Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?


riQscatch The DJ 11:12 PM - 7 November, 2017

THE SERATOXROLAND partnership has brought such an amazing tool (Serato Roland DJ 202, 505 & 808) which I'm testing the Dj 808 Controller "but" All my creativity on the Audio is limited WHEN I USE MUSIC VIDEOS via Serato video; whatever Video I play on Channels 3 & 4 have no video output other than audio since the default video channels are 1 & 2.

There is so much that can be done within the 4 channel spectrum compared to 2 channels, it would be nice if channels 1, 3 (left) and channels 2, 4 (right) can be controlled with the up faders and the cross fader as this will take VJ to the next level.

This feature can be explored by not only those who own the aira products (SeratoXRoland) but dj gear with Serato-control of up to 4 channels, FOR EXAMPLE you can add "OUTPUT CHANNEL VIDEO CONTROL - check box" to select 2 or 4 channel(s) control under the serato video settings.

Hope this can be considered in the future feature update.

Looking forward to your favorable response.