Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?

Request: Serato DJ MIDI OUT...

LJ_WOOLSEY 4:12 PM - 7 November, 2012
Hi there team Serato.

Please can you put MIDI OUT into Serato DJ so that when we map other controller we can have the buttons light up!

This is a huge needed add on to make use of adding other midi devices.

Thank you.

All +1s Welcome...
DjMirage 5:03 PM - 7 November, 2012
I'm not sure how much of this is the Serato DJ software vs the controller hardware, but it would be nice to have especially if a midi clock could be enabled based on the current BPM. (great for light controllers)

XRM5 5:13 PM - 7 November, 2012
Clock would be great, but just MIDI note & CC value outputs would be a start.

This is an ancient request, hopefully it happens soon.
RobArran 5:32 AM - 8 November, 2012
signs 9:18 AM - 8 November, 2012
dj_eddie_gr 10:12 AM - 8 November, 2012
Ricochet48 5:23 PM - 8 November, 2012
+1, I'd like to add a Midi Fighter 3D and get some light action
mr187 6:33 PM - 10 November, 2012
+1 then I'll be able to run my light show from sdj.
Jason Slack 6:20 PM - 12 November, 2012
maarawoe 7:02 PM - 12 November, 2012
antlover 8:33 AM - 13 November, 2012
DJ Sonny D 4:04 PM - 13 November, 2012
+1 then I'll be able to run my light show from sdj.

dj-nice 5:38 PM - 13 November, 2012
djemdub 5:00 PM - 21 November, 2012
antlover 12:29 PM - 24 November, 2012
browny 12:04 AM - 6 December, 2012
Jam-Master Jake 11:26 PM - 6 December, 2012
Serato, Forum Moderator
Logan D 4:27 AM - 7 December, 2012
MIDI output lighting is a feature we'd really like to tackle in Serato DJ. It's on our list for sure, we don't have a current timeline for it right now though. Sorry to be vague but we're talking about it I promise! :)
LJ_WOOLSEY 12:37 PM - 7 December, 2012
Nice to know your talking about it. Now awaiting for the pen to papper lol
djemdub 11:22 AM - 10 December, 2012
Nice to know your talking about it. Now awaiting for the pen to papper lol

Or fingers to keyboards(coding) :)
demoode 11:42 AM - 18 December, 2012
browny 5:08 PM - 19 December, 2012
Only 2-3 years over due...
mr187 6:18 PM - 19 December, 2012
MIDI output lighting is a feature we'd really like to tackle in Serato DJ. It's on our list for sure, we don't have a current timeline for it right now though. Sorry to be vague but we're talking about it I promise! :)

Cool +100000000000000000000000000 Lol
djelover 6:25 AM - 22 December, 2012
MIDI output lighting is a feature we'd really like to tackle in Serato DJ. It's on our list for sure, we don't have a current timeline for it right now though. Sorry to be vague but we're talking about it I promise! :)
joachimj 11:06 PM - 22 December, 2012
MIDI output lighting is a feature we'd really like to tackle in Serato DJ. It's on our list for sure, we don't have a current timeline for it right now though. Sorry to be vague but we're talking about it I promise! :)

and for SSL ??????..........
djemdub 6:22 AM - 23 December, 2012
MIDI output lighting is a feature we'd really like to tackle in Serato DJ. It's on our list for sure, we don't have a current timeline for it right now though. Sorry to be vague but we're talking about it I promise! :)

and for SSL ??????..........

If MIDI works the same in SDJ as SSL, then they should be releasing it for both platforms at the same time.
deepdjdanny 12:49 PM - 25 December, 2012
... and that time was 1990.

turn it on please :)
Dokumentary 7:44 PM - 28 December, 2012
browny 4:29 PM - 1 January, 2013
Need it for ssl!
joachimj 6:15 PM - 1 January, 2013
Need it for ssl!

LJ_WOOLSEY 6:21 PM - 1 January, 2013
Then plus one it in the scratchlive features requests there is a few.
H2H 12:50 PM - 2 January, 2013
Serato, Forum Moderator
Logan D 4:03 AM - 9 January, 2013
If MIDI works the same in SDJ as SSL, then they should be releasing it for both platforms at the same time.

I imagine we would release them at a similar time, yes.
8adgerX 3:17 PM - 4 February, 2013
Midi clock out please
I can then sync my ultranova keyboard
Keep up the good work
Bozo 9:21 PM - 7 February, 2013
thebuttonfreak 6:01 AM - 13 February, 2013
Hopefully by the end of the decade.
If MIDI works the same in SDJ as SSL, then they should be releasing it for both platforms at the same time.

I imagine we would release them at a similar time, yes.
Clapperz 5:29 PM - 13 February, 2013
djallstyle 7:52 PM - 13 February, 2013
We need midi clock out specifically X's a million.
DJ Dub Cowboy 5:49 PM - 14 February, 2013
Yes. Please +1. Long overdue.
selkie 9:16 PM - 14 February, 2013
MIDI output lighting is a feature we'd really like to tackle in Serato DJ. It's on our list for sure, we don't have a current timeline for it right now though. Sorry to be vague but we're talking about it I promise! :)

I'm very happy to hear this, I wouldn't expect it any other way.
thebuttonfreak 4:12 AM - 15 February, 2013
"talking about it", makes it sound like it's not even being worked on yet.
acemc 8:44 PM - 19 February, 2013
psylion 8:48 PM - 19 February, 2013
+1 should be included with bridge
Bozo 2:35 PM - 20 February, 2013
+1 for internal sync and the second controler's leds
djtalp 6:47 PM - 21 February, 2013
dimzel 11:18 AM - 23 February, 2013
serkan 8:00 PM - 1 March, 2013
+1 for SDJ & SSL
beisi 12:24 PM - 11 March, 2013
Marv Incredible 8:03 PM - 27 April, 2013
DJWink1der 2:53 AM - 10 May, 2013
+1 and maybe add a mappable shift feature
ianmullan 11:25 AM - 10 May, 2013
Dj Abril 4:56 PM - 7 June, 2013
+ 1
Dokumentary 6:24 PM - 7 June, 2013
+1 and maybe add a mappable shift feature

DJ HANGLOOSE 2:39 AM - 15 July, 2013
joachimj 6:32 AM - 15 July, 2013
SSL 2.5 >>>> MIDI OUT OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! out now !!!!!!!!!
nostromo13 5:05 PM - 22 August, 2013
Todd Willsie 6:10 PM - 31 August, 2013
+1 It would be really nice to see Midi out functions in Serato DJ.
+1 For the ability to map a shift button
DeRajj 7:26 PM - 31 August, 2013
Ikaros 8:47 PM - 15 September, 2013
I'd use any kind of information I could get for a VJ set.
I'd use a clock
The clock I'd transform into a beat/bar/phrase progress (A 0-127 value of how far in a beat/bar/phrase you are)
Also get events on a triggered beat/bar/phrase
And the beat we're in in said bar 1-4 and bar in said phrase (1-x)
If I could get it, meters for master output, high+mid+low. I'd use it to VJ, but it could be used for EQ LEDs.
Basically all the info we could get out of MIDI (With the limited precision) and the clock. It'd be awesome if the beats, bars and phrase info was also kinda handed out.
DJ Splat 6:16 PM - 19 September, 2013
EricM 6:30 AM - 26 September, 2013
joachimj 11:25 PM - 1 October, 2013
+10000 !!!
joachimj 8:59 PM - 21 November, 2013
Up ! :-) it's urgent now with the migration from SSL...
djallstyle 5:25 PM - 22 November, 2013
+ 3 Million!!!!
DJCY 10:37 AM - 30 November, 2013
+1 This is required for any sort of real remapping- Yes Please
Basster 3:14 PM - 27 December, 2013
Up ! :-) it's urgent now with the migration from SSL...

joachimj 4:01 PM - 27 December, 2013
And we need MIDI OUT for the knobs too...
DJBarro 11:19 PM - 6 January, 2014

My awsome A&H Xone K2 looks like dead w/o the ligths
The sound quality is THE feature that stick me on Serato... in Traktor or Live my controllers shine as i want to...

Please Serato, dont let me (us) go to your competitor

DJ TooHypE 8:33 AM - 18 January, 2014
Sounds By JB 10:12 AM - 19 January, 2014
Add.. MIDI CLOCK / START STOP for syncing with grooveboxes e.a.
Marv Incredible 11:04 AM - 19 January, 2014
Add.. MIDI CLOCK / START STOP for syncing with grooveboxes e.a.

Sounds By JB 11:18 AM - 19 January, 2014
Add.. MIDI CLOCK / START STOP for syncing with grooveboxes e.a.

Owh... and an option to re-route the sound in Serato to be able to record the whole mix. VirtualDJ actually does this pretty well.
djmq 5:37 PM - 24 January, 2014
Joi Bjarna 11:25 PM - 24 January, 2014
+1 this is a must
salazam 9:45 PM - 4 March, 2014
+1 (I hear the 64 and the 68 have this. Make it SO!)

@sounds By JB, "Audio Hijack Pro" for mac, hijacks audio feed, you can select which app and record output.
Sounds By JB 9:54 PM - 4 March, 2014
@salazam, presuming I would use a MAC of course, but I don't even think the external inputs ever enter the system and and immediately mixed on my controller.
DJ Mell 07 10:37 PM - 4 March, 2014
+ 1000
Blackie Lox 11:30 AM - 5 March, 2014
+1 ... This should include both LED's and MIDI CLOCK SEND
Snert 4:46 PM - 5 March, 2014

MIDI output lighting is a feature we'd really like to tackle in Serato DJ. It's on our list for sure, we don't have a current timeline for it right now though. Sorry to be vague but we're talking about it I promise! :)

Seem's to be the common answer for just about everything people want in Serato Dj. Do you actually listen to your clients? Video view, master gain, loop size selection knob, the bridge....ex.
Draven1327 5:19 PM - 5 March, 2014
DJBarro 4:00 PM - 10 March, 2014
Lights please!
C'mon Serato... open the code & let us the rest of the work!!
DJ KIKINYC 1:47 AM - 13 March, 2014
Lights and i can Map my MC6000MK2 please
Snert 3:57 PM - 13 March, 2014
I had a dream last night. I dreamed that I was performing live with Serato Dj and my Maschine Mikro was lit up so beautifully. I woke up sad.
salazam 4:11 PM - 13 March, 2014
lol @ Snert!!
DJ ICey 707 4:27 PM - 14 March, 2014
Karsten K 12:44 PM - 19 March, 2014
Sounds By JB 2:07 PM - 19 March, 2014
With all the grid info and the fact that the midi controllers lights are already bleeping up on the beat this shouldn't be that hard to do!

DjSKum 10:46 AM - 21 March, 2014
Midi in and out pls.
beisi 2:10 PM - 21 March, 2014
s3kn0tr0n1c 7:37 PM - 28 March, 2014
yes midi clock out from SDJ out would be great for me!!
&Midge 6:52 AM - 29 March, 2014
The 'relative 2's complement' also needs to work correctly. Works fine of SSL but not on SDJ
Unit:E 8:03 AM - 29 March, 2014
DJ Trice 11:46 AM - 31 March, 2014
Jirczech 5:19 PM - 1 April, 2014
Cham 5:57 PM - 1 April, 2014
The Despicable Nyan Cat 8:20 PM - 2 April, 2014
How about extra midi clock. You set the BPM and sync decks to the clock?
Tmelle 7:41 PM - 3 April, 2014
How about extra midi clock. You set the BPM and sync decks to the clock?

DJ Dub Cowboy 4:20 AM - 4 April, 2014
MIDI clock out is possible on the 62 and 64
Wackozz 7:07 PM - 16 April, 2014
DJ Mell 07 10:25 PM - 16 April, 2014
;) + 100000
The Despicable Nyan Cat 12:48 AM - 20 April, 2014
101st message!
P.S. +1
Bjoervik 11:46 AM - 24 April, 2014
SeratoDJ needs to implement a MIDI Clock so we can sync the master BPM to other software like Ableton and/or Traktor.
Dokumentary 6:02 PM - 24 April, 2014
SeratoDJ needs to implement a MIDI Clock so we can sync the master BPM to other software like Ableton and/or Traktor.

And the new Mixemergency 2.5
zungy 8:06 PM - 24 April, 2014
MBLL 8:45 PM - 26 April, 2014
+ 1
DJBarro 1:19 AM - 15 May, 2014
I've been thinking.... what if Serato guys are not listening because they have become deaf? it's a common disease in DJs....
The Despicable Nyan Cat 12:36 PM - 15 May, 2014
Snert 5:01 PM - 20 May, 2014
Good thing they don't need to hear in order to read our requests.
DJ Mell 07 6:32 PM - 20 May, 2014
Midi Out and short Cue Chronology + 1000
DJ Compiler 6:47 PM - 20 May, 2014
Jumbo Boogie 2:30 PM - 24 May, 2014
MIDI output lighting is a feature we'd really like to tackle in Serato DJ. It's on our list for sure, we don't have a current timeline for it right now though. Sorry to be vague but we're talking about it I promise! :)
247discos 1:25 PM - 28 May, 2014
+1 +1... C'mon serato sort it out...
The Despicable Nyan Cat 2:25 PM - 28 May, 2014
With all the grid info and the fact that the midi controllers lights are already bleeping up on the beat this shouldn't be that hard to do!

LJ_WOOLSEY 4:13 PM - 28 May, 2014
We wont see midi out in 2014 it does seem.... I Guess the midi panel and more midi options needs to come first... Then they can work on midi out. But even then they will wait to see how much demand there is.

So keep +1ing and hopefully in 2015 we might see midi out!
joachimj 4:19 PM - 28 May, 2014
If I have to wait 2015 to migrate to SDJ, I just have to say... IT'S SCANDALOUS !!!!!
LJ_WOOLSEY 4:56 PM - 28 May, 2014
We may even be +1 this in 2016!

i think 2016 is when sdj will be more stable and have all ssl features anyway.
Disgraceland_UK 6:30 PM - 28 May, 2014
DJ Compiler 1:07 AM - 29 May, 2014
There's still over half a year left so there's no telling where we will be next year. They release a new update about once a month so that's around six updates that we will have before the years end. A lot can happen in so updates.
LJ_WOOLSEY 7:47 AM - 29 May, 2014
There's still over half a year left so there's no telling where we will be next year. They release a new update about once a month so that's around six updates that we will have before the years end. A lot can happen in so updates.

I didnt know we was in march!!!

And we wont see midi out in 2014 they have already said it wont be in the next feature version. The only chance we have of seeing midi out would be right at the end of the year. So i guess the slimest of slim.

But anyway lets keep +1 ing.
Disgraceland_UK 8:49 AM - 29 May, 2014

I didnt know we was in march!!!


LOL If we were in march, that would mean we have 3/4 of the year left / 9 months...

As it is, we are in May and there is 7 months left of the year... so still over half a year left...
LJ_WOOLSEY 9:06 AM - 29 May, 2014
And we have had ONE sdj feature update this year and 3 bug fix releases. The next feature release will have midi panel and will not include midi out.

So it will be at winter 2014 or in 2015 we would see it.

Time will show i guess!

Keep the +1s going.....

Eskei83 7:17 PM - 29 May, 2014
Dr. Rek 7:58 PM - 29 May, 2014
Want this too. Just been researching syncing my Roland TR-8 with Serato DJ and disappointed to find there is no solution yet. At least I can beat match the machine by hand, but sending midi clock would be better.
N.Dee. Rick 8:26 PM - 30 May, 2014
+1 please asap!!!! this ist a must have feature!!!
DJ KIKINYC 11:57 PM - 30 May, 2014
+1 please
247discos 7:25 PM - 10 June, 2014
I've heard vdj 9 will come first....
Dokumentary 12:24 AM - 11 June, 2014
I've heard vdj 9 will come first....

Hahahaha... Good one.
Pableen 2:39 PM - 13 June, 2014
No Midi Clock = Amateur
No words...
cyclist 5:37 PM - 20 June, 2014
I'm a long time Serato user and I'm thinking about a new set up that requires MIDI clock out... searched "serato midi clock" and found this thread... searched "traktor MIDI clock" and found instructions on how to set it up... I might switch
Serato, Support
Martin C 6:27 AM - 21 June, 2014
Hey guys, although MIDI clock is a great idea, I believe this discussion is more about MIDI output lighting, correct?

Perhaps we can talk about MIDI clock in another discussion though.

Was there anything in the way Scratch Live MIDI output lighting worked, that you guys would like to improve. When we get around to doing it, it would be cool if we could make it better :)
Eskei83 7:53 AM - 21 June, 2014

Was there anything in the way Scratch Live MIDI output lighting worked, that you guys would like to improve. When we get around to doing it, it would be cool if we could make it better :)

It was not working with Maschine in SSL.
Serato, Support
Martin C 10:40 AM - 21 June, 2014
Why was that? Had you reported the issue?
Blackie Lox 11:13 AM - 21 June, 2014
Was there anything in the way Scratch Live MIDI output lighting worked, that you guys would like to improve. When we get around to doing it, it would be cool if we could make it better :)

Being able to map different colours to LED's would be a bonus.
Eskei83 12:26 PM - 21 June, 2014
Why was that? Had you reported the issue?

It was a problem with the NI driver or controller editor communication said Karl back then.
DJ KIKINYC 2:59 PM - 21 June, 2014
MIDI output lighting, is correct and able to map my controller
Dokumentary 11:05 PM - 21 June, 2014
Was there anything in the way Scratch Live MIDI output lighting worked, that you guys would like to improve. When we get around to doing it, it would be cool if we could make it better :)

Being able to map different colours to LED's would be a bonus.

Actually, being able to color map pad LED's (as long as your controller/mixer has multi-color LED's like the VCI-380) would be pretty basic. Mapping them so they will automatically match the color of your cue points, and change to be correct when you move your cues around would be a bonus.

I have my pads set up this way in SSL but they cannot be re-arranged so i have to make sure my colors match-up on screen. Example:

See how the colors match up on the screen and on the pads? Thats only because I set the cue point colors (in SSL) to match the pads. The pad colors cannot be changed unless I go into the MIDI .xml and change the color values manually. It would be nice if the colors could represent what appears on screen anyway. Does that make sense?

Here's the custom MIDI map that allows me to have it as it is now in case anyone is interested. I'm not sure how many people use a controller as a mixer between turntables but, I know it's more than just me. It works great for video DJs that need a lot of MIDI buttons and a MIDI xfader on their mixer.

<Output name="Cue Point 1 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="72" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 2 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="61" value="106" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="61" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 3 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="62" value="40" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="62" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 4 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="63" value="56" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="63" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 5 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="64" value="24" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="64" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 1 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="72" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 2 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="61" value="106" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="61" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 3 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="62" value="40" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="62" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 4 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="63" value="56" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="63" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 5 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="64" value="24" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="64" value="0" />
Dokumentary 11:23 PM - 21 June, 2014
Note: You can use this MIDI output xml even if you have a different controller. Just make sure it has the ability to change pad colors and replace the values with yours

ex: Vestax VCI-380
<Output name="Cue Point 1 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="72" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="0" />

If you have a VCI-400 just change the channel # and control # to match your controller. You can find a MIDI map online like this (Scroll down to pg. 22). You can also DL MIDI Monitor and figure it out yourself.

Here's what it would look like for a VCI-400
<Output name="Cue Point 1 A">
<On channel="3" event_type="Note On" control="7" value="72" />
<Off channel="3" event_type="Note On" control="7" value="0" />

Notice the channel and control values are different to match the VCI-400 instead of the VCI-380. Leave the value of the second line at "0" if you want the pad to only light up when a cue point is present. Play around with the value of the line above it "72" to see what colors you can make it produce. Just remember to save it and export it back into your Serato>MIDI folder so it shows up when you open Scratch Live.
wwmoraes 6:26 PM - 16 July, 2014
+1 MIDI out! Would be amazing to use my TouchOSC layout without:
—> looking at the screen most of the time as the layout would show me useful info
—> the need to "sync" some status items (LEDs, toggle buttons, etc) before connecting to SDJ
—> fearing to change options on the computer that will unsync the layout’s status items, thus forcing me to make mapped options’ changes through the layout only
LJ_WOOLSEY 1:23 PM - 5 August, 2014
So we have the FULL midi panel now in the 1.7.0 BETA.

Now we just need to keep pushing for MIDI OUT So we can get the LEDS to lightup on our midi devices.

So another +1 to this being added.
Blackie Lox 1:56 PM - 5 August, 2014
Another +1 from me as well. And it needs MIDI CLOCK OUT as well
Big Pops 2:36 PM - 5 August, 2014
+1 for midi out and +10 for midi clock.
DJ Compiler 3:14 PM - 5 August, 2014

Here's the post for the MIDI Clock. Definitely would love to see more MIDI features as well.
Dokumentary 3:36 PM - 5 August, 2014
So we have the FULL midi panel now in the 1.7.0 BETA.

Now we just need to keep pushing for MIDI OUT So we can get the LEDS to lightup on our midi devices.

So another +1 to this being added.

Serato, Forum Moderator
Logan D 10:08 PM - 5 August, 2014
Here's a question for you guys...

How did you find MIDI output lighting in SSL? If you could change one thing what would it be? CC message support?
joachimj 10:29 PM - 5 August, 2014
I need midi out for all the knobs. I control SSL with my iPad, and without this option the knobs status is not updated in my iPad app.
joachimj 10:41 PM - 5 August, 2014
In SSL there are some midi out problem with some buttons who are not perfectly midi out assigned (setup, prepare, history, and many others). I hope that ALL buttons (and knobs) can send and receive midi informations in SDJ.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Logan D 12:36 AM - 6 August, 2014
Okay so you'd like pretty much everything to be output so you have lighting states for your custom app. Which app are you using btw?
Dokumentary 2:29 AM - 6 August, 2014
The MIDI implementation in Mixemergency is pretty much perfect. There's options for MIDI in and out. There's a drop down for advanced features. Otherwise it's nice and clean with a simple pop-up window next to the parameter you're currently working with.

Also we need some Shift buttons so similar features can be mapped to the same knob, button, or fader. 2 Shift buttons (one for each deck) is absolutely necessary, but it would be nice to have 4. Similar to Mixemergency.
joachimj 2:32 AM - 6 August, 2014
I tried all the best iPad midi apps, but actually I'm using TBMidi Stuff. I created a very complex controller, to control 4 decks, cues, Fxs, Sp6, internal mode, and many options in the same page.
When I open my iPad app, some buttons and knobs have not the same state than SSL (it's normal). It will be very usefull to have a button to send (midi out) all the values of all the buttons/knobs to update the state of each button/button in my midi controller when I start a new mix session.
Dokumentary 2:52 AM - 6 August, 2014
Okay so you'd like pretty much everything to be output so you have lighting states for your custom app. Which app are you using btw?

Definitely lighting states for all controls and make them customizable please. Give options like On/Off, Toggle, Momentary.

It would also be cool to be able to choose the MIDI channel/note to send the output to. Setting a MIDI control will use the current "MIDI Learn" as usual and the default output will go to that particular control as well but, there could be a drop down menu where we can set the output to a different control or to multiple controls. Does that make sense?

ex: I set a button to turn on an FX > the FX goes on and my controller button lights up to show me that the FX is activated. Now lets say that particular button does not have the ability to light up on my controller/mixer but, there is a button, knob, light, or something else that lights up nice and bright. So I map the MIDI output to this light and I have a way of knowing that my FX is on without having to look at the screen.

This will be great for people using iPad MIDI apps too. Most of us have multiple pages set up and we switch between them as we use different features. I use MIDI Designer and have 1 page for controlling pads, EQs, volume faders (mixer stuff), then another page for FX & looping. With multiple MIDI outs per control, I could have a small indicator on both pages as well as my controller that tells me when my FX are on as in my previous example.
Dokumentary 2:53 AM - 6 August, 2014
I have other ideas too but I'll let this one sink in first. lol.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Logan D 3:34 AM - 6 August, 2014
Also we need some Shift buttons so similar features can be mapped to the same knob, button, or fader. 2 Shift buttons (one for each deck) is absolutely necessary,

I think this is a nice improvement to the basic MIDI mapping (that exists already in SSL).

Being able to pick where the MIDI out is sent would be cool to, but might be more of a 'advanced MIDI' update after the initial output lighting is implemented.
Dokumentary 3:37 AM - 6 August, 2014
Also we need some Shift buttons so similar features can be mapped to the same knob, button, or fader. 2 Shift buttons (one for each deck) is absolutely necessary,

I think this is a nice improvement to the basic MIDI mapping (that exists already in SSL).

Being able to pick where the MIDI out is sent would be cool to, but might be more of a 'advanced MIDI' update after the initial output lighting is implemented.

Definitely a more advanced feature. It could actually be part of an "Advanced" drop down menu along with a few other things.
DJ Compiler 4:15 AM - 6 August, 2014
Yes +1 for shift buttons. Though I don't see why one mappable shift button could work. Unless you wanted to map more than two functions to a single control.
Dokumentary 5:02 AM - 6 August, 2014
Yes +1 for shift buttons. Though I don't see why one mappable shift button could work. Unless you wanted to map more than two functions to a single control.

Consider this. Just one example. Take a look at the pads area on the VCI-380

Disregard the Japanese.

Note there are 8 pads per side and 4 buttons above.
As it stands now the pads send the same MIDI notes regardless of which of the 4 buttons are highlighted. This means that if you map the first cue to the first pad, then press the "Hot Cue" button and press the 1st pad you will activate your first cue.

Now press the 2nd top button "Slicer" then press the 1st pad. You still get cue point #1.
Press the 3rd top button "Auto Loop" and press the 1st pad. Again, all you get is cue point #1

If there are 4 Shift buttons that can be assigned then you can make each one of these (Hot Cue, Slicer, Auto Loop, and Roll) a shift button then map the proper controls to the pads respectively. See what I mean? Instead of having only 8 pads, you now have 16 and they have the proper functions.

In this example you would need 8 shift buttons at least. 4 per side/deck. It sounds like overkill but the Shift buttons in SDJ are virtual (you assign them where you need them) so, it doesn't matter how many there are.

Maybe this would come later as part of an "advanced" MIDI panel but, one shift button per side at minimum would be nice to have ASAP.
DJ Compiler 5:26 AM - 6 August, 2014
Oh I see what you mean now. More like mode selectors than shift buttons. I see how that can be useful.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Logan D 1:31 AM - 7 August, 2014
I think offering SHIFT support like this makes MIDI mapping so much more powerful, I think it's something we should look at doing too.

But that's more general MIDI, if we go back to output lighting - the next few steps I think that would benefit the most amount of people is to first offer SSL-level output lighting, then look at basic output color support (perhaps starting with outputing cue point colors), and then eventually it would be good to be able to pick any color (your device supports) for any button control in the software. Pretty much what you were asking for Dokumentary. That would be killer IMO!

Not saying we're doing this next week but keen to hear feedback.
joachimj 2:43 AM - 7 August, 2014
and midi out for level meters
DJ Compiler 3:23 AM - 7 August, 2014
+1 on everything Logan just said. Very powerful stuff
Eskei83 7:32 AM - 7 August, 2014
Here's a question for you guys...

How did you find MIDI output lighting in SSL? If you could change one thing what would it be? CC message support?

It would be cool if Midi Output would work with the Maschine as well. I was not possible to get Maschine and the Midi Output in SSL together. Karl Y said it must be some driver related stuff...


But that's more general MIDI, if we go back to output lighting - the next few steps I think that would benefit the most amount of people is to first offer SSL-level output lighting, then look at basic output color support (perhaps starting with outputing cue point colors), and then eventually it would be good to be able to pick any color (your device supports) for any button control in the software. Pretty much what you were asking for Dokumentary. That would be killer IMO!

Not saying we're doing this next week but keen to hear feedback.

+1 if it works with Maschine :) that would be my dream setup...
DJ Compiler 11:35 AM - 7 August, 2014
Blackie Lox 11:46 AM - 7 August, 2014
MIDI output lighting in SSL is sufficient for my needs. However, adding colour support would be a bonus.
WarpNote 11:59 AM - 7 August, 2014
Okay so you'd like pretty much everything to be output so you have lighting states for your custom app. Which app are you using btw?

DJ KIKINYC 11:12 PM - 8 August, 2014
Yes Logan that what we need , thank you in advance
zoomwire 8:40 AM - 9 August, 2014
+1 for midi out (especially clock). I would love to use my drum machine alongside Serato.
Sverre B. Stensby 4:47 PM - 10 August, 2014
Oh, It would be great. I want to use my Launchpad to control some functions like play/pause, loops and que points on deck 3 and 4. Giving me some visual feedback would be amazing.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Logan D 11:13 PM - 12 August, 2014
Great thanks for the feedback guys. Yeah Maschine would be cool though may be a bit tricky. Will have to check out how it works.
DJ Compiler 11:28 PM - 12 August, 2014
Would be cool if it was an OSA. But I'm sure that's a bit of a pipe dream with it being NI and all. ;)
MBLL 9:58 AM - 13 August, 2014
All you have to do, is make a IN/ OUT midi clock. That would make it posible to sync with Ableton, Maschine, Reason, another Serato user, drummashines etc.
Embrase the fact, that there is a large usergroup that uses DJ-software for playing gigs with bands and in music production.
Eskei83 12:59 PM - 13 August, 2014
All you have to do, is make a IN/ OUT midi clock. That would make it posible to sync with Ableton, Maschine, Reason, another Serato user, drummashines etc.
Embrase the fact, that there is a large usergroup that uses DJ-software for playing gigs with bands and in music production.

i my case i don't want to sync it with the Maschine plugin. I want to use Maschine as a controller like the SP1 or the Dicer...
zoomwire 2:45 PM - 13 August, 2014
Then you are talking about "midi in", this thread is about midi out ;)
acemc 3:26 PM - 13 August, 2014
Then you are talking about "midi in", this thread is about midi out ;)

Im pretty damn sure he know what this thread is about!
MBLL 8:07 PM - 13 August, 2014
All you have to do, is make a IN/ OUT midi clock. That would make it posible to sync with Ableton, Maschine, Reason, another Serato user, drummashines etc.
Embrase the fact, that there is a large usergroup that uses DJ-software for playing gigs with bands and in music production.

i my case i don't want to sync it with the Maschine plugin. I want to use Maschine as a controller like the SP1 or the Dicer...

Is it because you want to use midi out for the led pads? I was able to map this with a Kontrol F1 using NI's super Controller Editor.
DJ Compiler 9:17 PM - 13 August, 2014
Yeah @Eskei83 you can set up the Maschine pads to respond to MIDI output instead of MIDI input from the controller editor. I have it set up on mine with different color modes and stuff and it works like a charm.

I just wish Serato would do MIDI output and find a way to support the HSB mode in the Maschine so that the pads would match the cue point colors.
Eskei83 9:57 PM - 13 August, 2014
I'm using the Maschine with midi in already. I want to have the output lightning to have the pads responding and show me the status of cues, loops and effects.
MBLL 5:23 AM - 14 August, 2014
I believe you can do this in NI's controller editor. I did it with a F1. In the right of the menu you can change the funktion of the pads and knobs.

I traded my Maschine for a Ableton Push, which unfortunaly do not have a controller editor. That makes it useless for Serato DJ :(
Eskei83 6:22 AM - 14 August, 2014
No. Serato DJ has no Midi Out so how should that work? There's no connection from Serato to Maschine, only Maschine sending data to Serato (Midi In).

I don't think that you was able to have direct visible feedback on your F1 from Serato as the Dicer or SP1 have.
DJ Compiler 12:28 PM - 14 August, 2014
@Eskei83 but you can get Maschine to respond to its own MIDI data its sending instead of the data that is coming in. Granted its not perfect but it covers a some of the functionality that were looking for.
MBLL 5:59 PM - 14 August, 2014
Yes. You can change Maschines visual feedback using NIs controller editor by changing the pads funktion (trigger, on/off etc) i the menu to the right.
Dokumentary 10:24 PM - 16 August, 2014
I think offering SHIFT support like this makes MIDI mapping so much more powerful, I think it's something we should look at doing too.

But that's more general MIDI, if we go back to output lighting - the next few steps I think that would benefit the most amount of people is to first offer SSL-level output lighting, then look at basic output color support (perhaps starting with outputing cue point colors), and then eventually it would be good to be able to pick any color (your device supports) for any button control in the software. Pretty much what you were asking for Dokumentary. That would be killer IMO!

Not saying we're doing this next week but keen to hear feedback.

Color MIDI output lighting should be easy. You just need to get the proper color codes from the manufacturers or figure it out for yourself. See my post above...

Actually I'll just quote it.

Was there anything in the way Scratch Live MIDI output lighting worked, that you guys would like to improve. When we get around to doing it, it would be cool if we could make it better :)

Being able to map different colours to LED's would be a bonus.

Actually, being able to color map pad LED's (as long as your controller/mixer has multi-color LED's like the VCI-380) would be pretty basic. Mapping them so they will automatically match the color of your cue points, and change to be correct when you move your cues around would be a bonus.

I have my pads set up this way in SSL but they cannot be re-arranged so i have to make sure my colors match-up on screen. Example:

See how the colors match up on the screen and on the pads? Thats only because I set the cue point colors (in SSL) to match the pads. The pad colors cannot be changed unless I go into the MIDI .xml and change the color values manually. It would be nice if the colors could represent what appears on screen anyway. Does that make sense?

Here's the custom MIDI map that allows me to have it as it is now in case anyone is interested. I'm not sure how many people use a controller as a mixer between turntables but, I know it's more than just me. It works great for video DJs that need a lot of MIDI buttons and a MIDI xfader on their mixer.

<Output name="Cue Point 1 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="72" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 2 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="61" value="106" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="61" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 3 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="62" value="40" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="62" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 4 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="63" value="56" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="63" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 5 A">
<On channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="64" value="24" />
<Off channel="8" event_type="Note On" control="64" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 1 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="72" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="60" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 2 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="61" value="106" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="61" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 3 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="62" value="40" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="62" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 4 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="63" value="56" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="63" value="0" />
<Output name="Cue Point 5 B">
<On channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="64" value="24" />
<Off channel="9" event_type="Note On" control="64" value="0" />

Not all controllers have RGB pads but that would probably make the output lighting even easier to be honest. I don't pretend to know, and I'm sure there's an easier way. It can be done in SSL now but It's not easy and it's not for the casual MIDI tinkerer. Having RGB or at least choosable/customizable colors for MIDI output lighting would be pimp. Especially now that cue point colors can be changed and Cues can be re-ordered in SDJ 1. It would be awesome if I could move a cue point and it's color moves with it on my controller. (see dropbox links above to see what I'm talking about.)
Dokumentary 10:43 PM - 16 August, 2014
I think we're on the right track here and I don't think it's as "advanced" as sounds. Something along these lines would be awesome for the Machine, APC 40, APC40mk2, Ableton Push guys.

Start with cues lighting up properly on pads. Then individual drop down lists of colors for other controls so people can customize their mixers/controllers to light up whatever colors they want. Then eventually we'll make a forum thread where people can post their custom output lighting .XMLs.

Everyone likes to customize right? Lol
Dokumentary 11:08 PM - 16 August, 2014
Oh I see what you mean now. More like mode selectors than shift buttons. I see how that can be useful.

Yeah you could call them selectors, scenes, layers, or just Button 1, Button 2, Button 3, Button 4, etc. Like in Mixemergency.

Doesn't matter what you call them. Actually it would be super cool to be able to rename them. In my case I'd name them Hot Cue, Slicer, Auto Loop, & Roll.

Maschine guys would probably name them A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.

Numark Orbit? Call it 1, 2, 3, 4 or K1, K2, K3, K4

It could even work as a scene selector for people who's controllers don't come with editors or only have one or two scenes (APC40). Us video guys would go nuts for this! Doesn't seem like it would be too advanced but what do I know?

Let's be really honest tho, The MIDI out and output lighting in SSL wasn't exactly ideal. We should be aiming higher if the goal is true customizability right?
Dokumentary 11:14 PM - 16 August, 2014
I've never typed more commas or posted more picture links in my life... Haha... Sorry if I'm hoarding this thread but this is one more feature that could leave Traktor in the dust if Serato gets it right.

+1 if you understand and agree pls.
Numark, Support
Numark Jason 3:59 PM - 19 August, 2014
Dj Wunder 5:42 AM - 21 August, 2014

I'd like my midi controller to show me when an effect is armed
The Return of Dj Sparky 5:31 PM - 21 August, 2014

When I drop this tune i'd like my midi controllers to be reppin too
polromeu 10:08 PM - 21 August, 2014
Sikwidityo 8:40 PM - 23 August, 2014
Le Frique 8:57 PM - 24 August, 2014

I'd like my midi controller to show me when an effect is armed

DJ Tapout 10:36 PM - 6 September, 2014
nikodb 9:34 AM - 20 September, 2014
The Despicable Nyan Cat 12:26 AM - 23 September, 2014
This would be a great feature......

But I fear that this would be a paid add-on. :/
Serato, Forum Moderator
Logan D 4:30 AM - 23 September, 2014
It won't be a paid add-on Despicable Nyan Cat.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 11:43 PM - 25 September, 2014
JonnyD'Lux 9:44 PM - 24 October, 2014
So... Let me get this straight... and I'm not trying to be a wise guy; I'm serious. I just read the whole thread (which is two years old) and MIDI OUT is still not available? By not having MIDI OUT my lights on a Traktor X1 will not sync with Serato DJ? I just updated to SDJ 1.7.1.

I'm just trying to confirm that SDJ 1.7.1 only accepts commands from my Traktor X1 but does not push the information back to my (non SDJ certified) MIDI controller.

Please advise.

-Jonny D'Lux
DJ Compiler 10:26 PM - 24 October, 2014
MIDI out was added to the 1.7.2 beta so you can be expecting it soon. I tried it with my Maschine. Works good
JonnyD'Lux 2:31 AM - 25 October, 2014
Why thank you kind sir for the response... I shall dabble in my studio with the BETA and get nasty with it... I'll report back with details after I pick up my new DJM 900 SRT next week.

Jonny D'Lux
LJ_WOOLSEY 3:44 AM - 31 October, 2014
MIDI OUT is now in SDJ 1.7.2 BETA Click HERE --->
zoomwire 1:45 PM - 31 October, 2014
It isn't. only midi output lightning.
LJ_WOOLSEY 1:49 PM - 31 October, 2014
It isn't. only midi output lightning.

and that is what midi out is.

You really need to open another feature request if you want midi CLOCK out.
lindsaymar 11:26 PM - 2 December, 2014
Does anyone have any word on if the midi output lighting in 1.7.2 works with Official Serato Devices (ie the Dicers.) Or are OSD's still restricted in the midi lighting area?
nikodb 12:00 AM - 3 December, 2014
Official Serato devices supported on DJ always had working lights....there was never any kind of restriction...are you reffering to a specific device, or is this a general question?
lindsaymar 3:55 AM - 3 December, 2014
Official Serato devices supported on DJ always had working lights....there was never any kind of restriction...are you reffering to a specific device, or is this a general question?

Sorry nikodb, I should have made my self clearer.
I was referring to using the shift buttons to be able to midi map some functions on the Dicers. In SSL it wouldn't remember the midi lighting output once mapped. And as I understood it, Midi Lighting Output wouldn't work on any of the Official Serato Devices if you tried to map them yourself.
You needed to own a 3rd party device or use 3rd party software to get midi lighting output to work. It was a shame then. I'm hoping it won't be a shame now.
Serato, Support
Karl Y 10:17 PM - 3 December, 2014
You can map the dicer shift pages including midi output. :-)
lindsaymar 3:40 AM - 4 December, 2014
You can map the dicer shift pages including midi output. :-)

I just tried 1.7.2 Beta and you're right. The buttons that I had mapped previous to 1.7.2 lit up exactly how they were supposed to. Nice work Serato! That's going to make life that much better. Cheers!
Musik Trends 5:56 AM - 9 December, 2014
DER_FICH 9:29 PM - 9 January, 2015