Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?

The ability to lock the key shift

ZJCHRIS 2:03 AM - 27 August, 2016
When the key of the track is shifted, I want to be able to keep it locked to that key even after I change the song on that deck.
Marv Incredible 6:22 AM - 29 August, 2016
What are you asking for? For the key of the track to be locked so that when you next load it, it loads in that key? Or are you asking for any subsequent tracks to be automatically matched to the currently playing track so that they all stay in the same key? If so, have you really thought this through?
ZJCHRIS 2:05 AM - 19 September, 2016
For the key of the track to be locked so that when you next load it, it loads in that key.