear to be doing something,

That's nice but it isn't enough. It will never be enough. World hunger is
here to stay.....

Besides, I wonder how many times has Ireland delivered food to countries who are in need due to disasters and what not.

Once again, not wanting to argue. Just wanting to know.
Dj Sparky 9:14 PM - 28 January, 2009
so i guess it evens out then sixxx you kill the ones that have something you want and give food to the ones that have nothing you want
HYDRO MATIC 9:33 PM - 28 January, 2009
Guys remember some people were put here to be miserable because that all they know...
"some people are like buckets...the more shot you put in them...the more full of shot they are"
In other words let him have his opinion just DO NOT RESPOND TO HIM IN THIS THREAD or this good intention/effort will get washed out!!!

Oh and I am down for a contribution I'll put this random dance that I've been collecting in ...might be cool for the hip hop head to switch it up...then again this might suck!!! LOL pm me
Serato, Support
ChrisD 9:37 PM - 28 January, 2009
Dj Sparky,

Your first couple of comments in this discussion are completely out of line.

Please voice your opinions in a more considered and less confrontational way.
sixxx 9:58 PM - 28 January, 2009
so i guess it evens out then sixxx you kill the ones that have something you want and give food to the ones that have nothing you want

If by "you" you mean Americans, you're barking at the wrong tree.

You said:

I'm not american so dont think for one second that america helps me breath clean air or be free

and I say:

I'm not American... I'm Mexican. The joke's on you. :)
dj_KaSE 10:08 PM - 28 January, 2009
I thought you were Amexican!
DJBlisk 11:16 PM - 28 January, 2009
why are Irish women so frumpy? That's my question.
bourbonstmc 11:28 PM - 28 January, 2009
Dj Sparky,

Your first couple of comments in this discussion are completely out of line.

Please voice your opinions in a more considered and less confrontational way.

I can see why the way he expressed himself came across as fighting words to some, but it just made me see him as ignorant. Even a 3rd grader understands that troops don't get to pick their missions.
DJ Hi-Definition 12:59 AM - 29 January, 2009
I'm in afghan right now (as i write this) and the troops here love my mixes, i DJ at the little Rec center here in afghan, i can give fellow DJ's the address here so you can send them stuff, i'm pulling out in 10 days, but my unit will stay for another year! there are Marines at FOB's out here that don't have much accses to the internet or other Media, so if you have time to make something please let me know. My Email is below or just send me a private note.

Sempir Fi

and love live Hip Hop
DJ Hi-Definition 1:00 AM - 29 January, 2009
DJ Sniffles 1:08 AM - 29 January, 2009
How do you say Hooah with a dick in your mouth? Hoo-rah!
DJ Hi-Definition 1:35 AM - 29 January, 2009
How do you say Hooah with a dick in your mouth? Hoo-raah!
Umm well if you had any edu, you would you know that saying "OOO-rah" (Marines Saying) with a di*k in your mouth sounds like "HOO-ahh" (Army Saying).

Don't hate Sniffles.... By the way, niice DJ Tag
DJ Sniffles 1:47 AM - 29 January, 2009
How do you say Hooah with a dick in your mouth? Hoo-raah!
Umm well if you had any edu, you would you know that saying "OOO-rah" (Marines Saying) with a di*k in your mouth sounds like "HOO-ahh" (Army Saying).

Don't hate Sniffles.... By the way, niice DJ Tag

Well, if you had any edu, and this is in the history books, you'd know that when the Marines come to our Army Post to get specialty training in how to actually assault, you'd know that they heard all the big boys saying Hooah everytime they were hyped up doing a good job.

Well years later on some Navy ship this Marine who remembered who cool he felt when he would give a good HOOAH after a job well done decided to give it a yell after helping a sailor blow his load. Unfortunately, his throat was full of man meat and gave out a mighty "Hoo-Rah cuh cuh cuh"

And there you have it....from that day forward the Marines have been screaming Hoo-rah!

Its in the books man, you can see for yourself. It's in the 11B handbook.
DJ Sniffles 1:56 AM - 29 January, 2009
It's ok...I know Marines sometimes get these facts messed up.
Static2.0 2:16 AM - 29 January, 2009
^ oh god! Both of u military bitches get a grip!

Who cares who started what saying or mantra or WTF ever, just do UR JOB and play UR ROLE!

Foolish pride makes soooo many people look like ignorant arrogant pricks
Jesus Christ 2:17 AM - 29 January, 2009
^ oh god! Both of u military bitches get a grip!

Who cares who started what saying or mantra or WTF ever, just do UR JOB and play UR ROLE!

Foolish pride makes soooo many people look like ignorant arrogant pricks

Says the cop.
DJ Sniffles 2:22 AM - 29 January, 2009
^ oh god! Both of u military bitches get a grip!

Who cares who started what saying or mantra or WTF ever, just do UR JOB and play UR ROLE!

Foolish pride makes soooo many people look like ignorant arrogant pricks

Oh shut up Static, you wouldn't even understand. One of our balls are bigger than both of yours. "Do your job and play your role" Go hug a fuckin tree and protest the war.
Static2.0 2:35 AM - 29 January, 2009
my point exactly! Oh one of my balls is bigger than both of urs, blah blah blah!

And I'm far from being a tree-huggin liberal or whatever the fuck ur stating that I am

U guys are like the rest of the macho/machismo shitheads! Kind of like who's job is more honorable, firefighters or cops?

Who gives a fuck when u both play a vital role in society!

Leave the testerone alone cuz u don't need any extra, or maybe u spend time around guys all the time, thus the gay statement about balls

Look in the mirror pal (mentally), ur not as big as u think u are!

U remind me of the machismo tough guy cops I work with day in and day out who are cowards behind that badge

In essence what I'm really trying to say is: Fuck U Sniffles, u don't know me so step off ur high horse pal and stop over compensating for what ur lacking
DJ Strike It Up 2:37 AM - 29 January, 2009
ummmmmmmmmm, this thread was about sending mixes to the troops, remember?
DJ Sniffles 2:42 AM - 29 January, 2009
Oh boo fucking hoo Static. That's what different branches of the military do, give eachother shit. Take your righteousness elsewhere. It's all bullshit talk between people who could probably take out your squad in a shoot house with less than ten rounds. Just because you can win a war without the marines, doesn't mean I'm sincere when I say what I say.
DJ Sniffles 2:45 AM - 29 January, 2009
And don't be that guy in your preceint that is all like "we all have an improtant job to do, can't we just respect eachother?"

You'll quickly find boxes of tampons in your locker
Static2.0 2:53 AM - 29 January, 2009
^ sick of hearing all the bullshit! While ur at it why don't u play "Who's dick is bigger"

And I'll never be that guy in regards to my job. I'm already known as someone who has his head screwed on correctly, is an excellent cover officer when emergency cover is needed, etc. But I don't need to boast about myself on a forum.......

Got something else to say to me, hit me in a PM

/ of rant

* sorry for the thread jack
DJ Sniffles 2:57 AM - 29 January, 2009
Damn it heavy flow? Or light.
DJ Strike It Up 3:09 AM - 29 January, 2009
Whats the point in playing "Whos Dick Is Bigger"
We already know my dick is the biggest...contest over LOL
DJ Sniffles 3:13 AM - 29 January, 2009
I lose that game every time
DJ Hi-Definition 3:19 AM - 29 January, 2009
ummm, wow i just was makeing a joke, no need for all the neg attention.

Look, this is a DJ Fourm, not a bitch session, we are not here for that so lets just drop it and get back to the real reason why we opened this fourm in the first place.

so does anyone have any mixes they would like to send out here?

and by the way, if anyone had a fucking problem with the job the myself and Sniffles do then come out to afghan and say that shit to our faces, (no nacho-ness intended) if you sorry fucks can't stand behind us when the bullets start flying then your more then welcome the stand infront of us!

* Apology to any Dj who had the read this unessesarly, this is not what this fourm is about! either get back on topic or leave it!

Hi Def
DJ Sniffles 3:28 AM - 29 January, 2009
Haha's all in fun. The only time it's not is when someone is in the Airforce...they get it from everyone.
DJ Strike It Up 3:35 AM - 29 January, 2009
damn sniffles, i was actually thinking of joining the airforce when i was younger...i wanted to be a naval aviator after i watched Top Gun...
DJ Hi-Definition 3:37 AM - 29 January, 2009


Funny sad tho
Jesus Christ 3:45 AM - 29 January, 2009
Aim high... or at least aim.
Jesus Christ 3:46 AM - 29 January, 2009
Any of you bitches have an address to send CD's yet? Fucking Waves.
DJ Sniffles 3:47 AM - 29 January, 2009
If you wanted to be a naval aviator, why would you join the Airforce?

You know what the AF does in Iraq? They guard chow halls and play Halo while the Navy pilots are dropping JDAMs on a sniper position.

Navy.......SEALs are alright (I suppose) and the pilots are cool, but the rest are suspect. Marines....well, ummm atleast their girls are hot. I always thought the AF would have the hottest girls. Nope!!! When I was in Kuwait outprocessing from Iraq, this marine unit was inprocessing and DAAAAAAAMN!!!! I did not see one ugly/out of shape girl!

We (Army) had all the uggo's. That's cuz the noncombat oxygen theives don't uphold height/weight standards.
DJ Hi-Definition 3:52 AM - 29 January, 2009
yeah i got the address, post your mix or send me an email...
DJ Hi-Definition 3:55 AM - 29 January, 2009
Sniffles, watch what you say. Certian shit Civ dont need to know (locations/ admin shit things like that)

Anyway, you got any mixes you want to post?

maybe a Calabo mixtape Army/Marines type deal. i got a few MC's out here that would love to get on that.
sixxx 3:56 AM - 29 January, 2009
I'm not posting any mixes with flipsteals around. :P
DJ Sniffles 3:57 AM - 29 January, 2009
Just send the shit to USO and MWR. You can google and get the info on both. You don't need someone to talk to people over there and shit. Google USO and MWR. They'll get the shit spread out through Iraq and Trashganistan
DJ Hi-Definition 3:57 AM - 29 January, 2009
hahahaha Height/Weight standards!

It's only standard in the actual combative services!
westell54 3:59 AM - 29 January, 2009
True, but I don't care. I'm Air Force and I've got mad respect for the Marines and the Air Force. You guys just need to keep in mind that a lot of non-military guys don't get our humor (yeah we talk trash too). You guys sound just like guys I've been down range with. To get these mixed CD's out, we normally have small organizations in our units that send care packages out to the different sites. Just giving another option of getting the stuff out to the troops. I don't know how to find out where you guys are located but if any of ya'll are located near to me, I can send them off. I don't know how the USO will respond to distributing music. They may have restrictions. Just a thought....
DJ Sniffles 4:02 AM - 29 January, 2009 you watch the news? Fuck....have you seen YouTube? Calm down there. It's not like I said 3rd platoon of 1-24inf 1/25th SBCT goes on patrol every other morning down Route Buick to MSR Orlando, then sets an counter ied sniper team at xy12345/ab67890

No need for OpSec awareness here
westell54 4:07 AM - 29 January, 2009
I agree about the intel sharing. Some of the stuff you guys are typing definitely doesn't need to be on this forum (COB, FOB, etc...). Especially the names of some of your locations (it makes it easier to find them).
westell54 4:11 AM - 29 January, 2009
Cut the crap. How are guys planning on getting the stuff over to the troops?
DJ Sniffles 4:11 AM - 29 January, 2009
LOL are you serious??? It's been 5 years...they know.

I remember when our unit was getting relieved and the insurgent we detained knew what unit was relieving us two months in advance. No info that's been shared on the forum is sensitive information by any means.
DJ Sniffles 4:13 AM - 29 January, 2009
USO/MWR!!! What's so hard about that?!
DJ Hi-Definition 4:18 AM - 29 January, 2009
yeah i feel you Sniffles! Fucking youtube, i bet they train off of youtube with all the amount of shit out there.

Westell54 mad love to all the Armed Services i bet we all wish we could just chill out and make comments from behind our computers.

Anyway, the USO and the MWR might not be the best people to send stuff too. i would suggest sending your mixes to a DJ out in Afghan/Iraq and have then hand them out to ppl in there unit.

It's a great way to get your name out there, and to boost moral for our troops.

People won't forget it and who know, you might be making connections with some choice people out here that could land you some good oppertuites. Just make sure you leave your contact info on your mixes so that people won't try to steal them!
westell54 4:18 AM - 29 January, 2009
Is anybody gonna call them (USO/MWR) to find out how to set this up? I can do it tomorrow when I go to work. I can check with one of our agencies to find out if it can be done and how to do it. Maybe I can get them put into some care packages that we send out. I don't know how you guys find out where people live but I'm in DC and if any of you are near me, let me know and I can do some of it from my end. I'm new to this forum stuff...
DJ Hi-Definition 4:25 AM - 29 January, 2009
But just for the sake of OPSEC, lets cut any futher info regarding spec's of Senitive info.

Fellow DJ's send your mixes to me.
westell54 4:25 AM - 29 January, 2009
Hi-Def, you may not believe this but I'm not one of those guys. I work outside keeping those computer geeks cool. Anyway, they do exist and we do have to claim ownership of those guys so, I can't even come back on that one.
DJ Sniffles 4:26 AM - 29 January, 2009
Hi-Def....the only reason I say USO/MWR is because you only have so many military dudes deployed on here and there are tons of different units/FOBs between the two countries. Atleast this way it's somewhat fairly distributed.

Or!!!! We could do what we did last year! Ping pong type mix! Everyone can be involved and the genres can really flip! Then we can try to get it sponsored by USO and they can be responsible for the duplication and packaging.
DJ Hi-Definition 4:28 AM - 29 January, 2009
there is a website were i can enter my FPO address and they will give me an US forwarding address so i'll post that so all the mixes will get send here.

but for now just hit me up
Static2.0 4:56 AM - 29 January, 2009
hi-def: I never said I didn't like the job military does, but I'll gladly say anything 2 u or sniffles face cuz I'm not a coward. Then when I'm done talking to you face to face, I'll stand next to you guys and gladly join in on the gun fight........

And sniffles it's light flow u bastard! LOL
DJ Hi-Definition 5:07 AM - 29 January, 2009
Static, there are few guys who have enuff corage to say that and truly mean it.

I think you
DJ Hi-Definition 5:08 AM - 29 January, 2009
Static2.0 5:10 AM - 29 January, 2009
Static, there are few guys who have enuff corage to say that and truly mean it.

I think you

If I could find my way over to the middle east to prove it then I would. But I'm too busy in the concrete jungle of Oakland dealing with gangbangers and dope dealers.....

One love (no homo)
DJ Sniffles 5:27 AM - 29 January, 2009
A local trip to the recruiter will fix that. Tell them you wanna be an 11 bang bang. Go Army, or Marines (and use 1970's technology)
Static2.0 5:43 AM - 29 January, 2009
haha @ 1970's technology.....

Like I told you before sniffles, if they could promise me a position as a sniper and let me just go in and secretively take people out and then exit the country, then I'd sign on the dotted line.....
DJ Sniffles 5:58 AM - 29 January, 2009
Hahaha that's more like a CIA black agent or paramilitary
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:30 AM - 29 January, 2009
I'm not posting any mixes with flipsteals around

^^^ I'll sue your Orange Farm Sixxx ;-)

I'll post the address in here by Friday.
Static2.0 6:42 AM - 29 January, 2009
CIA black agent

No 007, Where do I sign? LOL!
room213 5:20 AM - 31 January, 2009
I'm working on an industrial mix right now that is full of Full Metal Jacket samples ;)
Dj-Bedtime 6:45 PM - 31 January, 2009
I have another post out there called LOGISTICS ONLY

I'll be bumping it around 2/14 with adresses and instructions

Gotta love this forum--because only we could take a post about tunes for the troops and turn it into a dick measuring contest--lol lol
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:17 PM - 12 February, 2009
Here is the link to all the addresses here in Iraq. Make sure the box says Tunes for Troops. Thanks again for the support. Big ups to Dj-Bedtime